The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand eighty-four. Lu Xi’s death, floating astronomy

General Gandra and Wang Weizhen discussed a lot of work problems, and then he suddenly sighed.

“What happened? General?”

“Yeah, it is indeed a problem.” General Gandra has completely regarded “Mr. Moyol” as his friend: “I once told you that I have a very rebellious son. Kako, I always have a headache for him, but this time he has caused me a lot of trouble. Yesterday, my colleague in New York told me that his troubles are not relying on the strength of the military to let him It’s offended.”

Wang Weizhen is fully aware of what happened.

Shukako was involved in a murder case and was a murder that shocked the United States.

On a night in the streets of New York, a black boy, Lucy, was beaten. Then, the body of the black boy Lucy was found in a trash can. The body looked scarred and terrible. Lucy’s mother had been living with her son since she was a child. After she learned the news, her spirit completely collapsed. She finally chose to commit suicide.

At this time in New York, because of the impact of the economic crisis, everyone’s heart is full of anger and jealousy, and Lucy’s death gave them a great opportunity to vent this feeling. Prior to the addition of Martin Luther King, the black Americans were struggling for their own rights. The death of Lucy caused the anger of the blacks to break out.

The rare union of whites and blacks was united, and they marched in anger and demanded a thorough investigation. Punish the murderer and let Lucy mother and son rest in peace. The reporters also flocked to New York and watched the tension of the matter closely.

Under strong public opinion and social pressure. Almost all of the New York Police Department was involved in the investigation of the case, and they quickly seized the three white youths who committed the crime. These are the three white young people who usually do nothing. They are drunk at night, then they meet Lucy, and then there is such a tragedy.

The perpetrators were punished, and things ended here, but soon the case turned around a few days later. Three white young men bitten a white man named Shukako Gandra, who also participated in the assault. And he was the mastermind, and even he killed Lucy himself.

The police caught Sukaka without much effort and found a murder weapon in his home. Coupled with the simultaneous testimony of three witnesses, Shukako was arrested.

Shukako refused to admit that he had any relationship with Lucy’s death and told the police that he was drinking at a bar that night, where the buddy could prove his innocence.

But what Lucy did not expect was. Everyone in the bar confirmed that Shukako did not appear in the bar that day.

Shukako became the main perpetrator of Lucy’s death!

Although Shukako has been shouting for himself. But it seems to have been useless. Subsequently, the “New York Times” even withdrew from a blockbuster: Shukako is the son of the US military’s top commander in the United Kingdom, General Gandra!

American society is in vain! A general’s son turned out to be a despicable racist and murderer… Can’t cover the general’s son, the American society once again issued such a cry!

“The death of Lucy” quickly began to heat up, and almost everyone was talking about the relationship between Lucy and Shukako. Even a few senators have publicly told reporters that no matter what kind of identity Shukako has and what kind of background he has, he must get the punishment he deserves. No one can cover him. They will pay close attention to the progress of this matter.

Wang Weizhen calmly listened to General Gandra, who actually knew what it was like… The death of Lucy was a very accidental event. It is also a manifestation of racial discrimination in white Americans, but Paris in the United States has seized this opportunity. It is too easy to marry a person with the power of the Wittgenstein family. All the people involved were bought by Paris with money or threats. No one can testify for poor Shukako. Shukako simply did not know how such a terrible thing happened…

“My son can’t kill!” General Gandra said with great certainty: “He has done a lot of bad things, but killing is absolutely impossible for him. Don’t ask me why I am so sure, I am his father, I Know my son!”

This is a father’s strong confidence in his son… Sometimes the source of this confidence is where even the parties can’t tell…

Wang Weizhen faintly said: “General, are you not asking me to eat? I think we can discuss this issue carefully when we eat.”

General Gandra thanked him with a dignified silence…


“The tricky thing about this is that you are a general…” Wang Weizhen took a sip of his drink: “If Shukako’s father is just an ordinary person, then the public opinion will not be so boiling, the reporters and senators. I will not stare at this thing, knowing that the ordinary people of the elite class always have a strange attitude, and the death of Lucy is the best embodiment of this mentality. General, I am very good for you. The son is worried.”

General Gandra looked very sad: “Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, I don’t know what to do now. The Ministry of Defense has called me, and I don’t want to accept interviews with reporters on this matter, and don’t comment. I don’t even want to go to see Shukko in the prison. But I know that my son has not done such a terrible thing… Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, can you understand my mood at this time?”

“I can fully understand.” Wang Weizhen said: “When you look at your son’s suffering, but you can’t do anything, this mood is very desperate. General, I think maybe I can help you a little. ”

General Gandra’s eyes lit up… Yes, why didn’t he think of Colonel Moyol? He is a senior investigator of the Army Intelligence Agency. Although the person in the heart is not in the United States, he must have many friends in the United States, and there are many forces that can be used.

Originally, General Gandra did not ask for help. But this has already affected the life and death of his son Shukako. He had consulted a lawyer about the matter, and the lawyer’s answer made him desperate. Shukako may have been sentenced to death for a number of murders. The most optimistic result is life imprisonment.

There are not many friends around General Gandra, and all his activities are centered around the army. When this happened, he did not know who to look for. The military that has helped him many times, this time, I am afraid to avoid it. This is not a small case like stealing. It is a murder case that sensationalizes the entire United States!

In particular, it also involves black issues that are very sensitive to American society. After the Little Rock incident, the black American issue has received serious attention from the society.



The Little Rock incident was a sign of the rise of the black movement after the war, which indicates that the fight against racial discrimination will flourish.

If “the death of Lucy” cannot be properly handled, under the influence of the current US climate, it may become a serious social disorder.

General Gandra fully understood this truth, which is the source of his concern for his son, and now Lieutenant Colonel Moyol gave him a hope.

“I have many powerful friends in the United States.” Wang Weizhen repeated his words again: “I believe that you as a father’s intuition, a father will not misread his son. General, please stay here with peace of mind. The problem of Shukako will be handed over to me.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, I don’t know how to express my gratitude.” General Gandra said very seriously: “I don’t know much about you, but you have been selfless to me again and again. Providing help. I am just a soldier, I don’t know what will help you in the future.”

“We are friends, generals.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “Between friends, you should not say the word for reciprocation. However, maybe one day I will actually have something to ask for your help.”

General Gandra can swear that no matter what problems Moses offers in the future, he will do everything he can to provide Lieutenant Colonel Moyor with any help he needs…


New York, 1966 years.

The influence of “The Death of Lucy” is rapidly heating up. It is important to know that after entering the 60 era, African Americans have raised their struggle to the form of violence in order to fight for their rights.


1965年3月21-25日。Martin .路德.金在军队保护下,领导3000多群众由塞尔马向蒙哥马利和平进军。1965年8月11-19日,在洛衫矶的瓦茨区发生黑人武装狙击军警暴行的事件。同年8月12日。在芝加哥的湖西区也发生了黑人同2000军警的两天武装冲突。这一年黑人武装抗暴斗争发展到9个城市。

After the outbreak of “Lu Xi’s death”, the “Black Panther Party” was established.

The Panther Party is also an activist anti-racism and political equality organization. It was founded in Oakland, California, where two black students, Huy Newton and Bobby Sil, founded the radical organization. The Black Panther Party organized an armed patrol. Most of its members came from the lower levels of the Black Zone. They claimed to be pioneers of the black revolution, but their actual impact was far less than they thought.

At this time, a self-proclaimed “Paris” found the founders of the Panthers, Huey Newton and Bobby Sil.

These two black American youths who have just been 23 years old this year. In addition to their radical thoughts, they don’t know how to properly lead the Panther Party. Many things inside and outside the party have made them overwhelmed. The appearance of the white Paris also made them almost have the urge to kill each other.

“The police are nearby. So at this time you have to be calm.” Faced with the fierce look of the two black youths, Paris looked very calm: “And, I am not your enemy, I am here to help you. ”

“Help us?” Huey and Bobby became hesitant.

“I dream of hope. People are born equal; I dream of hope. The son of the former slave and the son of the former slave owner will sit down at a table like a brother. I dream of hope, this country will one day They will no longer be judged according to their character, but by their character.”

When Paris read the famous quote of Martin Luther King, the attitude of Huey and Bobby changed. Ah, probably not all white people are bad guys. At least the white man in front of him can still recite the speech of Martin Luther King.

“Oh, I know that your organization is now experiencing tremendous difficulties.” Paris said slowly: “What are the most necessary prerequisites for maintaining a party? Funds! What are you most lacking? Funds! Gentlemen, The revolution is not successful with its full blood, it needs comprehensive planning. What is more needed is the support behind a powerful person.

Huey and Bobby are puzzled: “Strong people? We don’t recognize such people.”

Paris smiled: “I think such a powerful person is standing in front of you at this moment.”

He took out a cheque for $10,000 and handed it to Huey: “This will represent a little sincerity to me. I think this will also help you.”

Huey and Bobby don’t know what to say. It’s okay. They need money now and need more money than ever. The people in the Panther Party, eating and drinking Lazar every day, are not a small expense. The funds raised by the funds have been used up. When they are most guilty, a white man gives him so much. s help. You must know that because of the problem of money, even some people in the Panther Party have proposed to rob.

Hell, Huey and Bobby, even if they are impulsive, will know that this will cause serious dissatisfaction with black sympathizers…

“Mr. Paris, you really make us so grateful.” Huey’s title changed at the same time: “We couldn’t believe it a few minutes ago, a white man would actually provide us with such help, God. How can we thank you?”

“I think this is what I should do.” Paris said very calmly: “I just want to make a suggestion to you, why can’t you get the respect you deserve? Because you have never made any major events. You Can’t let others know about your existence.”

Huey and Bobby nodded helplessly, and they knew the problem, but they could hardly think of a solution.

“Bully, use force to gain your legitimate rights!” Paris raised his voice: “In Oakland, you are not alone in the United States. There are many black groups doing the same with you. Things. Force, repeated force, let white people recognize your existence, let the US government pay attention to your existence! Merritt College is a black student, and all of Kasley College are white students, they enjoy the far They are more despised than you, and even the students who graduated from Kasley College are far more likely to find work than you. Gentlemen, do you think this is fair?”

“No, it’s not fair!” Huey and Bobby shouted out at the same time: “They always look at us with discriminatory eyes. They always abuse us in various occasions. They enjoy the privilege and the power to work is also They dominated, and blacks can only find the most despicable job at the bottom!”

Paris said one word at a time: “Then fight for the legitimate rights you deserve!” (To be continued, please search h astrolog W, the novel is better updated faster!

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