The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! One hundred and seven. Brittish’s testimony, floating astronomy

“The 42nd Battalion Commander of the 42nd East Lans Division in the United Kingdom – Lieutenant Colonel Rosen!”

When this sound started, countless incredible exclamations rang.

Lieutenant Colonel Rosen! Lieutenant Colonel Rosen, who was let go of Baron Alexson!

Prior to this, no one, including Wang Weizhen, would have thought that the British Lieutenant Colonel Rosen would appear in Berlin and appear in court.

And now this incredible thing has really happened.

Rosen looked very calm: “I am very sorry, in fact, I should come earlier, but you have to know that it is not easy for a Brittish to enter Germany, especially to enter Berlin. Fortunately, the police we met, when I heard that we came to testify for Baron Alexson and gave us the greatest convenience…”

“The German policeman is the best policeman in the world, you are very fortunate, Lieutenant Colonel Rosen.” The serious Marquis of Yorko Marquis will also make a joke that is not so funny, which makes the court atmosphere a little easier. Some, but then Felix resumed his serious expression:

“Do you know that an officer of a belligerent country is here, will he be arrested, Lieutenant Colonel Rosen?”

“I and my companions know and understand what we will face, but we think we should do something for Baron Alexson to express our gratitude.” Lieutenant Colonel Rosen calmly.

“So well, please stand up to the witness stand.”

Felix asked Rosen to stand on the witness stand, and his companions were arranged to sit down, and then Felix asked: “You can tell me why I am here.”

“Yes, Marquis.” Colonel Rosen didn’t care where he was now: “I was in the past, but I got a message that the enemy’s captain, Ernst Breem, was captured for treason. I was surprised. How did the creator of the Somme miracle betray the country? When I learned that he was arrested because he was released and was suspected of being a British spy, my conscience was condemned. I feel that I must be obligated to do everything I know. speak out……”

“I don’t believe your words, Lieutenant Colonel Rosen.” Marklin interrupted his words: “A senior enemy of an enemy country will risk his life to testify for his enemies?”

“We are soldiers, and the soldiers fight for their own country. On the battlefield, if I have the chance, I will not hesitate to shoot and kill Baron Alexson, but now it has nothing to do with war, but about the honor of a soldier, it is about one. The conscience of an upright person. If I don’t come, I will not be worthy of being an upright person. I will be spurned by all those who know the truth! Mr. Lawyer, I think the idea of ​​upright people may not be understood!” Lieutenant Colonel Rosen Responding unreasonably.

This is another humiliation that Marklin has suffered today.

Rosen stopped paying attention to him: “But I hesitated too. I thought about what would happen if I came to Berlin? I will be arrested and then wait until the end of the war in the prison camp. Should I do this? I told myself that if I chose to escape, then my life would be spent in shame and self-blame. I gathered all the wounded who returned to the hospital on the ground that day and told them about it. I expected that they all agreed to come to Berlin to testify for Baron Alexson…”

When it comes to this, Felix said: “Please allow me to express a German respect for you, Lieutenant Colonel Rosen. You have no place to blame on the conduct, no matter what the situation is for you, You are all upright gentlemen.”

“Thank you, Marquis.” Colonel Rosen didn’t seem to think that this was great: “Let me tell you something about what happened that day…”

Everything that happened on his careful day was said. How did the Germans suddenly launch the shelling, how the army of Ernst Breem occupied the position of the 43rd Battalion defense, how he and his companions were injured, and how Ernst Breem agreed to their request and escorted them back in person. of……

“I sincerely praise God and let us meet Baron Alexson.” At this time Lieutenant Colonel Rosen has become sobbing: “I never thought I would encounter such an enemy. Just like I am in the dark. In the desperate situation, an angel suddenly appeared to save me. No, it is us! Thank you, Ernst Alexson von Breem. All the officers and men of the 42nd battalion of the 42nd East Lans in England can’t forget you, no matter the court will team you What kind of judgment is made, you are our eternal benefactor!”

Some women in the gallery have already had tears in their eyes, and even those who are determined will not sigh.

It is a privilege to be able to get such praise from the enemy.

Lieutenant Colonel Rosen stabilized his emotions: “The people I brought are willing to testify for Baron Alexson. At the same time, I also brought a personal letter from General East Monster, General Monlington.”

After that, he submitted a letter and submitted it.

Felix carefully read the letter and told everyone: “This is a letter from General Montréal, in which General Monlington proved the words of Baron Alexson and the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Rose… and he said If necessary, he can personally meet with our representatives at the junction of the two armies…”

The snoring sounded.

Baron Alexson is desecrated. He has no treason. He is just doing what a gentleman should do.

“What makes me wonder is why do you doubt Baron Alexson?” Lieutenant Colonel Rosen said at last: “If there is such a hero in the UK, we will cheer for him, and no rumors can offset us. Dear. Baron Alexson is standing in the court at this time is really incredible.”

The court was silent.

After the meeting, Felix sighed: “I feel ashamed of myself…”

At this time, Schlaf suddenly stood up and asked: “Lieutenant Colonel Rosen, please allow me to ask you another question. How do you think about Baron Alexson’s performance in the ‘Somme Miracle’?”

“Genius, or the devil.” Lieutenant Colonel Rosen did not hide his emotions: “You call him the creator of the miracle, and we call him the devil, God, this is only God can create. miracle!”

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something: “Why, do you still doubt this miracle?”

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