928. Chapter 928 Railgun VS Super Gravity Cannon (below)

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    In the face of Misaka Mikoto in the sparkling fire, Feng Yu Chen knows that the Training Hall battle can't be avoided, but the point is that he just mastered the gravitational ability of the gravitational control. He didn't know how to manipulate it. If he is, he really is a big man?

    If on the first day, Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto are bothering, it is probably conceivable that among the only three LEVEL5 players in the regular table, Shokuhou Misaki will be in Feng Yu Chen and Misaka. On Mikoto's head, he became a good student of 'goods and good quality', while Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto will be named as "bad hobby duo".

    In this way, Changpantai Middle School will almost become the place of control of Shokuhou Misaki, and it will be the presence of all the students, and Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto will gradually be alienated.

    Although Feng Yu Chen has no opinion on the views of outsiders, but this will cause him trouble, and he will not really like it when he is looked at by the strange eyes.


    "Okay, since it is a competition, then I promised it is okay, just point it up. If anybody between us falls down, I am afraid it will be considered as an off-campus fight. You don’t want to just enter school. Special, right?"

    Feng Yu Chen tried to negotiate to look at Misaka Mikoto.

    Misaka Mikoto apparently did not have Feng Yu Chen's consciousness. He raised his brow and said: "It is as if I am similar to your strength. Don't think it is too simple to pass. Today must be a winner!"


    Feng Yu Chen stunned, this cockroach is completely off-line, and it has not been cured.

    "So good, then take a step back, I can accompany you to practice different abilities, but can you cancel the application for accommodation tomorrow?" It is really inconvenient to see men and women together. ”Feng Yu Chen said.


    "Don't pretend, you are a woman dressed as a man, don't know me!" You guys definitely don’t want to wear skirts and the like under the crowd, want to hide your crystal skin, right? Boys can wear a little more, so they won’t be YY…"Misaka Mikoto said loudly.


    Feng Yu Chen is speechless, are you talking about yourself? Isn't that what you wear with safety pants?

    "I am now officially setting you up as a brain."

    "You are brain-dead, you are cheap!"

    Misaka Mikoto did not hesitate to counterattack, because of the anger of the safety pants incident, she has given up normal thinking!

    In an instant, a coin was thrown away by Misaka Mikoto –

    This signature move, Feng Yu Chen naturally knows Misaka Mikoto's signature special skill – Railgun.

    If you can't avoid it, you will definitely be finished.

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly tried to imagine what could be comparable to Railgun's ability. Gravity control is the same level of ability as Railgun, so it will definitely not be weak. In addition to manipulating safety pants, there must be other effectiveness. The certain, gravity should not be just to manipulate the safety pants!

    The principle of Railgun is to use the principle of electromagnetic induction to shoot the coin at the initial speed of 3 times the speed (Speed ​​1030m / s), and because Misaka Mikoto uses its own electromagnetic force to correct the flight track and accelerate the game currency, it is different from the general Bullets. Misaka Mikoto's Railgun is constantly accelerating before hitting the target, so it has a high degree of accuracy and destructive power!

    This Speed ​​is not easy to avoid!

    In an instant, Feng Yu Chen's brain flashed, so it's better to copy it.

    Super gravity gun!

    Since the ability to manipulate the gravitational principle at will, then also can be applied in the game currency of strong repulsion, repulsion is also within the scope of gravity, but is the reaction force, just do not know how to exert the repulsion limit in the end is how much, after all, the first use of this ability, the strength of the big easily hurt to Misaka Mikoto, Small force is easy to be hurt by Misaka Mikoto.

    And most importantly, Feng Yu Chen cast the Super Gravity cannon, is the two principles of action, the first, set Feng Yu Chen and game coins are mutually exclusive, so that the game coin away from Feng Yu Chen, the weaker the repulsion, the slower the Speed, the second, set the game coin and Misak A Mikoto is attracted to each other, then the closer the game coin is from Misaka Mikoto, the stronger the gravitational pull, the stronger the Speed, which is similar to Railgun.

    Can you really be able to display it, only to fight it together, anyway, the quality of the game currency is small, the penetrating power is strong, Feng Yu Chen's Saint Mark body (cockroach body) does not matter, well, set this ability is Super gravity cannon.

    At the same time, Feng Yu Chen throws up a coin and then applies an ability to set up Misaka Mikoto and the game currency as two mutually attractive presences, strengthening the gravitational field to the limit state, while the gravitational field orbit and the Railgun launched by Misaka Mikoto The track is in the same tone.

    Split second ,Feng Yu Chen's The brain started a powerful calculation, the development of Sharingan and Byakugan, his brain is beyond the ordinary, and the heterogeneity of A Certain Magical Index tends to be scientific, so the necessary brain calculus is It is necessary that the Accelerator must also perform brain calculations before starting the ability. If the calculation is exceeded, the ability will not be issued…

    "Railgun !!"

    "Super gravity gun!!"

    At the same time, Feng Yu Chen and Misaka Mikoto fired their respective abilities, and the two coins suddenly hit each other with a super high Speed…

    "Hong!" ~! ! ”

    The violent explosion rang through the night sky, and the surrounding street lights stopped the power supply because of the unstable voltage. At the same time, because of the destruction of the gravitational field, various things in the center of the explosion began to distort! ! !

    Fortunately Feng Yu Chen and coins and Misaka Mikoto coins at the same time collapse, otherwise, the gravitational field is always there, so that the gravitational fluctuations reached a certain extent, it will affect the Misaka Mikoto, although the quality of the coin small damage is not high, but the injury is affirmative, Feng Yu Chen's gravitational ability and electromagnetic seduction are different, as long as the body does not disappear, the gravitational field will always exist, unless Feng Yu Chen cancel the gravitational field of the action body …

    "Is this the reason for juxtaposition? Super gravity gun, why are you called [gravitational control], it should be [super gravity gun], actually can increase the gravity to this ability, no wonder it will be the super power of LEVEL5, but it is not over yet, but I am Can send 8 times [Railgun] in one minute, what about you? Women dressed as men's [super gravity gun]? ”

    Misaka Mikoto continues to come up with a game coin and seems to want to continue fighting.

    "I said, I am not a woman dressed as a man, are you brain-dead?"

    Feng Yu Chen feels that I can't sleep normally tonight. It must be Shokuhou Misaki. This guy told Misaka Mikoto that he is a man dressed as a man, otherwise this guy won't choose to be with him!

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