946. Shokuhou Misaki of Chapter 946 Shaking M [Ten Third, Ask for Monthly Pass]

    [Ten third, more, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a recommendation ticket, ask for everything, acting cute to roll the monthly ticket φ (≧ ω ≦ *)?]

    Feng Yu Chen had to put on the safety pants donated by Misaka Mikoto. For the first time in his life, he was forced to wear certain styles of underwear. This is also a record of breaking personal experience.

    After getting on the early bus, Feng Yu Chen's sat on both Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki, which made him somewhat uncomfortable. If there is only one person, it is still calm, but once the two people get together, Calm.

    Oh, the troublesome day has to start again.

    Today's course is a physical education class, but the sports idiot of Shokuhou Misaki is definitely not going to take physical education. Well, it is said that this is the case, but the strength of love can change everything. Shokuhou Misaki took the initiative to change into sportswear. Physical education class, but actually fainted when running! !

    Feng Yu Chen had to take her to the infirmary to take a break. The Physical Strength was so bad that it was the best.

    However, soon, Feng Yu Chen found that things were not as simple as they thought.

    Shokuhou Misaki slowly opened his eyes under the help of Feng Yu Chen's, and then smugly slammed the starry eyes and said, "There is no Missaka guy that is obstructing us. Really, I have been staring at us since the morning, people and You can't get along with each other."


    It turned out to be halo, Feng Yu Chen suddenly helpless, Shokuhou Misaki also used the psychological Misaki, let the physical education teacher named Feng Yu Chen to take care of her, super power used in the fall in love, this guy is also absolutely.

    "Hey, you promised yesterday, you must have promised?"Shokuhou Misaki looks forward to the look at Feng Yu Chen.

    Feng Yu Chen remembered the warning of Misaka Mikoto in the morning and said, "This…"

    "I guess that guy will definitely not agree, it is difficult for you, but it does not matter, we are ordinary relations on the bright side, privately we are lovers, can this be?"Shokuhou Misaki guessed everything at first glance, so she said she didn't believe that Feng Yu Chen would reject her.

    Amount, underground romance, Shokuhou Misaki Do you still like this tone?

    Feng Yu Chen really has no way to refuse, after all, I have said this point…

    Shokuhou Misaki know Misaka Mikoto also like Feng Yu Chen's, but that guy has been saying, refused to tell the truth, will certainly prevent them from falling in love, so she can only use roundabout strategy, love this kind of thing two people know each other just good, There is no need to tell others, now she likes the feeling of love, rather than showing off love to anyone this kind of thing, she is true love …

    Gradually, the eyes of Feng Yu Chen and Shokuhou Misaki are seen together, involuntarily, and the heads of the two are gradually approaching –

    Feng Yu Chen gradually held Shokuhou Misaki in her arms and kissed her pink lips, sucking her taste. At the age of thirteen, she was already full of milk, which is typical of Tong Yan. Ah, his hand suddenly pinched on the softness that the group had long wanted to soothe, and squeezed it hard.

    Shokuhou Misaki feels gradually melted by Feng Yu Chen. The first time she experienced this kind of thing, she gave her a feeling of almost fainting. This pure warm blending made her somewhat confession, the first love, she I don't know how the intimacy between lovers should come, and I can only let this state develop.

    Feng Yu Chen was stunned by the cooperation of Shokuhou Misaki. She was not satisfied with just kissing. She pressed her on the bed in the lounge and the hand gradually slipped into the clothes…

    "Lighter, catching the pain…"Shokuhou Misaki whispered, her body was like a flame, and she didn't think that Feng Yu Chen was soothing to her, and her heart was full of pride in her body, confident that she would be better than Misaka Mikoto. Unexpected poor milk is more attractive to Feng Yu Chen's attention…


    "No, the body has to be destroyed…"

    "I have to go to class…Someone came…"


    Shokuhou Misaki gradually fell completely, and Feng Yu Chen used her accumulation technique to make her body almost like an electric shock, and finally stopped when the bell rang.

    Feng Yu Chen took some disappointment and retracted her hand. Really, this is in the school lounge. It’s not good enough, and the time is not enough, but the Shokuhou Misaki guy looks super mature on the surface. An innocent little female student is almost the same, and the attitude of wanting to refuse to welcome Feng Yu Chen tasted a different taste.

    "Do you agree to associate with me?"Shokuhou Misaki blushes and asks for his clothes.

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and pinched Shokuhou Misaki's rounded chin. The king's general gesture, Jun Lin's tone said: "You will serve me in the future."

    This kind of tough tone and domineering, Shokuhou Misaki not only did not hate, but felt strange satisfaction, like this strong boy, the soft man, she hated the most, now sees Feng Yu Chen's this overbearing Breath, suddenly more obsessed.

    "The gas field is so strong that people can't resist it, but it really is the man I am looking for…"

    Feng Yu Chen, who has experienced so many worlds, has a prototype of the body. The usual situation is that it seems that humans and animals are harmless, but the arrogance in the eyes that refuses to hide in peace determines his In the future, he is an infinite king, no matter which world is.

    "Don't regret it, throw it into my arms, don't want to escape again in the future."Feng Yu Chen said in the chest of Shokuhou Misaki.

    "No regrets."Shokuhou Misaki's burgundy face once again showed an intoxicating color. He wanted to conquer him. He was not conquered by his toughness. However, she liked the feeling of being conquered.

    Feng Yu Chen How do you not understand the morbid psychology of Shokuhou Misaki? The more conquering people, the more they want to be conquered by others. In short, they are shaking S and shaking M.

    The only exception is Esdeath. This guy is lying on the bed and not willing to give in. He likes the female style and makes Feng Yu Chen very headache.

    But Shokuhou Misaki is a different guy. It looks like a tough feeling. The harder Feng Yu Chen is, the more excited she is, so she is a sick queen.

    "What do you think of Misaka Mikoto? I can see that she seems to like you…"Shokuhou Misaki asked dressed.

    "There is no opinion, just a friend."Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Really?"Shokuhou Misaki obviously doesn't believe in Feng Yu Chen's, but she doesn't care, as long as Feng Yu Chen is good for her.

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