The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! One hundred and five. Ernst’s counterattack, floating astronomy

November 6, 1916, 1 pm.

When the Marquis of Yorko Marquis re-announced the trial, the new frontal contest between the two sides began.

The inferiority of the morning has made Marklin feel a crisis. He decided not to wait, but took the initiative. After the announcement of Felix, Marklin directly entered the theme:

“Somme’s miracle may have caused us some misunderstandings. I hope that Baron Alexson will not be mindful. I am also willing to apologize for this. But, we are now accusing Baron Alexson of his treason! He let go. The enemy commanded a close person and let go of an enemy’s senior general!”

His screaming voice seemed to vent all the morning anger, and it seemed like this screaming to convict the other party.

Wang Weizhen quietly listening, he began to believe that the excellent German lawyers in this era are very rare. This sentence is true. With the performance of Marklin, how can he be nailed to the shame column?

For the entire twenty minutes, Marklin was there to perform, and Wang Weizhen’s side protested and there was no rebuttal.

Finally, Marklin finished what he said, and then respectfully said to Felix: “The venerable Marquis of Yorko, no doubt, Baron Alexson’s treason is established, I beg you to plead guilty, as for Whether he will be exiled or hanged will depend entirely on your ruling…”

Felix’s gaze fell on Wang Weizhen’s body: “Baron Alexson, do you admit to these allegations?”

“No, I refuse to admit these false accusations!” Wang Weizhen stood up.

Everyone’s attention is concentrated on him, and everyone knows:

Baron Ernst Alexson von Breem is ready to defend himself.

He has been silent for too long, now, it is time for him to shoot!

Felix nodded. “In view of your aristocratic status, I allow you to speak without limit, defend yourself and win all your rights.”

Wang Weizhen smiled. The identity of the nobility is really good. This means that you can say what you want to say, and you don’t have to worry about being interrupted.

“I have let go of a British China named Rosen. I have never denied this.” Wang Weizhen’s opening remarks were so frank and surprising, but he immediately said to Felix: “Premier York Soo Marquis, can I ask you a question?”

“I think you should ask the other lawyer or witness.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Yes, but they are not qualified, only the ‘sword of justice’ can answer.”

The laughter was heard on the auditorium, and the faces of Marklin and Nikolai looked very ugly. Ernst actually humiliated them so nakedly in France?

Felix sank and then nodded slowly.

Wang Weizhen’s tone is extremely calm: “If you fight with your enemy, when the other party has been seriously injured, will you continue to take his life? Please note that this enemy is a person you hate very much, distinguished Yorko Marquis adults.”

Felix was silent for a long time before he said: “This question is difficult to answer. If I really hate each other, then I want to kill him from my heart. But in fact, I will spare He waited for him to raise a wound and then rejoined him with a fight. I think every honest gentleman with a fair and compassionate heart will do that.”

“Thank you, the distinguished Marquis of Yorko.” Wang Weizhen said calmly: “I want everyone in the room to make the same choice as the Marquis. Because the Germans are in the will, the quality, the morality, It is more noble than any of our enemies…”

Most of the Germans who were listening to it showed a satisfied smile, and Ernst’s words made them feel that being a German was so proud.

“And what I do is nothing but what every German can do. Fair, compassionate, and upright.” Wang Weizhen finally told everyone in the room that he really wanted to say:

“On that day, after we seized the enemy’s position, we captured a large number of Brittish, including Lieutenant Colonel Rosen. This is not wrong with me. But Colonel Nikolai seems to have deliberately ignored the fact that it was then One of the arms of Lieutenant Colonel Rosen has been blown up under the powerful German artillery bombardment…”

An exclamation sounded and Nikolai’s face became more ugly.

“Quiet, please keep quiet!” Felix quieted everyone: “Baron Alexson, you can continue to talk.”

“Yes.” Wang Weizhen continued to calmly and calmly said: “At the time, the troops I commanded were far away from our large forces because of the speed of the assault. There was no battlefield hospital around. We only had one doctor. The nearest to us. It was Brittish’s field hospital! Lieutenant Colonel Rosen was very wounded, so I had to face two choices at the time. One was to do the duty of the soldiers and continue to treat him as a prisoner. Then there is no doubt that he will not be able to get it. He died of treatment. Another option is to do what every honest German can do, let him go, and send him and some seriously wounded back to Brittish…”

He paused: “I chose the latter. If it is a sin to present the best qualities of the Germans to the enemy, then even if the court hangs me now, I have no complaints…”

“Do you have a witness, Baron Alexson?” Felix reminded him.

“All those who fight with me can testify for me…”

Just as Wang Weizhen was ready to continue, two voices were uploaded in the gallery: “The honorable Marquis of Yorko, we can also testify for him.”

Wang Weizhen looked at the back. He saw the sergeant Spro and Sergeant Exxon, who went with him to the position that day!

How did they come?

“Witnesses please come forward.” Felix asked them to go to the witness stand: “Please report your identity.”

“The 16th Regiment of the Bavarian Infantry supplemented the military sergeant Spro.”

“I am a pastor, Axon.”

“Well, talk about what you saw at the time.”

Sergeant Sprock took the lead and said: “I can prove that the British Lieutenant Colonel named Rosen was very heavy, and I was reminded of Captain Ernst that we lacked the necessary medical conditions. If the prisoners could not receive timely treatment, I am afraid. It is difficult for them to survive.”

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