935. Chapter 935 buys safety pants together today! (down

    [Today's eight more monthly tickets, the sixth is sent]

    After drinking a cup of coffee, Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto came out of the cafe.

    Misaka Mikoto's delighted pair of Gekota pendants in their hands, left to look, right to look, like a baby in the hand, but in the end did not know where to put it.

    "If you are a pendant, it’s good to wear it on your bag. If you wear it on your hand, it will be awkward…"Feng Yu Chen reminded him.

    "Soga, hey, this is for you, I just need one, let's go, buy safety pants."

    Misaka Mikoto hung a pendant on the bag and then another pendant for a while and gave it to Feng Yu Chen.

    I? Forget it, no interest…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, a big boy, running around with this cute Gekota pendant, looks like.

    "Give you, you will take it, hehe!"

    Misaka Mikoto gave it to Feng Yu Chen and specially helped him to hang on the title.

    Feng Yu Chen can only hold a bitter smile, will not force him to buy a variety of Gekota's surroundings in the future?


    After getting on the bus, Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto came to the front of a women's underwear store.

    "That, I still don't go in…"Feng Yu Chen scratched his head and said.

    "It doesn't matter, let's go in together."

    Misaka Mikoto strides Meteor's pull Feng Yu Chen into the underwear store.

    At this time, the female students of the school around the underwear shop, and the Changpantai Middle School, also let Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto pay attention to the fact that Shokuhou Misaki is also a guy.

    "Hey, it’s a couple so soon, congratulations, Missaka Student, Student Feng…"Shokuhou Misaki said with a sigh of relief.

    "You want to manage, Yu Chen, let's go here…"Misaka Mikoto coldly snorted, pulling Feng Yu Chen to a compartment.

    After coming straight to the booth of the underwear of the safety pants (actually four Kakuzu pants), Misaka Mikoto began to choose.

    "What model do you want, I will choose one for you…I have nothing wrong with it. I bought two pairs of the same paragraph and bought 20% off…"Said Misaka Mikoto.


    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't want to, buy it yourself, I can't wear this…"

    The waiter at the side suddenly covered his mouth and smiled. This girl is really interesting. Let her boyfriend wear the female four Kakuzu pants. Really…

    “This Student, our store just has a new four-Kakuzu pants for men and women, designed for couples, the fabric is also excellent, 100% cotton, easy to keep warm, soft, close-fitting, hygroscopic, breathable Very good sex, and the same 20% discount for buying two sets, do you want to see it?"The waiter immediately recommended it, after all, lovers are also one of the products to sell, especially the lovers of this underwear, is also a must, after all, some men and women friends want to wear the same underwear…

    "Let's take a look…"Feng Yu Chen said that couples are always much better than this completely feminine design.


    Misaka Mikoto suddenly blushed, but quickly calmed down. Anyway, Feng Yu Chen is a man dressed as a man, no problem.

    one moment please

    The waiter nodded and went to the backstage. The lovers' suits like underwear were specially placed…

    At this time, Shokuhou Misaki came over and said to Misaka Mikoto: "I said that you are not idiot. Obviously, your roommate is a boy. Although he is very handsome, he is also a man. The school also informs. Now, how do you still believe what I said yesterday?"

    Misaka Mikoto frowned and said, "Did you not say that he was a man dressed as a man?"

    Ha ha

    Shokuhou Misaki suddenly said with a chuckle: "You really have to believe, I am lying to you, what is the place in Changpantai Middle School, this strict private aristocratic school, will have nothing to do with women to wear men's clothing? The relationship with Student Feng is based on the premise of studying the different abilities between the two of you. He is a male…"


    In an instant, Misaka Mikoto had a feeling of collapse of the image, and the little face gradually became red, and she was littering with a trace of electric light, and then looked at Feng Yu Chen with anger.


    It’s going to be bad…

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the murderous Shokuhou Misaki, who suddenly stunned his face. Although he knew that one day, the truth would be clear, Misaka Mikoto would know that he was a male thing, but did not expect to know it now…

    Misaka Mikoto remembered everything in the past two days. Last night, I changed my clothes in front of my hand, and I also took my hand many times. More…Just two people have had the same coffee cup in the coffee shop…Then he almost understood his own affairs…

    The breakdownTo collapse…

    Misaka Mikoto The only thought at the moment is to kill Feng Yu Chen and everything goes back to normal! ! !

    "Oh, yes, I have something to do, just think of it, haha…HahaHaha=Mikoto, not Misaka Student, I…Take a step first…"

    Feng Yu Chen ran out in an instant.

    "Bastard, you guy is dead! Don't run! ! ”

    Misaka Mikoto suddenly chased it out.

    Hey…Hello?Don't leave…"

    At this time, the service walked out with a couple of safety pants and found that Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto both ran away, suddenly smashed up, was it to play her?

    Shokuhou Misaki, holding the couple safety pants in his hand, said: "I will help them pay, they are in a hurry."

    "Is that the case? Then Cheng Hui is a total of…50,000 yen…Are you paying cash or swiping? ”The waiter nodded and said nod.

    "Cash…"Shokuhou Misaki paid the money and then turned and walked out of the underwear store.

    At the time of school, Shokuhou Misaki inquired about Feng Yu Chen's data. According to the calculation of the tree graphic designer, Feng Yu Chen's gravitational ability, if evolved, can surpass [Accelerator] to become the first LEVEL5 capable person, and also hope to evolve. Become the legendary LEVEL6stage, that is, "to the field of God, to reach the domain of God."

    The purpose of bright side on the regular platform is Feng Yu Chen and Misaka mikoto two people's ability to cooperate, but in fact, is in the covert development of auxiliary Feng Yu Chen evolved to LEVEL6, and is still one organization, ready to let "Accele Rator "and" Gravity control "to fight, tree graphic designers calculation results, two people fight words, and eventually survive can become level6!!

    Shokuhou Misaki, who has been exposed to such a secret, naturally will not transfer Feng Yu Chen to Misaka Mikoto, and because of the union of Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto in the school, there is gradually a faction that is centered on them. Has affected her site control…

    In short, she is now interested in Feng Yu Chen. She is not happy when she sees Misaka Mikoto happy. She wants to grab Feng Yu Chen! The only prince of Changpan is only the princess, Misaka Mikoto is not a princess, she is!

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