949. Chapter 949 Accelerator VS gravitation control (below) [ten more sixth, ask for monthly ticket]

    [Ten sixth, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a referral, ask for everything, acting cute, roll for a monthly ticket φ(≧ω≦*)?]

    Vector manipulation, manipulating all Energy directions, gravitational control, and ability to manipulate the energy direction of all material gravitational fields.

    What to look at, these two strengths are unable to confirm the strength, but why do the tree diagram designers say that Feng Yu Chen's potential is stronger than Accelerator?

    In fact, it is a very simple truth.

    Accelerator just bounces Energy, but he can't create any Energy himself. Simply put, without these Energy, he is a waste man, thrown into space is just rubbish, has a rebound of Strength, but does not have any Energy itself.

    However, Feng Yu Chen has the ability to create a gravitational field with the attraction of Stress, and the attraction and exclusion of gravity really develop into the final stage.

    Through the calculation of the tree diagram designer, there is a gravitational field between all the things in this world. If Feng Yu Chen's ability develops to the limit state, what can be done is:

    "1" Changes the celestial motion system, gravitation is the only strength to maintain the celestial system, if Feng Yu Chen's strength is strong enough to pull Mars to the orbit where the earth is, to create another Earth, while allowing any planet to collide with each other for Star Wars, Manipulating planetary meteorites can even stop the rotation of the earth and so on, which is the power of the celestial system;

    [2] Creating an inanimate body, the ability to manipulate gravity, if it is small to the molecular level, can create material at will, which is similar to the second of the only eight superpowers in Academy City. Governor, ability is "un-material", un-material refers to the creation of new substances, "material" here refers not to "undiscovered matter", but "there is no such thing in the world from the beginning." Material, Feng Yu Chen can use gravitation to change the gravitational field between molecular atoms to complete various physical or chemical changes and create new substances.

    [3] Infinite collapse, the ability of manipulation is strengthened to a certain limit, and an existence can be collapsed and destroyed. For example, if there is a repulsive field in the heart of Accelerator and all other organs, It will make Accelerator's body explode instantly! ! Simply speaking, it is to control a person's life and death! Is Accelerator's brain not powerful? Set the repulsive force between his brain and neurons, and instantly kill him!

    [4] The black hole is annihilated. The black hole is not a hole or the like. The black hole is a black body that does not reflect light at all, so it is called a black hole. Black holes are massive enough for stars in the fusion reaction of the fuel depletion and "death" after the occurrence of gravitational collapse, the mass of the black hole is extremely large, but the size is very small, it produces a very strong gravitational field, so that any material and radiation into the black hole in an event horizon (tipping Point), then powerless to escape, Even the current known spread of speed the fastest light (electromagnetic wave) can not escape!!!

    In short, if Feng Yu Chen can apply an incomparably powerful mass and gravitational energy to an object, the resulting gravitation can't be interfered with by Accelerator, even angels are annihilated in it! !

    [5] White hole ray, there are white holes in black holes. Assuming that the black hole is the attraction of gravity, the white hole is a strong anti-gravitational field, and according to scientific speculation, X-rays, cosmic rays, radio bursts, radio dual sources, etc. The phenomenon is caused by a white hole, and such an attack is also impossible for Accelerator to counterattack.

    [6] Time wormhole, a multi-dimensional space tunnel connecting white holes and black holes, like a vortex inside the sea, is ubiquitous but fleeting, allowing local space moments that are far away from each other Very close.

    Assuming that Feng Yu Chen can create both white and black holes, then the space-time jump can be realized, and the complexity of the multi-dimensional space can connect the past, present and future three periods. In theory, as long as the time wormhole is completed. Changing the past is a viable thing.

    [7] Celestial creation (similar to Planetary Devastion), after the gravitational control has developed to a certain stage, it is capable of creating a planet and creating various substances.


    Of course, this is only a cause that Feng Yu Chen's calculation ability has reached a certain level before it can be completed, or Feng Yu Chen himself does not realize that he has these abilities, he understands the ability is only a vague concept, so far there is no real actual combat, If it is true to understand the strength effect of gravitational control, it is inevitable to become a LEVEL6.

    Accelerator's ability is indeed powerful, but this is not his own creative power, rebounding all the Strength is like a mirror, in the end it is only a mirror, there is no Strength at all.


    Of course, Feng Yu Chen does not know the analysis of the tree diagram designer. If he knows, he can purposefully train his abilities. After mastering the abilities, he does not know how to apply it. Now Feng Yu Chen's situation.

    After the first confrontation, Feng Yu Chen and Accelerator opened each other.

    Accelerator frowned and analyzed Feng Yu Chen's ability. Even the gravitational pull of the air can be manipulated. Repelling the air to accomplish the same ability as his rebounding air is really difficult to deal with, but in this case, he is confident that he will not be Defeated.

    Feng Yu Chen wouldn't give Accelerator a time to think about strategy. Suddenly, his body instantly disappeared in place. The powerful repulsion raised his body's speed to a limit. The original New Testament A Certain Magical Index, the leader of the hounds. But the way to combat Accelerator is analyzed –

    Using Accelerator's "reflection" is the change of Energy's Energy direction to "opposite". The fist is retracted before the hit, causing Accelerator to "reflect" away from his fist towards himself, causing damage to Accelerator. .

    To put it simply, the fist is retracted before it is hit in the Accelerator. If the force of the Accelerator's reflection is applied at this time, the fist will be pulled back.

    Although Feng Yu Chen borrowed the power of the plot, it did understand how to defeat Accelerator.


    In the face of Feng Yu Chen's fist, Accelerator coldly snorted said.


    But Feng Yu Chen's fist is really hitting the body of Accelerator! !

    At the moment when he was about to hit his body, Feng Yu Chen hurriedly took back his fist, and at this time, Accelerator's rebounding power automatically pulled Feng Yu Chen's fist!

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