Unlimited career change starting from mechanic

Chapter 101 The truth behind the destruction of Dawn City! It’s not a natural disaster! That's

"Man-made? How is this possible?"

Su Yu was in disbelief. He didn't believe what the manager said.

The Second Blue Empire, the Iron Dynasty, and the Ghost Empire.

You must know that among the many ruling forces in the history of Ruin Star, these three ruling forces all have their own strengths in technology.

These ruling-level forces almost rule the entire territory of Ruin Star.

The managers said that this kind of power was actually destroyed by man.

Then, Su Yu continued to look down.

"This statement was not recognized by the mainstream in Dawn City at the time. Even I thought this statement was completely nonsense. However, there are still a small group of scholars who think this statement is correct. And they gave evidence.”

"The Second Azure Empire was the first dominant force in the history of the Ruin Star. When the Ruin Star was still called Azure, during the subspace riots, when the people on the planet suddenly lost contact with the empire, the Azure Star Turbulence and riots occurred. At this time, the top leaders of Blue Star stood up and used their power to form the Second Blue Empire."

"It is still nominally loyal to the Human Empire, and it also owns a large number of technological artifacts belonging to the former Human Empire. Logically speaking, such a ruling power, not to mention conquering half of the star sea, will at least leave the blue to find traces of the Human Empire. hard."

"However, with such a force, no one can leave the Azure Star. Scholars from Dawn City have also studied this period of history. Based on the existing data, they speculated that in the early days of the establishment of the Second Azure Empire, the Second Azure Empire The high-level officials issued an order strictly prohibiting people from leaving the Blue Star without permission."

When Su Yu saw this, he felt confused and ordered to stop it? Even if the order is given to stop them, there should still be people trying to escape from the Blue Star.

Su Yu continued to read down, and the next content of the manager's letter shocked Su Yu.

"At that time, some people on the Blue Star also tried to fly spaceships to escape from the Blue Star. However, they were all shot down by the Second Blue Empire, and all attempts to escape were suppressed by bloody means."

"The scholars in Dawn City could not understand this behavior at all, so they could only continue to study history. They found that the bloody suppression could only be maintained for a short time. Even among the senior officials of Azure at that time, some wanted to escape from Azure Star."

"However, Zhang Chenfeng, the ruler of the Second Blue Empire at the time and the strongest person on the Blue Star at the time, still went his own way and tried to suppress everything with bloody means."

"Civil strife broke out. Along with the war and time, a large amount of historical data was lost. Scholars in Dawn City are unable to know the history and reasons of the war."

"But they got the result of the war. The former Azure Second Empire was destroyed, and the country of the former Azure Second Empire fell and turned into a human forbidden zone. In the past ten thousand years, no one can enter again, and this forbidden zone has also Listed as one of the three forbidden areas in Ruin Star, it is the current Iron Jungle.”

Iron Jungle?

Su Yu was a little shocked when he saw this.

The location of the shelter is on the edge of the Iron Jungle. Only in such a dangerous and barren place can there be room for small settlements to survive.

"The Iron Jungle was actually the country of the Second Blue Empire nearly ten thousand years ago, but now it has become a restricted area on the ruined planet."

"The behavior of this second blue empire is very strange no matter how you look at it. It's like their ruler doesn't want anyone to escape from this planet at all."

Su Yu looked at the lines in the letter and felt that this behavior was inexplicably familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Assuming that the Second Blue Empire at that time and its ruler Zhang Chenfeng were still absolutely loyal to the Human Empire, then his behavior would be justified..."

"Prevent the escape of all humans on the Blue Star, and block the communication between the Blue Star and the Star Sea."

"This behavior is like..."

"It's like...like a quarantine!"


Under what circumstances do people need to be quarantined?

"If this is really the case, then everything makes sense. The Second Blue Empire is loyal to the Human Empire, and its rulers are trying to prevent a certain 'virus' that exists on the people of the Blue Star from spreading. , so we can only stop all attempts to escape from the Blue Star."

"Only in this way can we explain why no one on Azure Star can escape from the Star Sea."

Su Yu felt that his guess was very close to the truth, at least it wouldn't be too different.

Su Yu then looked down.

I saw what was written on the letterhead:

"The people in Dawn City also tried to explore the Iron Jungle, but found that no matter how many people were sent, once they entered the Iron Jungle, they would never return. Moreover, the Iron Dynasty in history also explored the Iron Jungle. Then It was also the beginning of the demise of the Iron Dynasty."

"After the demise of the Second Blue Empire, many ruling forces were born in the two thousand years, but they all died out quickly. It was not until two thousand years later that a group of people claiming to be the remnants of the Second Blue Empire appeared. , they showed extremely strong strength and extremely high technological level as soon as they appeared.”

“In just a hundred years, the Ruined Planet was reunited and the Iron Dynasty was formed. They were known as the remnants of the empire and they still had nominal loyalty to the human empire. However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this loyalty was just a symbolic meaning. "

"After all, in the eyes of the people of the Ruins at that time, it was still unclear whether the empire existed or not."

"In the early days of the birth of the Iron Dynasty, everything was prosperous and extremely prosperous. However, the good times did not last long. Not long after, the top brass of the Iron Dynasty launched a project called 'Dust' and launched a large-scale exploration of the Iron Jungle. "

"The most outstanding technology of the Iron Dynasty is the prosthetic body transformation technology. In the beginning, people in the Iron Dynasty were relatively restrained in the use of this technology. Not everyone would choose prosthetic body transformation."

"And after exploring the Iron Jungle, for some reason, the technology of prosthetic transformation suddenly became popular in the Iron Dynasty. Among the top executives of the Iron Dynasty at that time, there was even one person who mechanically transformed all his organs except his brain."

"The exploration of the Iron Forest is progressing very slowly, and there is no news from the elites who went deep into the Iron Forest. In order to increase the results of the exploration, the senior officials of the Iron Dynasty proposed a new method, which is to mechanically process the last organ, the brain. Transformation, thereby replacing humans with digital beings uploaded to the cloud."

Upload consciousness? Even the brain is replaced?

Su Yu couldn't believe it. In this way, the mechanical creation of the whole body's organs, including the brain, was fundamentally not similar to the previous life composed of flesh and blood.

Can this still be regarded as the same life?

"The Iron Dynasty also suffered some terrible changes because of this technology. The entire dynasty perished in a short period of time. The process and reasons for its demise are no longer known. We only know that after the demise of the Iron Dynasty, the Ruin Planet The population has dropped sharply to less than 10% of its original size.”

“It took thousands of years and the alternation of several ruling forces before the Ruin Planet got better. Then the Ghost Empire was born and the wanton use of psionic energy and radioactive minerals caused the Ruin Star to become what it is today. "

"The Ghost Empire is also the most mysterious and sinful among the three dominant forces. Its birth process cannot be traced, and its destruction process has completely turned the Ruin Star into ruins."

"The Ghost Empire also completely abandoned its loyalty to the former human empire and established itself as an empire. Its ruler, nicknamed the Ghost Emperor, was violent in nature and committed mass killings during his reign. The demise of the Ghost Empire was inseparable from this person. relation."

"The current situation in Ruin Star is also the result of the Ghost Emperor."

When Su Yu saw this, he also discovered that the manager's historical description of the Ruin Star was almost over, with only one summary left.

"The scholars of Dawn City have also concluded a rule based on these histories, that is, whenever the human race in the ruined star reaches its peak, it will be annihilated."

"Furthermore, after the catastrophe is over, there will always be a long period of free time for human beings to cultivate and reproduce."

"It's as if there is an invisible force controlling the humans on the ruined planet."

"Don't let the number of humans be too many, and don't let the number of humans be too few..."

"This rule has also become the best evidence for the small group of scholars in Dawn City who firmly believe that there is an invisible hand controlling everything on the Ruined Star."

The words on the manager’s letter continued.

"It's a pity that I didn't believe it at the time. I even thought arrogantly that Dawn City would be able to get rid of the so-called historical cycle and become the first force to go to the Star Sea in the Ruin Star for thousands of years. The yearning for the Star Sea has already penetrated deeply into Dawn City. Everyone’s heart.”

"Even the eight-year-old children in Dawn City sang and recited a poem called 'Children of the Stars'."

"The first unmanned exploration ship has been built and will be launched soon."

"Until that day..."

Su Yu flipped the letter to the last page, and now there were only the last few paragraphs left in the letter.

"That day, the young city lord came to me with a solemn expression. He seemed to have discovered something, but he didn't say much. He just asked me to quickly lead a group of people to escape from Shuguang City. Although I was puzzled, I also took a group of people with me. and resources immediately hit the road, and I discovered that it wasn’t just my team.”

"There are many teams fleeing from all directions in Dawn City."

"I was feeling uneasy at the time, but I could only escape according to the young city lord's instructions. Because time was short, I didn't have many resources with me, and I was the only four-star top reformer in the team."

"And just when we were not far away from Dawn City, the meteorite came!"

"Countless fire meteors, carrying raging fire, dyed the entire sky blood red, as if to tear the sky apart, fall from the sky, and destroy the entire Dawn City, along with the teams fleeing from all directions!"

"And the reason why my team was not destroyed is because the Young City Master showed up in time and blocked the bolide with his own life."

"no no……"

Su Yu noticed that the manager's handwriting was a little fluctuating at this time, and he could hardly read it clearly.

Obviously, the manager was in a very poor mental state when he wrote this paragraph, perhaps recalling the tragic accident that year.

"No...that's not a bolide!"

"I...I saw it very clearly! Very clearly! I clearly saw the meteor that the Young City Master blocked with his body. In the flame-wrapped shell, it was the shining of mechanical luster!"

"That's not a natural disaster at all, that's not a bolide at all."

"That's a man-made mechanical creation! That's man-made!——"

When the manager wrote this sentence, the tip of his pen penetrated the paper and soaked it.

It was as if he couldn't control his emotions, as if writing this paragraph reminded him of the disaster that year.

"Is it artificial..."

Su Yu closed the letter. The truth that the manager wanted to explain has been completely written in the letter.

"Manager, is this the secret you have been hiding in your heart for hundreds of years?"

Su Yu was silent for a long time.

It took a long time for Su Yu to digest the huge amount of information contained in the manager's letter.

Only then did he realize that the Ruin Star was not as simple as it seemed.

Whether it was the unknown existence that Li He believed in before, or the dark clouds in the history of the ruined star described by the administrator.

It made Su Yu a little breathless, and made Su Yu feel that the entire Ruin Star was firmly controlled by a pair of invisible hands.

But soon, Su Yu shook his head and suppressed these emotions.

"No matter what, even if the history of Ruin Star is cloudy, the truth about Dawn City's demise is still the unknown existence that Li He believes in."

"It's all too far away from who I am now."

"My top priority now is to obtain gifts from the manager, take over the entire shelter, and then use the resources of the entire shelter to improve my career level, so as to continuously obtain new careers."

"If you can't get a second-level career, then you can get a third-level or fourth-level job, or even higher."

"Having a career panel, I can change careers infinitely. As long as I accumulate enough strength, I can one day learn the truth about the ruined planet or the dark clouds of history."

Su Yu let out a long sigh of relief while thinking about it.

He quickly adjusted his mentality and took out the black card Bai Hong had given him before.

Walking towards the inside of the manager's residence, he came to the manager's bedroom.

Su Yu noticed that the manager's bedroom was extremely simple, with nothing more than a bed and a cabinet.

Completely inconsistent with what a shelter manager should look like.

Su Yu walked to the cabinet, took out the small black card, groped around the back of the cabinet, and found a card slot.

Insert the small black card into it.


Suddenly the sound of mechanical gears turning was heard.

As the sound rang out, Su Yu noticed that the cabinet in front of him had shifted.

Soon, the cabinet moved slowly, and a secret door appeared in front of Su Yu.

Su Yu stepped forward, lowered his body slightly and looked at the secret door.

The next moment, a gap opened in the secret door, and the pupil scanner emerged from it. As Su Yu recorded the pupils, the secret door made a mechanical and electronic sound.

"Didi, a new pupil sample has been recorded. Welcome to Su Yu, your new manager."

The secret door also opened with this mechanical and electronic sound.

Su Yu stepped into the secret door and found that the space in the secret door was not large, only about five square meters in size.

In this five-square-meter darkroom, there is only one table, and there are three things on the table at this time.

A larger metal box, a black document bag, and the last one is a strange, palm-sized mechanical creation that looks like an information recording device.

Su Yu stepped forward and picked up the document bag. After confirming that the document bag contained general information about the shelter and some instructions left by the manager, he put the document bag aside.

Afterwards, pick up the metal box.

Turn on.

After the metal box was opened, a set of mechanical prosthetic armor left by the manager was immediately revealed, as well as the core of the prosthetic body, the ionized electron furnace.

Su Yu carefully picked it up, held it in his hand, closed his eyes and immersed himself in it with spiritual energy, and began to detect the condition of the electronic furnace.

After a moment, Su Yu opened his eyes with a hint of excitement.

"The quality of this ion furnace is excellent. Although the damage rate is as high as 90%, with my technology and a certain amount of time, I can repair it to a usable level."

"When the time comes to mount it on the Thousand Hands Arms, it might be possible to upgrade the Thousand Hands level to the Excellent level!"

"By then, my strength will have transformed again."

Su Yu put the electronic furnace back into the metal box, and the set of mechanical prosthetic weapons left by the administrator had not been maintained for a long time, coupled with the fierce battle before.

From Su Yu's point of view, it was difficult to repair, but Su Yu didn't care.

"Although this mechanical prosthetic body cannot be repaired, I can completely recycle it and conduct reverse research on it. I can obtain a lot of new technologies. In this way, the Thousand Hands prosthetic body can also be improved by new technologies. .”

Then, Su Yu put the metal box and black document bag aside.

I picked up the last palm-sized mechanical creation, the information recorder.

After groping for a while, Su Yu quickly found a raised switch on the side of the information recorder.

Press it down.

"Captain of the Dawn City Guards, Ye Rufeng, welcome to use the Dawn City Personal Terminal·Guard Captain's Special Edition."

Along with the start of the instrument, the mechanical and electronic sound sounded, and at the same time there was a poem.

"The iron in our bodies comes from brilliant supernova explosions."

"The zinc in our blood comes from dust ejected into the universe after two neutron star collisions."

"Our tiny amount of copper is needed to witness the death of a white dwarf star. Even the tiniest bit of cobalt originates from nebulae billions of light-years away."

"Eager to witness the limits of the stars, rivers and oceans, because we are the children of the stars."

As Su Yu listened to this poem, he recalled in his eyes the Dawn City recorded in the administrator's letter, which had never given up exploring the stars.

"This hymn should be the one mentioned in the manager's previous letter. Even eight-year-old children in Dawn City can sing it."

"Son of the Stars?" Su Yu's tone was a bit sad.

"So, the manager's name is Ye Rufeng? It's a good name."

Over the years that the Manager has been in the Vault, the people in the Vault have all addressed themselves as the Manager, and the Manager has never mentioned his own name, as if he wants to bury his past with the demise of Dawn City.

Su Yu picked up the Dawn City personal terminal and quickly figured out how to use it.

Most of the functions of this personal terminal have long since lost their effectiveness.

Only the function of information storage is left.

At the moment, Su Yu opened the information stored in his personal terminal.

He planned to see what kind of message the manager had left for him.

Just by glancing at it, Su Yu's eyes were full of surprise.

"Manager, you really left me a big surprise!"

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