918. Chapter 918 Ange's collapsed life SHOW

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    [That, the next world is the A Certain Magical Index, "Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon" is a realistic plot. Don't misunderstand it. This is the second dimension of the invasion of the earth. Well, the reality has already developed in the direction of collapse.]

    Ange found that she had come to a strange world, and her privacy was known to the group of guys in front of her. The guys at the entire base have been using the same vision to look at her, not to live QAQ…

    Ok, but the biggest goal of Ange's exile in Norma is to be alive, even if he is treated again.

    "Do you want to eat? Don't worry, everyone is not malicious, because we are here from the second yuan like you, we can see from those Anime like you, in short, you force yourself to understand. ”Kurasaki Fuuko kindly brought the food up.

    "It’s so sweet, I don’t have to eat those things…"

    Ange is actually a lot more satisfied with the meals here.

    Kongou coldly snorted said: "When you finish your meal, you are not a royal girl, and I watched your Anime. Actually, I rushed to kill my teammates. You really have enough garbage. That is called cocoa. The girl is really a pity…"

    "Kongou, when did you know the meaning of your partner?"Takao said, caressing his slender legs.

    "Hey, don't forget you, but my men!"Kongou said with a frown.

    "Oh, is that? People, but you are the first step by the captain SAMA to wash the engine, you are the next generation! ”Takao said nothing.


    Kongou suddenly smashed the table and stood up and said: "For this matter, I can't help but endure, Takao, you dare to wash the engine first!"

    Ange speechless at the table on the messy meals on the table, especially, people are starving to death, but also let people eat?

    Kurasaki Fuuko quickly took Ange back and said, "Go to my room, the living room will be a big mess. Well, living here, you have to know how to avoid some dangers. These guys are better than Colossal Dragon. ……"


    Ange can't accept it…

    "Ah, let it go…"

    Kurome carried a huge magic wolf and threw it in. This is the prey that was hit today with Elder Sister Akame.

    Only this wolf body suddenly pressed Angel under the body, split second, stench accompanied by severe pain, Ange decisively stunned in the past…

    I'm gonnaGo Back

    Ange tweeted and said.

    Kurasaki Fuuko, helpless look at Kurome, this guy, how do you say…The ancient spirit is overkill…

    Akame suddenly reached for a shot on Kurome's head and said, "Be careful next time, really, what if you crush a newcomer?"

    "Oh, I will pay attention to it next time, but Elder Sister, next time we catch only bigger ones, one seems to be not enough…"Kurome said caressing his little belly.

    "Will you hunt? Bring me together, hunting the dangerous species to prove to me that I am the strongest! ”Esdeath has come to the interest.

    "Don't run around, didn't you hear the words of the husband?" Esdeath! ”

    Busujima Saeko said with a frown.

    "Hah, do you want to fight?"

    "Come on!!"


    Suddenly the room began to collapse…


    On this day, Feng Yu Chen and Kuroyukihime are enjoying the leisure of fishing.

    Ange came over and said, "I want to go back!"

    "You are idiot, don't bother my fish!"Feng Yu Chen said with a blank glance.

    Kuroyukihime finally had time to spend time with Feng Yu Chen alone. When he broke into Ange, he frowned and said, "Can you burst the chrysanthemum, can you not appear at this time?"



    Ange feels that she can't stay any longer. There is no normal person here. Oh, I really want to go back…


    Suddenly, space fluctuations began again over the Antarctic. This time, the super Colossal Dragon, which is a kilometer long, came out, and the dark Colossal Dragon had a fight, and also a stream of light fell to the ground.

    After the space volatility, there was no teleportation, but the Colossal Dragon appeared directly over the Antarctic. Then, what surprised Feng Yu Chen was that the Colossal Dragon and the sky were out of the magical forest. Colossal Dragon fight together! ! !

    The battle between Colossal Dragon and Colossal Dragon immediately attracted all the sights of the entire Antarctic region.

    As expected…

    Feng Yu Chen is not wrong. The magic creatures of Dimensional World and the magic creatures in the magic forest are different. According to domestic investigations, a new Infinator says that his friend has obtained a connection with a certain The Random Dimensional World and the Earth's Item Card are most likely to connect the world of "Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon" to the world, and then the interpretation of Colossal Dragon and Ange will be explained.

    "Yu Chen, there is a radio wave signal coming, and like that day, it may be a companion to the Ange world…"

    Kurasaki Fuuko ran over and said.

    "Really?" Let's take a look at it. The direction of this fall is actually safer. In the peripheral area, if it is the inner area of ​​the magic forest, there is really no way. I will go alone…"Feng Yu Chen said, letting go of the fishing rod.

    "Wait, I am going with you, maybe I can find the clues to go back."

    Ange said that she had been eager to leave this place, a group of broken guys, she felt that she was not normal…

    "you? Forget it, your body is too weak, I don't have the mood to take care of you, go back and try Energy Crystal for you, maybe you can be the existence of the abilities. ”Feng Yu Chen suddenly flashed, Ange is not the existence of Contractor, then the other words and ordinary people are no different, using Energy Crystal may be able to get the power of the power.

    And if you can transform these Dimensional World abilities, you need to be more credible than the government's abilities candidates, the government has its own purposes and considerations, and the emergence of new Infinators, they can pass their own Strength Get Energy Crystal.

    Next, Feng Yu Chen is ready to use nanomaterials to create a academy city similar to the Magic Index World, which is relatively well controlled if it can be dimensional World, perhaps This "cross Ange:rondo of Angel and Dragon" sub-invasion will be a good start, to be the king of the world first to cultivate their own trustworthy strength Ah, Ange they may be able to become his strength.

    "Energy Crystal?"Ange stayed in these days, and probably got to know the world of Iceburg-Kakuzu. I know that Energy Crystal can awaken the ability. If there is an ability, then there will be more Strength to live?

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