980. Chapter 980 fights for lolicon (below)

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl two people don't want to force the zone index to leave, but index has the "full memory ability" of the specific physique, whether it is pedestrians on the road or roadside street trees on how many leaves, no matter how complex things, as long as they see once will be all remember not to forget , it is also possible to preserve the proper differences in memory, plus the presence of the 103,000 grimoire in the brain …

    Every year, magic and rituals to eliminate memory must be carried out. Index does not ruin the memory when it arrives in a year. It will endanger life because of all the knowledge in the brain of the ritual.

    The scientific idiots Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori do not understand the scientific interpretation of the human brain. The memory of the human brain will be classified and stored. Grimoire's "knowledge memory" is the "experience memory" that does not affect daily life. In other words Index's full memory, it is not going to kill her.

    This is just a dark means of the church, "originally 85% of her brain was eroded by grimoire, in order to survive with the remaining 15%, every year to eliminate the memory" this lie to conceal the truth, just to let index have to rely on the church to survive, while deceiving Kanzaki and Stiyl Those who cared for her, so that they had to follow the instructions of the Church to carry out the memory of her elimination, which was the darkness of the church.

    On one side is the powerful God Child Feng Yu Chen, and on the one hand is a friend who must be protected.

    Kanzaki Kaori doesn't want to inflict harm on innocent people because of this battlefield. She doesn't want any innocent people in front of her to be hurt.

    Stiyl can fight at all times to protect his friends.

    "I repeat, get out of the way, my purpose is only to guard the peace of this academy City, which is my intention, but also to promise Aleister one thing, I do not want that innocent maiden to be taken away, no matter what the consequences, in the previous year I did not stop you, But now I have to stop you, no matter what kind of mentality you're taking. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's left and right, Azure's radiant cool, a blazing white cross appeared in his hand, holding a dark Shinigami scythe to kill the darkness, holding the pure and holy cross to protect the light, Feng Yu Chen's second The stardust weapon is the cross.

    After seeing Feng Yu Chen condense the cross, Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori suddenly felt that he had some connection with the cross church.

    "It seems to have to fight…"

    Stiyl reignited a cigarette and the right hand instantly condensed a sword.

    "Ash – To -Ash…"Dust -To-Dust (土土土)…Squeamish -Bloody- Rood (bloodsucking hunting red cross)! ”

    At the same time, with the cursing chanting, Stiyl's left hand also appeared a burning sword with a blue-white flame. The flame did not make a sound, accompanied by his strong and powerful shouting, the two swords from the level Both sides attacked Feng Yu Chen, like a big scissors to tear Feng Yu Chen from the left and right…

    Feng Yu Chen indifferently raised the blazing cross –

    "Where-to, (where), Where- are-you- going (where)…"

    After splitting the face of Feng Yu Chen's blazing white cross, Yan Jian’s sword slammed back and reversed Stiyl’s attack.

    Feng Yu Chen is not a singer, but uses this style to confuse Stiyl, which he thinks is a kind of magic. In fact, this is the unique rebound ability of Feng Yu Chen's Stardust weapon.


    Stiyl quickly evaded the opening, and the cross-sword sniper left a deep mark on the wall of his behind.

    Stiyl is not sure what this is, is it something in a Grimoire? Actually able to rebound his attack, what is the use of it?

    "Don't be fooled, Stiyl, he didn't make magic fluctuations, just the ability to cross the cross, actually able to bounce back…It is really amazing. ”Kanzaki Kaori suddenly frowned.

    "Is this the case? But we are believers in the Faith, but now we have to fight against the God of the Cross, which is really 'interesting'…"

    Stiyl's face shows his panic. At this time, the heart must feel that it is unfortunate and unclear.

    "You still refuse to let it open?" Then I will fight a real fight with you. First, I will report my Magic Name. Lucis-ferre007 means the messenger of light, the most beautiful and powerful person around God, of course you can read Lucifer007. Lucifer, Demon Lord Satan, was the head of the archangel before the fall…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    Stiyl suddenly stunned and said, “Luke 10:18: Jesus said to them, I have seen Satan fall from heaven, like lightning; Isaiah 14:12 Festival: The bright star, the son of the morning, why did you fall from the sky? How did you defeat the nations, and you were cut down on the earth; Revelation 22:16: I sent my messengers to the churches to prove these things to you, I am the root of David. It is his descendant. I am a bright morning star…

    Actually, Lucifer is used as the Magic Name, and it is still two interpretations. Your guy is really a person who has a great relationship with the cross. It must be erased as part of the doctrine. The cross has changed a few times, and the allusions that can be left are rare. And you must be the part of the doctrine that was erased by history…"

    Kanzaki Kaori’s hand holding the “seven days and seven knives” was also contaminated with sweat and said: “in other words His existence in the history of the cross religion is like the messenger of light and the extreme existence of Lucifer, definitely a famous in the history of cross religion. Exist, then it would not be a simple battle…"

    Magic Name represents Magician's wishes.

    "The interpretation of his magic Name is not the same as ours, our interpretation is Latin, but he should be the same Hebrew as the Old Testament and Isaiah, Lucifer is translated into Greek in Hebrew and translated into Latin, and if so, he is called the messenger of Light, the Morning Star, Then the meaning of the representative is not the same ah, in short, it should be a very important figure in the history of the church. ”Stiyl analyzed that Feng Yu Chen's origin and amnesia were handed over to the Anglican Church in the magical world by Aleister, so Stiyl also understood Feng Yu Chen's amnesia.

    It can be said that the entire magical world is now looking for the part of Feng Yu Chen's past amnesia. After knowing his Magic Name, he may be able to understand some of his past and learn his abilities as an analysis.

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