The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one hundred and twenty-eight. Speeding through Odford, floating astronomy

On October 12, 1966, the Axis National Army’s leading force advanced to Odford, which is only one step away from London.

Desperate General Gandra, arranged two British government infantry brigades and an armored regiment on the front line of Odford, unified command by General Denardo, and ordered the two wings of the army to quickly get rid of the guerrillas’ entanglement, to Oudeford In the direction of Germany, it is attempted to delay the advancement of the Axis.

General Dernardo is the cousin of Prime Minister Wilkins, and his loyalty does not have any problems. Although he did not have any extraordinary strengths in command, in the current situation, General Gandra would rather use a not-so-good general and must first ensure his loyalty.

As for General Dennaardo himself, it is also very clear that his fate is completely linked to the Fenton administration. He has no retreat. No matter how difficult the battle is, he must fight here to the last moment.

His family is also on the “Galaxy”. There is no news so far, but General Denaldo does not care. In his opinion, the family’s life is far more important than his personal career.

On the afternoon of the 12th, the “Skulls Lancer” troops appeared in Oldford under the command of Major Strup and launched a tentative attack on the British government at the first time. The propaganda campaign of Axis has never stopped, and a large number of flyers have been scattered on the positions of government troops, but it does not seem to have much effect. Everyone at Brittish here is ready to fight.

Major Strup is not a reckless person. He knows that there is no way to defeat the enemy in front of him with the power of a commando. After a brief attack, he quickly ordered the troops to enter a defensive posture. Waiting for the arrival of the main force.

In the air, the planes of the Axis National Army appeared uninterrupted, desperately smashing the steel to the enemy’s position. The rising fire, even the haze of the sky, was completely dispelled.

“The enemies here are a bit different.” On the night of the night, when the commander of the command of the General Assault Commander arrived at the battlefield, Major Strup reported as such: “They are determined to be very tenacious, our propaganda The offensive didn’t work at all, I think it can only be solved by fighting.”

General Kenner was not too surprised. Persuading to use the changes in the situation can play a role in many times, but not every time.

“In this case, use war to end it all.” General Kenner said quietly.

On October 13, 1966, the Axis Army, which was dominated by the German Armed Forces Skulls, wanted Odford to launch a large-scale offensive.

At this time, the entire British battlefield was full of battles. A large number of French troops, together with the British local guerrillas, fought together in the reinforcements of the Allied forces in London. They do not ask for how many enemies to destroy. It is only the greatest convenience for the war in London.

As for the enthusiasm of the Allied forces, it is obviously not high except for the direction of London. Most of them, including some senior commanders, are not optimistic about the prospects of war. There is even a feeling of pessimistic war. This point is very prominent in the war, and it can even be said that there are some passive absenteeism, and these emotional changes allow the Axis National Army to calmly achieve their operational purposes.

In the early morning of October 13, in the light rain of the patter. 3. The roaring armored vehicle launched a fierce attack on Oldford under the cover of artillery. . . . . .

General Dennaldo almost made up his skills and directed the troops to conduct defensive operations. However, as mentioned earlier, his command level is not very high, and he has not experienced several such battles. So from the beginning of the battle he let his troops fall into a hard battle.

On several occasions, he just issued an order. However, he quickly regretted it and temporarily issued a new order. As a result, the officers and soldiers were simply at a loss. Therefore, the entire government battlefield, the British government forces are seemingly chaotic.

However, although the command of the headquarters was full of complaints, the officers and men of these governments, like their commanders, were quite loyal to the Fenton administration. Even if the situation was so passive, they did not have any signs of giving up. Falling into the hands of the Axis, these British soldiers will also launch a counter-attack in desperation, trying to regain the position.

No matter what their position is, at least there is nothing. From the First World War, to the Second World War, to the Third World War, the British army has never missed any war. They have accumulated a lot of experience in the war, and the performance of the British army in every major battle is actually very good.

A force baptized after three world wars can also become a bright spot on the battlefield. . . . . .

General Chanal is not too anxious. For him, steady progress, steady advantage, and a little bit of this advantage is the most important.

One morning, the troops of both sides were strangled together, red-eyed killings, shells and bullets continually flying across the air, and each time they fell, they often took away a lot of lives. Even those recruits who have just joined the army will be boiled under such a war, completely forgetting life and death.

This is something that can’t be learned in any textbook. Only when you experience the battlefield yourself will you know what it is.

And although the British government’s performance is very brave, there is no doubt that they are losing the initiative of the battlefield, they lost a lot of armored vehicles in just one morning attack. The death and injury of the soldiers is even more shocking.

The air raid was the main cause of all this. The Allied Air Force seemed to have lost the courage to appear in the sky after the Battle of Southampton, which forced the British army in Oldford to lack air support. Hard fight.

General Dennardo asked the London side several times to give him sufficient air support, but every time he got the answer was almost the same: London was also bombed. The Allied air support forces are seriously inadequate.

Damn, this made General Denardo irritated. But now I am desperate on the front line, and those damn Americans can’t even satisfy their own little requirements?

He would not blame the Fenton administration at all. He knew that President Fenton and Prime Minister Wilkins were in awkward situations. If they wanted to ensure that London would not be lost, they must rely on the power of Americans. And those Americans, especially General Gandra, have already placed a large number of elite troops and almost all the support forces that can be used in the battlefield centered on London. we can even say. They may not think that Odford can successfully defend from the beginning.

Driven by such a state of mind, even if President Fenton or Prime Minister Wilkins wants to give General Denardo more help, there is no good way.

If this is the case, then let yourself create a miracle here. . . . . . General Denardo has set such a determination in his heart. . . . . .

Finally, Denardo once again rejected the enemy’s request for his own surrender. On the contrary, he put all the last reserve team in his hand into the battlefield. At this time, the British general has already opened the battle on the battlefield!

For the heroic of Denardo, Johnny is respectful. But for the command of the enemy commander, he is not flattering. In the eyes of Johnny, the enemy’s defense system is full of loopholes, and Denardo has no way to persist until tomorrow.

Yes, even if it can’t be adhered to tomorrow, Gennar is very sure of his judgment.

He rushed to the new force in the most tenacious position of the enemy’s defense, and continued to give the British government forces strong pressure. At the same time. The “Skulls Lancers” commanded by Major Stroop also began to move to the side of the British government. In the left wing of Oldford, Denaldo’s defensive power is astonishing. It seems that Denaldo has never cared about the enemy’s breakthrough from the flank.

This is a huge mistake, but for Denardo this is the limit he can do, the fiery battlefield. A wave of higher than one wave of attack, the British general of the Fenton administration was in a hurry. Innocent response, his lack of calm is also well reflected in his staff. His staff even seemed to be more panicked than their generals.

This is a qualified soldier, but definitely not a qualified commander!

At 12:30, the “Skulls Lancer” completed a breakthrough in the left wing of Oldford, cutting off the British army of Oldford into two parts, and the balance of victory has completely turned to the Axis.

After hearing the news, Dennaldo stayed there for at least 5 minutes and didn’t know what to do. There was a mess in his head and he couldn’t think of a response. Finished, it looks like it’s finished. From the time he was ordered to defend Odford, Dennaldo did not think he could succeed, but the failure to come so quickly still made him unimaginable.

The echo between the two brigades and an armored regiment was completely cut off. At this time, a whole brigade of the British government forces became a slap in the middle.

His chief of staff finally put forward a suggestion that sounded very good: ordered the Norad armored group to quickly tear open a hole in Germany and rescue the besieged troops. But after a long period of thinking, Denardo rejected this suggestion:

“I don’t think that Norad’s armored group has the ability to do this, and even if they succeeded, the Germans could quickly close their mouths, so even the Norad armored group would fall into a terrible encirclement. In this case, Mr. Tras, why should they let them suffer the same fate as us?”

Chief of Staff Trass nodded silently. He is very able to understand the feelings of General Denardo. He is not only brave in combat, but also very much cherishes his soldiers. If it is not necessary, he is not willing to see his subordinates sacrificed in vain.

“Our two brigades are completely surrounded by encirclement and lack all the support we urgently need.” General Denaldo said slowly: “It is not realistic to expect support from London now, Tesla. Before the enemy completes the complete encirclement, the soldiers are ordered to break through.”

Break through? Tesla was shocked: “General, now I think what we should do is to defend on the spot. If they break through, the troops will fall into complete chaos and we will be defeated in the shortest possible time.”

General Dennaldo shook his head slowly: “No. I still insist on my orders. This is their only chance to survive. And, in my order, I have to add one. I allow all the officers.” And the soldiers surrendered to our enemies on the spot.”

Tesla sighed deeply, knowing that the commander’s determination could not be changed. . . . . .

At 13:30 on October 13, 1966, the commander of the British government army, General Dnarardo, issued an order to break through. In just a short half-day, the British army in Oldford collapsed under the powerful offensive of the Axis.

At this time, the entire British army in the battlefield of Oldford had become a mess. They rushed out of their positions and panicked for a breakout route. And more people have chosen to surrender.

prior to. They are willing to fight to the end, but when there is a major turning point in the battlefield, even if their commanders lose confidence, the change in mentality is inevitable. However, the way these British soldiers choose to surrender is still intriguing. Most of them chose to surrender to the First Division of the Royal British Army, not the Germans.

In fact, if you think about it, they have no choice but to surrender to Brittish anyway. Not the Germans. This probably makes them more psychologically acceptable.

Gennar can’t care who the enemy is surrendering to. In his opinion, he only wants one: victory!

The British army of Oldford collapsed completely. By the time of nightfall, there was only one platoon of troops left by General Denardo. He had no preparations for surrender, and he asked himself to go back to London no matter how difficult it was, there. Even if he is an ordinary soldier, he can fight the same!

Gunshots are everywhere in all directions, although they are much more sporadic than during the day.

Those damn enemies are probably cheering their victory in Oldford, and General Denardo is annoyed.

“Hey, who!” Suddenly, a gunshot rang.

General Denardo and the people around him hurried to the ground. They saw that a large number of Germans appeared.

General Dennaldo smiled bitterly. In the end, let these Germans discover.

Perhaps this place will be your own burial place. In such a situation, General Denardo became calm. Looking at the side, there is less than one row of troops, and in any case, it is not the opponent of these Germans. He whispered to his men: “Hey, boys, you have completed your mission and can now surrender.”

“No, general, we are fighting with you.”

When he heard this, General Denardo was touched, but he shook his head stubbornly: “The boys, the battle is over, listen, the battle is over. You are still so young, you should not die so early. As a general, I ordered you to let go of your arms and surrender!”

His soldiers met with each other and then sighed at the same time. . . . . .

One soldier after another threw away the weapon in his hand and left his hand with his hands raised. General Dennaardo looked around and found that only Tesla did not leave. He was trying to speak. Tesla said with a smile. “General, I am your chief of staff, you can’t have a way to get a chief of staff to leave.”

General Dennaldo also smiled: “If this is the case, let us die together. Ah, Tesla, I think I am probably not a good commander.”

Tesla solemnly nodded. “Yes, general. At this point, I have to tell you frankly that if you only look at it from the command point of view, you are not qualified. But this does not hinder me. Respect for you. Not many generals are able to think about his men at the last moments of life.”

“But what about that?” General Denaldo said bitterly: “I still failed. I can’t create a miracle on the battlefield. Tesla, I will take full responsibility for this failure. Now I think we should end each other’s lives by shooting each other.”

He and Tesla slowly pulled out the gun and pointed it at the gun.

“Goodbye, my dear Tesla!”

“Goodbye, my dear general.”

Two dull guns rang.

At 21:00 on the night of October 13, 1966, the British government’s Odford theater commander, General Dnarardo, and his chief of staff, Colonel Tesla, shot each other while surrounded by no possibility of escape.

If the command of General Denardo is not worth mentioning, his bravery and loyalty are worthy of respect. After hearing the news of the general’s suicide, the surrendering British soldiers made a request to accept the remains of the general and the staff.

Major Stroop agreed to their request. To be honest, he also retains sufficient respect for General Denardo, a commander who can protect his soldiers on the battlefield and who can guarantee the dignity of the military in the most tragic way of suicide is always worthy of respect. .

The battle in Oldford ended in the quickest way, and the door to London has been opened. No one can stop the powerful Axis National Army from marching into London.

The ancient city of London, under the threat of the muzzle, is about to bloom the most splendid fireworks!

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