941. Chapter 941 ** prohibits casual placement!

    [Today's six more monthly tickets, the fourth is sent]

    Suppose you have a sky blue Loli in front of you*** What is your choice?

    [1] Ignore the rhythm, touch the Dafa, take it up, ** supreme!

    [2] Analyze and verify with scientific eyes, who is the one who is rushing to build a virtual reality simulation in the mind, YY Dafa is good…

    4. Other

    What Feng Yu Chen has to do is of course…

    "Come out, I want to go to the bathroom!!"Misaka Mikoto said the door that kicked the bathroom.

    "It’s awkward…"

    In an instant, Feng Yu Chen panicked and threw away the shower head in his hand, and was shocked. Is this Misaka, is it psychologically sensitive? I recognized everything so quickly?

    After rushing to clean the body, Feng Yu Chen walked into the bathroom with a positive look.

    Misaka Mikoto immediately pushed Feng Yu Chen into the washroom.

    fortunately……I have escaped.

    Feng Yu Chen was relieved to hide in bed, don't find it.

    After coming out of the washroom, Misaka Mikoto shy his face and threw Feng Yu Chen's four Kakuzu pants on his head. He said loudly: "Do not put this kind of thing in the future, really!!"


    Originally, Feng Yu Chen wanted to catch Misaka Mikoto's **. The result was unsuccessful. I got his underwear from Misaka Mikoto. QAQ, this guy won't make up for himself?


    Misaka Mikoto snorted and the quilt was blindfolded and slept.

    At first glance, Feng Yu Chen suddenly knew that Misaka Mikoto must have taken his four Kakuzu pants to make up for it, and he can repair it (Japanese, meaning hateful/hate, well, also the meaning of bastard, you know)! !

    No, I can't just forget it. Feng Yu Chen decided to abandon it. Misaka Mikoto is in YY, then he can do it with YYMisaka Mikoto. Come and not be indecent, everyone wants to be 'reciprocating'! !

    Suddenly, Feng Yu Chen entered the washing room in a heroic manner, and resolutely grabbed the *** of Misaka Mikoto to fully replenish his brain. What is the use of the 'Fighting up and down 36' Dafa… …

    After completing the computer repair, Feng Yu Chen took out the ** of Misaka Mikoto and threw it on her head. The same tone said: "There should be no such thing in the future, really!!"


    For a time, Misaka Mikoto was stunned and picked up her own cock. The anger was suddenly ignited. Although it was a cold, but the lightning was raging, Kakuzu showed a little demonic smile and looked at Feng Yu Chen. –


    Soon, Feng Yu Chen is not calm, this guy because of fever, plus anger, it is estimated that it can not stop ……

    For a time, the power of the entire student dormitory collapsed…



    At this time of the millennium, the dorm supervisor suddenly rushed into the room and made a special education for Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto…


    (The above situation is forbidden to watch)

    After solving the 'education', the dorm supervisor said with a cold glasses: "No guns are allowed in the dormitory. If you make another crime next time, hey, you know…"

    Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto are both together and huddled in Kakuzu. The noodle of the chicken and glutinous rice, QAQ, finally sees what is called a violent administrator, and can be repaired!


    After the heavy closing of the door, the dorm supervisor seriously walked away.

    "Grandpa you guys!!"Misaka Mikoto suddenly said with shame.

    "You are, are you throwing my underwear first?"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Hey, is the girl's underwear so you can touch it?"Asked Misaka Mikoto.

    "Then my underwear can you just YY?"Feng Yu Chen asked with his arms.

    "The three chapters of the law, in the future, who's underwear is forbidden to put in front of the other party's eyes, don't forget the three things you promised me!!"Misaka Mikoto put on his pants and started to sleep.

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and knew that he would not agree to any three conditions. It was really troublesome to be mentally prepared.


    The next day, Feng Yu Chen went to school normally. Misaka Mikoto rested in the dormitory. Although she burned back in the morning, her body was still soft and she could only rest for a day.

    "Is the invitation for the weekend considered, Student Feng…"

    After the morning session, Shokuhou Misaki was wrapped up.

    "That, sorry, I have something to do with Misaka on the weekend…"Feng Yu Chen refused straightforwardly. For this guy, he has no good temper.

    "There is no time during the day, how about the evening? I know a good hot spring. You are not going to work during the day. It’s just a good time to relax at night. Do you want to come together? We have a room…"Shokuhou Misaki said, starry eyes, she did not believe that this guy could ban her temptation.

    1 room

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Shokuhou Misaki. The beautiful figure, suddenly confused in my mind, this guy came up so straight, really (very good)…

    "I will go back and ask Misaka…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "No problem, all three of us are LEVEL5 superpowers. It is also appropriate to communicate with each other. It is better to do this. I will work with you on weekends. To be honest, I have never experienced such a thing. Just to experience the feeling of working, just decide it…"

    Shokuhou Misaki puts a V gesture in his right hand and then gracefully turns and walks out of the classroom.

    Feng Yu Chen should be thankful to Shokuhou Misaki for her closeness, because the female students of the regular table were not so crazy to court him, and the Queen's power was still very influential.

    Now Chang Taiwan Secondary School, recognized one thing is that Feng Yu Chen, Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki three LEVEL5 superpowers have three Kakuzu relationship, which makes the general female student do not dare to fen G Yu Chen shows love, after all, but there are two levels of 5 ability to stare at, and level 5 of the ability to dispute, is not a fun thing.

    Misaka Mikoto to anyone is very kind, but Shokuhou Misaki is a queen's absolute field demeanor, Shokuhou Misaki in, those female student to give up the pursuit of Feng Yu Chen, just The private formation of a Feng Yu Chen for the ' Prince Sama ' of the valve, but also a lot of people, and so on, not only often plate secondary school, the garden of the school five of the staff have.

    Shokuhou Misaki wants to establish a relationship between men and women with Feng Yu Chen. In addition to hitting Misaka Mikoto, she also wants to gather this faction under the name of Feng Yu Chen, which is very helpful for her to master the whole school. And she personally feels that only a good man like Feng Yu Chen is qualified to be her boyfriend.

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