914. Chapter 914, Purpose of Kurasaki Fuuko

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    Krista's tearful eyes at Feng Yu Chen said: "If someone just came to that, do you really want to push it down?"


    Your special visit is too late!

    Feng Yu Chen Resentful look at Krista, can you still be a normal bubbler?

    "Wait a week?"Krista's soft, watery eyes look at Feng Yu Chen.

    "Can I say no?"

    Feng Yu Chen turned to look at Asuna in the smile, as long as he said no, presumably Asuna will become sneer.

    When did the sisters begin to unite and the family was too harmonious?

    "What do you say…"

    Asuna said with a kind smile.

    "Okay, one week a week!"Feng Yu Chen said with a bite, Krista is so incredibly moe moe's sister can't eat, what is the reason!

    Then there is the winter swimming competition of the ladies. This is also the delivery of welfare. One cute sister swayed the waist in the sea like a mermaid, swaying the beautiful buttocks, slapping the slender legs of the sea, but shaking the jade Chest, well, the poor milk is free…

    While drinking iced orange juice and admiring this cute winter swimming picture, Feng Yu Chen feels that there is nothing better in the world. Of course, the most attractive thing is the Krista who is in the ****…


    Finally, the trouble is coming.

    The women returned and arranged one by one to surround Feng Yu Chen…

    "Master Fu, now you have to choose the Queen of the family, SAMA…"Kurasaki Fuuko said with a smile.


    Esdeath, Busujima Saeko, Kongou, the three eyes of the sights at Feng Yu Chen, waiting for Feng Yu Chen's final result.


    Sure enough, heaven and hell are connected, enjoying the past, and then the moment to decide the fate.

    However, Feng Yu Chen has a good move…

    "Everyone, listen to me…"

    Feng Yu Chen tried to make a happy look and said: "Today's activities, everyone has a good time. I have seen a big family. My girls are my favorite, every world. I have you accompanied me to spend, to be honest, I think I am the most happiest in the world.

    So, I decided to make a sea banquet this evening. I will do it myself. After I get back from the acceleration, I will rarely devote myself to this, and we will gather together to eat and enjoy this warm time. We will always be in the heart. We are a family……"

    One girl suddenly recalled the joy of winter swimming, forgot everything, they have not really gathered together so happy, it is indeed a day worth remembering.

    In the midst of the movements of the women, Feng Yu Chen decisively jumped into the sea to catch fish, damn, how long it takes to count the time, choose who is the queen, forget it, the queen is the queen, can never change, Busujima Saeko, Esdeath Kongou is a queen, no choice!


    After a while, the girls reacted. Feng Yu Chen is a plan to cross the sea.

    As a result, in the end, there was no choice as to who the queen was.

    Kurasaki Fuuko grinned and said: "Forget it, let him go, Saeko, Esdeath also Kongou, in fact, the husband does not want to choose, but because in his heart, we are all the same, he does not want to be biased And does our family really need some kind of system to constrain it?

    It’s too boring. Now everyone has their own characteristics. The reason why we can get along very well now is because we are always happy to do what we like to do. In normal times, although we are each camp, but the key When we are a whole, create our future together.

    At first I really thought that so many girls would collapse, but I feel good now. I feel that everything is good when I see everyone's happy face every day. ”

    Busujima Saeko nodded and said: "He is too gentle to us. I don't want to hurt anyone because everyone is equal. I don't want him to be a difference. That's the scum. The Queen's choice is for a while."

    Esdeath coldly snorted and said, "I don't care what the queen is, I have to rest…"

    "The queen is really too boring, let's talk about it later…"Kongou also passed his face.

    Kuroyukihime is drinking black tea, Kakuzu smiles, Fuuko is actually a good manager. This winter swimming and now, Fuuko's plan, everything is perfect, the three queens have stopped fighting, she has long been Looked out.

    "In other words, minor furtune, why don't you join together today?"Kurasaki Fuuko looks at Kuroyukihime.

    Kuroyukihime suddenly blushed. In fact, she never decided to wear a swimsuit. After all, she wanted to leave a good impression on Feng Yu Chen. As a result, she has been selected now, and she wants to let Feng Yu Chen see her beautiful look. what.

    "I don't want to participate in this boring game. It's better to drink tea, and the winter swimming is very cold."Kuroyukihime pretend that it does not matter.

    "What?"How could Kurasaki Fuuko not understand the ideas of good friends, but did not ask again.

    "Of course it's true, no road race (meaning you are annoying / annoying, Shana's mouth, Tsundere women often speaking)…No road race…"

    Kuroyukihime put down the tea cup angrily and took a small hand and quickly walked away…


    Winter swimming festival, perfect ending, Feng Yu Chen feels that after this activity, the ladies gradually understand each other, this is what he expects, because each is important because each has its own characteristics Feng Yu Chen doesn't want to restrict them tough, they are not dolls, they are not toys, they can't think about how to deal with them.

    After dinner, Feng Yu Chen sat with the girls and looked at Anime.

    Today they are looking at the a certain magical Index, Feng Yu Chen wants to build a city similar to Academy City, because the emergence of the ability, there must be management of it, gradually, the ordinary school on Earth will disappear, replaced by the ability of the subject of the specific School Park, the world has begun to move towards a new era, the evolution of the Earth people has begun, the management of the new human, that is, the power of the person is an important link, in the future he is not not thinking, the Unlimited Anime system will one day have a result.

    This result may be a battle between humans and magical creatures. Now you need to gradually prepare. Once the number of abilities exceeds a certain value, it will become an important Strength. This is only the grip in your hand. Feng Yu Chen is the king of the new human being in this world!

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