962. Chapter 962 [The Godlike] Michael

    [Today's five more, the tenth is sent, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral, and a difference of 6 monthly tickets plus more, everyone strives to 喵]

    Sasha's pair of slender little hands are held together, pure and simple like a girl's prayer. It is like a sound of nature that seems to be able to influence everything.

    Oriana looks at prayer like the holy Sasha of the Saints, suddenly feel that he is not doing a little too much, incredibly let a 12-year-old girl do this kind of thing, although she does not have so much affection for the doctrine of cross teaching, but looks at such a pure maiden because of her few words , and at this age he broke his pure body, and a sense of guilt rose from his heart.

    Feng Yu Chen is also the bloodstain of the frowning looks at the body. The blood color that is like a plum blossom is a little bit sinful. At the age of twelve, this age is broken, although it is not Feng Yu Chen's active reason. Caused by, but…But with such a thing happening to a 12-year-old girl, he feels very rude…

    Aaah!Ouch……Ouch……Ah ah ahAh

    Sasha's Sakura lips sing a song that touches the heart, the beautiful voice, right, is the beautiful voice.

    Gradually, a ray of light began to gather in the whole room. Feng Yu Chen felt that the body's Strength was lost in abundance, and it was drastically lost. From his body, he passed into Sasha's body, at this time their body. It is a state of being connected to each other, and it is still the most intimate state of integration…

    Gradually, Sasha's body began to change, and a golden aperture slowly condensed over Sasha's head, while her back extended a pair of white wings, and the whole room was floating around. Pure and holy feathers…

    Really successful! !

    Oriana can't help but shock, this Strength is simply not the strength that ordinary people can experience. The power of the powerful angel makes her body suddenly oppressed on the ground! !

    At this moment, a red cross appeared in the back of Sasha! ! !

    Seeing this, Oriana suddenly shocked and said: "It turned out to be the archangel [Michael]!! Michael, who is called "the god-like", is the only one who is close to God's existence, "the angel of compassion", "the angel of justice", the angel of sleeplessness, the red of the palm, the right side, and the 'four major Attributes' fire'.

    The red cross was originally a token of England's Guardian sacred George, but since the Middle Ages, Michael has gradually conflated with St. George, and Michael has become the guardian angel of England. The English flag was designed based on the red cross of Michael St. George. .

    In "The Song of the Last Bard", Michael on the window of Rose is described: "The red cross shines in his hand, and the moonlight spills blood on the ground through the glass." It can be seen that the red cross represents Michael's Kamui.

    The most dazzling archangel among the four blazing angels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel)…"

    Feng Yu Chen was shocked at the moment. I didn't think that I really summoned an angel. So, what is special, is that he and the angel are swearing?

    Isn't an angel without sex?

    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen's chest magic and Sasha chest Magic resonance up, two magic arrays suddenly call each other up, in this time, Feng Yu Chen body of the spirit of the wrap up corpse will Sasha also entangled up, gradually, to two people in the center of the Spirit wrap up corpse cloth into a small sacred hall, and the blood-Red Cross was suddenly erected just above sacred Hall.

    Feng Yu Chen body's clothes were instantly made into a Void by Crush. In a small sacred hall with only two talents, Feng Yu Chen and Sasha frankly met each other. No, it should not be said. The guy in front of me is not Sasha. The glittering angel wings and the golden halo do not mean that this is Sasha…

    "Who is it?"Sasha's majestic look at Feng Yu Chen, the blushing edge of the pupil shines golden light, the powerful Strength swells out, but does not cause any harm to Feng Yu Chen.


    At this time in the Feng Yu Chen's spiritual world, he was confronted with a beautiful female angel.

    "I ask, are you still Sasha *Kreutzev?"Feng Yu Chen said with a frown.

    "I am a [like a god] Michael, the archangel who serves the right side of God. Are you God God who is God's care?" The power of such a pure and huge Saint Mark seems to be the messenger of God, the embodiment of divine power, but the existence of blasphemy is not in this world, and it is not the people of this world. ”Michael instantly saw the existence of Feng Yu Chen's.


    Feng Yu Chen winked eyes, helpless, how to do, Sasha this guy actually let Archangel long Michael possessed, unexpectedly still have the existence of angels Ah, simply put, now he is equal to strong X angel, and analysis just Oriana words can be learned, Although there is no gender distinction in angels, it is not the same in this sense. Simply put, Michael's gender has been judged to be a woman.

    "This technique is performed by the girl you are possessed. How can I end it? I don't understand how to do it. It is a sect of your cross that insists that I am God Child, and then this happened."Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, Archangel Michael, he certainly can't beat it.

    Michael’s face suddenly appeared a blush and said: “In short, I am not the original Michael, but the female side is forced to be stripped out. In other words, because of this technique, I became a female. Angel, now I have sex.

    And after the prayers of this girl must be completed, I can return to the angels and return to heaven, or I will stay in the human world forever. Therefore, according to your human methods, I will do the kind between men and women. The ceremony, fulfilling the wish of the girl's prayer, then I will be able to return, and the power of your body's pure Saint Mark is worthy of my existence. ”

    "What do you mean by saying, let me and you complete the bond?"Feng Yu Chen is sluggish, damn, and the angels are shooting, this is the first human being ever to do this?

    "For this kind of human life reproduction, we angels do not seem to be evil, is a normal behavior, and this is God's ability to give human beings, is bright, your body is composed entirely of Saint Mark, is the purest messenger of divine power, so status and I are equal existence, so there is no relationship , hurry up and let me return to heaven, or stay here, for a long time, my strength burst out, the world will be destroyed … "Michael said.

    Feng Yu Chen Nodded, okay…

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