987. Chapter 987 Space Jump, Atlantis (Part 2)

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Building without windows.

    Aleister's eyes opened slightly, and the disappearance of the seventh school district finally returned to calm, and the monitoring of the air-back line was restored, but [gravitational control] Feng Yu Chen, [fantasy killer] Kamijou Touma, Anglican Church Index , Stiyl * Magnus, Kanzaki Kaori, Tsusimikado Motoharu and others have disappeared from this area.

    The Magician who also disappeared with Feng Yu Chen and the Magician of the Golden Dawn, and the junior Kakuzu in the sky, no, it should be said that the six-pointed magic circle disappeared.

    "Those who are actually Golden Dawn, it seems that they really got involved in a turmoil, you said yes? The Archbishop even came to the Academy City, and I really surprised me…"

    "Ah, oh oh…I just came to vacation in Tokyo, but you were also a person of Golden Dawn. I don't know who it is? There is still fluctuations in the power of angels in the space…"A female voice echoed in the closed bureaucracy of Aleister, as if in response to his previous questioning.

“……They should be to the legendary lost ancient country of Atlantis, where there is the legendary shrine of the Sea god, after study if you can light the temple, then Atlantis can be resurrected, the legendary country will once again return to the world from the dimensional space of the sea floor, where the civilization will be beyond the academy City Civilization, where civilization is also beyond the legend of the Wizarding World, the lost ancient country, the lost civilization, no one knows what will exist … "Aleister said calmly, the shake in tone seemed to reflect his attention to the situation at the time.

    "It seems that it should be real, then, what is the key to starting?"The female voice asked for a moment.

    "It should be close to God's strength, it is simple to say that the saint's strength is OK, but according to the predictions of that year, at least dozens of saints will be able to complete the start, but now it only takes one person to complete, this unknown Your Excellency God Child , with even the Archangel long "God-like" Michael can see the physique, otherwise will not choose to combine with him, the Angel high above, mortal into her eyes, can commit to Your Excellency God child, and he lingering together, presumably this God child The strength should be a more powerful holy force than the ordinary saints.

    The driving energy is God Child, then the Magic Index (World) directory is the key to opening. To read the language in Atlantis, you must have enough knowledge. There is a Grimoire that can resolve Atlantis. a banned book related to Poseidon…"Aleister said slowly, as if recalling the memories of the past, as if he had studied the Grimoire look.

    "Sea King Codex?" However, this book seems to require Demon God to interpret it. Life will definitely die. Apple will definitely fall from top to bottom. One plus one equals two…These "laws", which will never change in the world, can be destructive, reorganized, and created with the magic described in Grimoire. One plus one will become three, Apple will go up from the bottom, and the dead life will be resurrected. Magician will be able to do this kind of thing, called Demon God, not the god of the devil, but the Magician that enters the peak of magical technology and reaches the realm of God…"The female voice seems to recall the look of this Grimoire.

    "Sea King Codex, the author of the fax is Atlas. Legend has it that the creation of the kingdom of Atlantis is the god of Poseidon. On a small island, a girl whose parents died, Poseidon married the girl and gave birth to five pairs of twins, so Poseidon divided the entire island into 10 districts, each of which ruled 10 sons. And the eldest son is the supreme ruler.

    The name of this eldest son is Atlas. There is also a rumor that Sea King Codex is a body of a Magician who wrote this Grimoire. His purpose seems to be to resurrect from the eternal sleep. , also various kinds of legends, in short…We can only look forward to their Strength now, aren't they? ”

    Aleister's tone suddenly became a lot calmer, as if Feng Yu Chen was able to return smoothly with confidence.

    "Really, this group of people is full of possibilities, [Fantasy Killer] plus [Unknown God Child], [Spone God], [Magic Index (World) Directory], [Advanced Onmyouji], [Magic Rune Genius Master] ……"The female voice gradually weakened, as if the conversation was interrupted.


    When waking up, Feng Yu Chen found that Kanzaki Kaori was blushing at him at the sight of a shy expression, his eyes seemed to accumulate anger…

    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen understood that his right hand was holding a fullness of Kanzaki Kaori, and the soft elasticity made his heart sway…

    "Ahhhh……HahaThat oh…"

    Feng Yu Chen climbed up in an instant stress and quickly took a few steps back.


    Kanzaki Kaori just wanted to use the seven flashes to warn Feng Yu Chen, but she found that her rib fracture had broken many pieces. When she fell, she was just below. Feng Yu Chen was pressed on her without hurt, but she was The injury…

    "Don't move, it may hurt the lungs. I will help you with the treatment."

    Feng Yu Chen also seems to see where Kanzaki Kaori's pain originated, suddenly came to her, picked her up and put it on a flat ground, cured, double-handed on her soft, soft belly. , The Stroke of Saint Mark slowly healed from the body of Feng Yu Chen's into the chest of Kanzaki Kaori.

    Kanzaki Kaori Although Feng Yu Chen felt a indignation according to her abdomen, the gradual transmission of Saint Mark Energy made her understand that he was in real healing, and as the energy entered, her body was strangely restored, and the broken ribs Bone actually in gradually compound remodeling, at the same time the body's physical strength and vitality has also been some increase.

    "Are you healing me with vitality? No, this will reduce life. Although you have just been rude, you don’t have to damage your apology style…"Kanzaki Kaori wants to stop Feng Yu Chen's healing, and obviously feels that strong vitality is entering her body. This is not magic, but pure vitality and the composite strength of Saint Mark.

    "Don't worry, my Saint Mark has a very strong vitality, will not damage the life span, such a strength as long as my physical strength spiritual not consumed, can be used all the time, and after overuse, The next day will be spiritual full of vitality full of appearance, in short, in a way I am no longer pure human, the whole body of Saint Mark and the general Saint is not the same. ”Feng Yu Chen explained.

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