The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand and one. Inquiry meeting, floating astronomy

The news of the assassination of the Marquis of Perez, the sergeant of the Marquis of Perez, the sergeant of the prince of the prince of the prince

This is an incredible news.

Although Milosevic and Khimeletzski were expensive as the son-in-law of Gregory, but they were not obscured by Gregory’s waiting, but in the process of overthrowing Gregory, the two men played to The important role has become a pivotal figure in Russian politics.

However, now there are such terrible things that the two seemingly intimate “comrades-in-arms” have turned their faces into hatred, even at the expense of each other’s lives.

Similov surrendered, and Frituvos, the chairman who quickly rushed to the commission of inquiry, immediately suggested the formation of a temporary team to investigate the matter. His proposal was quickly passed.

One of the parties, Milosevic, was not informed of the vote, and the secret police had already monitored his residence, which made him undecided.

Doesn’t it mean that Khimeletzski has been successfully assassinated? Why didn’t you actually die? And why should Similov betray himself? These things Milosevic simply can’t figure it out.

He soon thought of running away. . . . . . Khimeletzski is definitely not so easy to let go of himself. . . . . .

The only thing he can still believe is Andreas. He found the money and the Russian Chancellor of the Exchequer to discuss the escape, but was categorically rejected by Andreas:

“What are you thinking about, Lord Marquis? Khimeletzski’s most hope is that you can run away, so you have no way to turn over. You look at the window, although the secret police are outside, but the monitoring is not strict, leave you with With enough escape space, his purpose is that… As long as you are not in Moscow, Khimeletzski has no chance to defend you anyway…”

“But, I am going to accept the inquiry from the interim investigation team tomorrow. How should I face them?” Milosevic asked in horror.

“They have no evidence, everything is just a testimony of Similov alone…” Andreas quickly had his own answer: “You can completely deny that as long as you can kill this One point, I believe that those people must be helpless to you…”

At this point, Milosevic could only helplessly nod. . . . . .

His wife Natalya came in and saw that Natalya’s look was full of worries about her husband. Originally Milosevic was very disgusted with his wife. The reason is also very simple. When he married the daughter of the Grand Duke, he thought that he could calm down from time to time, but who thought that the Grand Duke had not taken him as a thing. What made him even more angry was that he knew that his wife had been a maiden when he was in the United States.

Which man can endure such humiliation? Therefore, family cold violence has become a common occurrence.

They have long been ill, if not because the Grand Duke was still there, they may have been divorced. . . . . . After Gregory was overthrown, Milosevic once again ignited this brain, but his and Khimeletzski’s struggle for power made him temporarily empty. . . . . . However, now, in the most difficult time of his life, his wife is still with himself, which makes Milosevic’s heart rise. . . . . .

“It doesn’t matter, my dear wife.” Milosevic said in a rare, soft voice: “We will soon get through this difficult time, and Khimeletzski has no way to take me!”

Natalia nodded: “Go with courage, my husband, tomorrow, I will be with you.”

Milosevic was a little surprised: “Can you ask your family members tomorrow?”

“Yes, they have already notified me and Ronanova, we will be witnesses.” Natalya gave her husband a very positive answer: “Do not worry, no matter what happens, I will always stand on you. On this side.”

Milosevic was so touched that he embraced his wife. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The inquiry was convened as scheduled, and the Chairman of the Special Investigation Committee, Frituvos, took the lead in the trial, and General Tangeronoff and General Djoshenko participated in the interim investigation team. Khimeletzski took the initiative to act as a witness to prove his support for the inquiry.

In the morning, all the people walked into the large inquiry room. In the past, this was a venue used by the Russian government to hold major conferences.

Perhaps to prove the fairness of the inquiry, after the unanimous consent of the interim investigation team, they allowed a large number of journalists and some prestigious folks to enter the venue.

The last one came in was Wang Weizhen with a special license and his daughter Alice.

“Dad, what are we going to listen to?” Alice asked curiously.

Wang Weizhen took her in the last row and sat down: “Let’s listen to a trial, a trial of justice.”

Alice feels a bit strange: “You have never told me that there is no justice in this world, only power, and all the so-called justice is based on power?”

“Yes, but this is only for the country…” Wang Weizhen said to her daughter: “I hope you can know the darkest side of the world, but I don’t want you to be a dark one.” People. Justice is based on power, but in our hearts, there should be justice. In the future you will become a powerful person, and I hope that you will use your power to uphold justice…”

Although Alice was young, there had been too many things happening on her body, so she kept her father’s words firmly in her heart. . . . . .

“Preaching the Marquis of Andyak, Milosevic. Damiyev Barbarovsky.”

With the voice of Frituvos, this strange inquiry will officially begin.

The Marquis of Andyak walked in stalkingly, and he looked at the reporters arrogantly, in which he actually discovered the famous Russian journalist Boerdorf. These incompetent guys, these guys who only play the pen, what qualifications do they have to look at a Marquis joke?

“Mr. Sir, I am asking those who are not related to leave here…” As soon as he got to his seat, Milosevic said loudly: “I am a Marquis, and those civilians should not appear in here.”

This suddenly caused a buzz on the gallery.

“Quiet, please be quiet!” Frituvos quieted the venue with a loud voice: “The Marquis of Andek, if the civilians can’t be here, then I think I should also leave because I am also a civilian. … The Marquis of Andek, the Grand Duke of Berstoka has been overthrown. We need justice and democracy, so your proposal has been rejected.”

Milosevic was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the other party, but it was helpless because of the identity of the other party. . . . . .

“Well, let’s get into the program now…” Frituvos raised some of his own voice: “The Marquis of Andek, you were accused of hiring at the Russian Grand Theatre on the night of May 28, 1966. Similov has assassinated Khimeletzski of Marquis of Pereas. Have you done such a thing?”

“No, I have never done it before!” Milosevic said without hesitation: “This is a personal filth to me. Yes, I know Mr. Simillov, he is a former Beersto The captain of the Grand Duke of Gregory, but I have no friendship with him. I have never instructed him to carry out any assassination. This is a filth against a respected Marquis. I demand that Similov be severely punished. Mr!”

“The first witness, Similov.”

When Similov appeared in the witness stand, Milosevic cast a fierce gaze on him, but the strange thing was that Simillov did not seem to be afraid at all.

Frituvos ignored the intersection of their eyes: “Mr. Similov, Marquis de Andak denied your accusation, and he firmly believed that he did not instruct you to carry out any assassination.”

“He is lying, this is a complete lie…” Similov retorted in his biggest voice: “The order to assassinate the Marquis of Pereas was issued at the home of the Marquis of Andek. He threatened me with my family and used the status of the Moscow police chief to seduce me. Sir, since Gregory was overthrown, I lost everything and I couldn’t compete with a Marquis. I can only agree to it in disgust…but I know what it would bring to assassinate a Marquis, and I know better, even if I can really assassinate the Marquis of Pereas, Marquis de Andak I will never let go of me, he will kill me. So in the Russian Grand Theatre, I took the initiative to confess all this to the Marquis of Pereas. Under the advice of the Marquis of Pereas, I will investigate the special investigation. The committee surrendered…”

“What are you talking about there, it’s a nonsense!” Milosevic snarled.

But this time he knew that Simmyov and Khimeletzski had long been colluded.

These two guys who have been slain. . . . . .

“The passer-by, Mr. Khimeletzski, Marquis of Pereas.”

Khimeletzski volunteered to temporarily renounce the status of vice chairman of the special investigation committee. When he appeared and faced Frituvos’s inquiry, he first looked at Milosevic with the winner’s eyes, and then said:

“Yes, at the Russian Grand Theatre, Mr. Simillov mixed my bodyguards and appeared in front of me. Ah, this made me have to remember that I went back and fired those irresponsible. Guy…”

His words caused a laugh at the hungry auditorium. Khimeletzski continued: “I was scared at the time, I thought I was going to die, but to my surprise, Similov gave his gun to me, then To confess to me the conspiracy of Marquis de Andak, and beg my forgiveness. God, Mr. Similov, this is a kind person, he is not only a murderer, but also my savior, he does not need Any of my forgiveness, what he really needs is my gratitude… So I told him to go to the special investigation committee bravely and tell the distinguished members the truth of the matter. He is not a sinner, he will become Russia. Hero, yes, hero Sirmilov!”

His words sound so impassioned, he constantly excused Simmyov from crimes, and shaped Simillov into a hero who ignored his own and his family’s safety!

“Is the clerk recording these words?”

“Yes, Sir, all of them are on record.”

“Okay, Marquis of Pereas, thank you very much for your testimony.” Frituvos asked: “So, in your opinion, is the whole thing instructed by the Marquis of Andyak? Or is Simirov there? marquis?”

“No, I think it’s entirely possible!” Khimeletzski said without thinking: “As everyone knows, I have sharp contradictions in some respects with Marquis de Andak, but as far as I am concerned, this is only because of political views. Different, we will become good friends in private, but just a few days ago, I received a mysterious phone call, and someone on the phone told me that Marquis de Andak was planning a assassination against me. To be honest, I didn’t believe it at the time. I was a relative with the Marquis of Andyak, but it turned out that I was wrong. Dear members, I temporarily renounced the identity of the members on the witness stand, in order to expose one. The true face of the hypocrite – Marquis Andyak! Yes, he instructed Mr. Similov to assassinate me, he is a murderer!”

“Bastard, you bastard, shameless bastard!” Only Milosevic was roaring loudly at the venue.

Alice, who had been listening carefully in the back row, suddenly whispered, “Dad, is this the dog biting the dog? Ah, this scene is really wonderful.”

“Yes, this is the dog biting the dog.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “But this is not the most exciting scene, the real wonderful scene has not yet begun.”

Father’s words let Alice once again focus all of her attention to the front. . . . . .

“Quiet, quiet, please keep your calm, Marquis de Andak.” Frituvos had to use a lot of voice to calm Milosevic: “The Marquis of Andek, you said that you are a distinguished person. So I want to ask you to pay attention to your identity. If you are so roaring again, I have to take some measures.”

Milosevic stared at all the people with anger, but he also knew what would happen if he didn’t listen to the chairman. . . . . .

“Marquis of Pereas, I noticed that you just said that you received a mysterious call. Can you know who called it?” Frituvos asked.

“Unfortunately, I am not very clear.” Khimeletzski’s answer is very easy.

“I know!” Similov, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said: “It was with me to live in the home of Marquis de Andak, and the former Russian Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Andrias.”

“Boom”, there was a burst of exclamation at the venue. . . . . .

Frituvos had to work hard again to calm everyone down: “Who can know where Mr. Andreas is now?”

“I am here!” Surprisingly, Andreas stood up from the auditorium and then took the initiative to the witness stand: “Mr. Chairman, Mr. Committee, I am willing to act as a witness!”

Milosevic stared at the guy he trusted, but Andreas didn’t look at him at all.

“Mr. Andreas, we accept your request.” After a brief discussion, Frituvos said: “So, please let us know everything you know.”

“Yes, I will tell you the truth.” Andreas said without hesitation: “After Gregory was overthrown, I lived with Mr. Similov to the home of Marquis de Andak. I am very touched by the Lord Marquis’ care for me during this time, but this does not prevent me from being awakened by my own conscience. I want to be honest and honest, whether it is the Marquis de Andak or the Marquis of Pereas, Very interested in the vacancy of the Grand Duke, the battle between the two is also very intense, and it is no exaggeration to say that the two marquis want to kill each other…”

This sentence made Khimeletzski also change, and these words of Andreas are not planned.

However, Andreas continued to say: “This is a secret that is not a secret in Moscow. The only difference between the two is that the Marquis of Andek is working ahead of time. On that day, he called me and Mr. Simillov. When he arrived at his study, he told us about his current unfavorable situation and revealed his attempt to assassinate the Marquis of Pereas. Moreover, he also threatened Mr. Similov to take up the task of assassination. Otherwise, his The safety of family life will be difficult to guarantee. Mr. Similov was very painful at that time. He had to accept this task in order to ensure the safety of his family. Afterwards, he asked me what should I do? I told him to follow I have to do my own conscience and tell him how terrible it is to assassinate a Marquis. He said that he would think carefully. And I was still not at ease, so I called the Marquis of Pereas a warning. Unfortunately, this did not attract the attention of Marquis of Pereas. Fortunately, I did not misunderstand Mr. Simillov’s personality.”

His words made Milosevic finally know that he was being mercilessly betrayed, and he fell into a terrible trap! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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