The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand and eight. Death junction, floating astronomy

It has become the grave of the Americans.

After a group of Steinman lurking to the side of the US military, he squatted in a trench on either side of the road, waiting for the fighter.

“Prepare for action.” Steinman ordered the gun. At this point of the fork, a large team of American infantry is relying on the wreckage of the Tank to collaborate with the British Tank against the British.

“Have a hurry and you will watch the six-piece continuous flame at the junction of the road and fire on the lot!”

“Okay! Try to stay away from the killing range!”

Steinman took out the rangefinder: “53 meters ahead, 13 Tank, Ruth, 6 rocket launcher! Open fire!”

The 6 rocket hit the tank’s weakest back armor, causing an explosion directly, raising six flames.

“Flame direction! Open fire!” The hoop tears the white cockroach aluminum 嘶鞣 12.

“Boom!” The 3 door assault fired at the same time. In less than three seconds, the shell hit the fork. Excessive power erased all the tanks and infantry in the killing range. Some nearby Tanks and infantry were directly rolled out by powerful flames, while some of the Tanks were directly overturned by the gale, and the infantry was in the shock wave and shrapnel. The killing and wounding of a piece of the United States, only the 3 shells were completely erased. Three huge craters appeared in the junction of the fork, and the parts and wreckage of the American Tank were scattered all over the place, and the infantry could not see a whole corpse.

Steinman woke up from a short coma and patted his head with his hand: “Are you alright?”

Just the power of the Mordel assaults reached them, and the shock wave directly stunned them. Fortunately, the American infantry around them were erased. Otherwise, it was extremely dangerous. Now, it is time for them to appreciate the masterpieces.

“God! So amazing!” Ruth looked at the horror in front of him and couldn’t help but express his feelings.

“Wild Cat No. 1, Wild Cat No. 1, I heard you please reply.” In the headset, there was a hoop to say Nayin. Steinman bowed and quickly reacted. This is the common nickname of every detachment of the German army. : “Wild Cat No. 3, here is the number one, we are now in a trench…”

“Contact!” Cole pushed Steinman away and grabbed the sniper rifle in his hand and turned to the darkness behind him. The “砰砰砰砰” number of shots, several American infantry fell from the darkness, everyone was stunned.

“We were discovered.” Ruth regained the scope, which was a slight footstep in the darkness of the rear, which seemed to be deliberately covering up.

A team of American infantry rushed out of it.

“哒哒哒哒哒哒”, Ruth’s weapon spurts the fire tongue, and Jonnie and Sasha’s guns are also ringing. In such a close range, every bullet fired by each person is extremely penetrating. The bullet penetrated the armor of the American infantry, penetrated the body, and then hit the American infantry in the rear. In just a few seconds, a group of American infantry fell. The undecided 5 personal face, nodded to each other, and then removed toward the jungle. In the jungle, the shells roared, the machine gun creaked, the sound of the shell hit the metal plate, the metal twisted sound, the Tank explosion, the infantry screams, and the whole jungle was undergoing a fierce battle. . . . . .

The British bunker hidden in the bushes is against the waves of American tanks and infantry, and the jungle has long been covered with the wreckage of the Tank. The Steinman group dared to shrink into the jungle.

Steinman looked around for a moment: “Ready to lurk in the pit, we have to shoot a cold gun.” Steinman said wearing a camouflage suit in the jungle, Cole also set up a sniper rifle, and Jonis armed with a rifle to guard against Ruth put the machine gun on the ground, took off the bursting rocket launcher on the back, and opened the high-powered telescope on the left with his right hand.

“Sasha, you are responsible for observing the target with a range finder.” Steinman said he threw the rangefinder to Sasha.

“The show is on stage.”

“Tank team, 11 clock direction, 255 meters.” Sasha first discovered the American Tank in front.

“Rus, chill gun.” When Steinman finished, the 6 rocket flew out of the rocket launcher on Russ’s shoulder. Unexpectedly, the American Tank, which was flanked by the enemy, was all hit by a side explosion. The remaining Tanks panicked and began to pose, responding to the German sneak attack.

“Cole, knock out the Tank track shoe.”

The large-caliber bullets of “砰砰砰” broke the track of the US Army Tank and made it impossible to move. Then the British bunker began to name the American Tank that lost its ability to move.

“That’s it, with the British army.” Steinman’s sniper rifle began to kill the American infantry in the jungle.

Due to the excessive firepower of the British troops in the jungle, the American infantry completely ignored the attack of the Germans, and the American infantry who served as the fire support and commander in the offensive became the main target of Steinman.

“3 tube gun! 10 point direction!”

“砰砰砰砰” Steinman fired a long shot, and a gun group was knocked out. Then, Steinman turned his gun and continued to kill the unsuspecting American artillery team. A bullet fired at the American artillery, knocking down the American artillery one by one, and the bullet hitting the laser cannon caused the laser cannon to explode. A series of explosions raised a huge flame, completely illuminating the US military in the jungle. This attracted more intense gunfire from the British.

“Hanging and firing at the jungle.” Steinman saw a large number of American tanks and infantry with fire, and immediately directed the artillery to attack.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” 3 sent 380 millimeter shells at the same time to hit a jungle. Just after an explosion, a large group of American infantry and Tank flew into the sky with a thick trunk. There was a large vacancy in the US military in the jungle.

“Romeo! There is a gap in the US military on the left side of the jungle. You can organize the Tank counterattack!” Steinman finally saw the vacancies of the US military. In order to end the attack of this wavelength time as soon as possible, Steinman began to organize the Tank counterattack.

There was no reply from Romeo in the headset. This is because a large group of trees fell to the ground, and a team of British Tanks rushed down like a tiger, rushing into the vacancy at 45 kilometers per hour. It is like a person being stabbed in the heart. The impact of the British team’s Tank has caused the US military’s attack on the left side of the jungle to be completely chaotic. The US left-wing team, which has already suffered a lot of damage, is unable to resist this counterattack. Had to rush to retreat.

At this time, there was a strange sound in the air, but this was not the whistling of the shells. . . . . .

“Missile!” Several missiles fell straight in the air, followed by a big explosion in the jungle. A strange cloud resembling a mushroom cloud rose over the jungle. Another missile fell, but it was at the fork. After that, the wreckage of the Tank that was originally blocked at the intersection was completely destroyed into parts, and the road was unblocked except for the crater.

“Captain! What’s going on!” Corbe stunned his head, his head was sore, and his trepidation made his forehead kissed directly by the sniper rifle. . . . . .

“Missile attack, this is good… the left side of the road is finished…” Steinman pulled off his camouflage suit and stood up, shaking his body.

“Just… I was kissed by a gun. Why, there is an affair on the battlefield?” Cole still remembers humor in the battlefield.

“The captain… How do you say that the left side of the road is finished?” Russ put away the rocket launcher and prepared to withdraw the jungle that was no longer safe.

“The US military really uses the huge casualties of the infantry and the Tank to detect the British military’s firepower configuration, and then according to the configuration, the missile is attacked, in order to quickly erase the position in the jungle. In addition, if I look at the map without mistakes, After the left side of the jungle position was captured, if the US military returned to the left wing, it would circle the rear of the Sancha intersection, thus cutting off our connection with the city, that is, cutting off the road.” Steinman just finished, the number fell again in the sky The missile, but most of the missiles hit the British bunker accurately, resulting in a chain explosion, which means that the British army’s bunker in the jungle was completely destroyed by missiles, which also means that the left jungle is about to fall, the flank faces The danger of opening the hole.

“Cole, we five people are withdrawing from here, fast.”

Steinman said as he picked up the rifle and ran out, and the four followed. “It’s bad!” Steinman suddenly exclaimed.

“Romeo, where is your team’s Tank going?” Steinman remembered the team’s Tank, and the British’s Tank was not much. The Tank is also definitely precious, but from the current situation, the team The tank is fierce.

“Lost contact! We lost contact with the left position! For the time being, leave them! You are about to withdraw there! There is no way to keep it!” Romeo knew that the deterioration of the war situation was inevitable, not to mention that they had caused such losses to the US military. But he can’t help but feel sorry for the death of so many brothers. The war has ruined the hope of happiness in the hearts of many people.

“…I understand…” Steinman’s face was low, and I don’t know why. At this time, his heart was sour and a little angry. He swallowed: “Romeo, are you going to give up?”

Romeo didn’t think that Steinman would ask him so straightforwardly. He didn’t know how to respond, and he casually responded: “I will talk later.”

“Can your brother’s life be said later?” Steinman snorted.

Romeo was shocked, and the four people around him were stunned. They saw the captain so angry for the first time. “Tell me, give up or stick to it! Pick one! Your brother’s life is responsible!” Steinman values ​​his brotherhood, his hands and feet, his brother’s life is more important than money in his eyes, and now the line of defense has been shaken, already There is no need to sacrifice more people, and in his opinion, any sergeant should be responsible for his subordinates, especially since he has made promises.

“If we give up this line of defense, isn’t the city exposed?” Romeo was worried, although he knew that the fall of the left jungle would not have a big impact on the Sancha intersection defense line, but here he No soldiers can be adjusted, and most of the fortifications in the jungle have been destroyed. They can’t keep it, but the US military can advance to the British side through the lost jungle, so that the British army’s retreat can be cut off. In that case, no. The defenders who face the three-sided siege can only choose two words – retreat.

“Then you are afraid, I will take people to drag them, you will withdraw to the city, how?” Steinman could not bear the anger of Romeo, he did not expect Romeo to be so weak, indecisive, to know, this When the US military in the jungle was starting to attack again.

“Well… we are destroying the fortifications and withdrawing to the city. What equipment do you need?”

“Give me twelve tanks, just a regular Tank company, you can withdraw.” Steinman waved his hand to Cole and Hiroshi returned to the bunker to stand by.

“Brothers, listen to me!”

“Yes!” The voice of the German army was neat. “Now, the British army wants to withdraw the city, we are responsible for the cover, this counter-impact, Tank open the road, the infantry then, the destination is at the fork, and then the ring formation, unified listening to my command, understand?”

“Understand!” The Germans shouted again.

The British military positions at the three intersections of “Booming and Booming” brought a huge explosion, the flames burst into the sky, the bunker debris, the weapons wreckage rushed into the sky, and the three-way intersection defense line carefully constructed by the British army was handled by the British army. Gray fly smoke. . . . . .

The British infantry boarded a small number of personnel carriers and the Tank began to slowly withdraw to the city. Because it is not far from the city, the British army only needs to march 20 minutes to reach, and these 20 minutes will be for the Germans. The crucial 20 minutes, and for the US military, will be their most impressive impression of the death junction.

The Steinman group walked to the scheduled assembly site and saw the German soldiers who were still bleeding.

“Is there any casualties in the hoop?”

“There is no death, there are more than a dozen different degrees of injury.” Steinman twitched his face after listening, and said to all the Germans: “Everyone, after 2 minutes, we have to fight back against the enemy. Collaboration must be close, we want the US military to know and remember this intersection!”

Steinman said that he jumped on a Tank: “Everyone! Depart!”

“Drink!” “Rumble Rumble” accompanied by the roar of the diesel engine, 12 Tank led the 800 famous German army to launch a counter-impact.

“Boom!” Steinman’s Tank fired the first shot, exploding a turn of the American Tank, and then the 12 Tank crashed into the wreckage and came to the fork.

“Looking for the wreckage of the wreckage! The infantry is close to the wreckage! It is a ring formation!” Steinman just ordered, and the US team Tank appeared in front of the squad. At the same time, a small number of Tanks and infantry appeared in the left and right positions.

The German Tank first reached the US Army’s wreckage and completely covered the car body. Only the Tank turret with thicker armor and high xx rate was exposed. Not only that, because of the dense Tank wreck, the German Tank hardly had to worry about the enemy. It laid the foundation for the German’s preoccupation.

The rest of the Germans were attached to the wreckage of different positions and covered each other with their own light weapons. Steinman also expected that at such a close distance, the US military would not use missiles and artillery to attack, because the distance has reached the military badge that can be seen with the naked eye.

“Free to fire!” Steinman issued an attack command and the attack began.

“Boom!” The German Tank fired, using the wreckage as a cover, the loading speed of the loader, and the precision of the fire control system, began this battle with less enemies. A round of artillery shells shredded the US Tank front deck and detonated it. One after another, the US Army Tank was destroyed and beheaded, but more Tanks came from behind, more and more, a steady stream of .

“12 point direction! Cannon!” Steinman’s Tank fired another shot, a Tank was shot at the turret, and the turret fell from the sky behind a tank in the middle of the raft.

The German Tank is in a ring formation, and the 12 Tank has an excellent view of 360 with no dead corners. In one hit, one destroys a Tank. The German infantry continued to cover the Tank with a rocket launcher and hit some of the US tanks that attempted to overtake the Germans with rapid maneuver. However, although the number of American Tanks was large, the shells were mostly on the wreck, and a small number of shells hit the Tank turret but were all bombarded. open. At this time, the battle of Steinman’s German battalion was fairly good. Although the US military has many times more troops than the Germans, it was still blocked by Steinman.

Steinman looked at the forks where the wreckage was all over, and suddenly a plan appeared in his mind.

“All Tanks give up the wreckage and break into the enemy! Bentonson! Release the strong interference bomb! Speed!”

“Steinman! Are you crazy? The interference effect of the jamming bomb is enough to get rid of us and their fire control system and communication system at the same time, you have to think clearly!” Bentonson strongly discouraged. Now, there are too many enemies, and the exact number is not clear, in this case. . . . . .

“Don’t worry so much! Launch!” Steinman shouted, taking the lead in driving the wreck and rushing out.

The “砰砰砰砰” number of interfering bombs exploded in the sky above the US Tank group. . . . . . The US military Tank, which is violently firing, suddenly ceases to fire and the jamming bombs are in force. Due to the strong interference of the jamming bombs, the US military’s Tank fire control and communication system, which relies heavily on high-tech, immediately slammed into the car, and the German Tanks also lost the fire control system, but they did not lose it. The original combat power. The German Tank is as fierce as the prehistoric beast and rushes toward the US Army Tank.

The German Tank, which was launched by the Dangdang Boom to the US Army Tank, hit the US Tank at a very high speed, and the Tank that was hit hit an explosion on the spot. The German Tank began to open fire, such as a stab on the enemy. Like the dagger, the 12 Tank is like 12 inserting the dagger in all parts of the enemy, and in these positions, it is an excellent attack position.

The brave Tanks of the Germans are killing the US Army Tanks that are overwhelmed by the loss of the fire control system! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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