906. Chapter 906 Five Generations Hokage

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    Orochimaru, under the joint efforts of Jiraiya and Tsunade, instantly retreated, and Feng Yu Chen's technique made his body unable to play its full state.

    Then, Feng Yu Chen and others returned to the village.

    Thousands of Tsunade met the last generation of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and with the entrustment of the five generations of Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the three-generation Hokage that once resounded to the end of the world, suddenly passed away.

    Then Feng Yu Chen and others participated in the three-generation festival. The five-generation Hokage Thousand Tsunade was successfully promoted with the support of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko. At the same time, Busujima Saeko resigned as the Minister of Anbu…

    The departure of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko is also convenient for the management of Konoha by Tsunade. Otherwise, there are two of them, and the ninjas who support them will definitely be hostile to the Nikage of Hokage.

    After all, Feng Yu Chen is already a hero of Konoha. In the Konoha crash plan, Konoha was saved. Even Ichibi (One-Tails) Shukaku was defeated. This symbol of strength has become the strength that everyone wants, almost Ninety percent of ninja supports him as the fifth generation Hokage.

    However, will Konoha’s senior officials agree so easily?

    No, it’s all about Senju Hashirama when I sit on the Hokage seat.

    The second generation Senju Tobirama is the younger brother of 1st Generation Senju Hashirama.

    The three generations of Hiruzen Sarutobi are disciples of 1st Generation and the second generation.

    The four generations of Namikaze Minato are the descendants of three generations.

    The Five Generations of Thousands is the granddaughter of 1st Generation.

    The original sixth-generation Qimu Kakashi is an apprentice of four generations. The seven-generation Uzumaki Naruto is the son of four generations. As for the eight generations of Sarutobi Konoha pills, the three generations of grandchildren have been identified.

    The ridiculous Hokage faction, saying something unselfish, in fact, in the end, sitting in the Hokage position is a relationship of knotty, whether it is coincidence or something, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen will not go to the beach.

    His goal is to control the entire ninja world and establish a Ninja United Nations similar to the United Nations.

    Thousand hands Tsuna look at the two strongest ninjas in front of the village, Hyuuga Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko.

    "Do you really have to travel? The current village needs your Strength. At this time, the people are easily confused. ”

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said: "If you don't leave, the hearts of the people will be confused. Do you not know the five generations? Has anyone in the streets recently supported me? If I want to stay again, there will be two forces. Konoha will collapse if it does not collapse. The three generations have explained that I am fully assisting you in the upper position. I can only promise it in his last wish. ”

    Thousand hands Tsunade also not do not understand the meaning of this, although she is three forbearance, indeed famous, but left the village so many years, the impression has already faded out of the attention of the crowd, but Feng Yu Chen is not general, the outstanding, prestige prominent, powerful, and the strength of significantly more than three forbearance, Orochimaru was defeated in his hands, Ichibi (One-tails) Shukaku was also strongly suppressed, this strength has let the whole Konoha ninja blindly follow.

    "I will also quit. Anbu is mastered by the Five dynasties. The new Hokage will use the Strength that he has trusted. I am not suitable."Busujima Saeko also said.

    "Then can only be wronged, you have been away for a while…"Thousand hands Tsunade nodded helplessly, if Feng Yu Chen objected, she wanted to sit in the position of Hokage is impossible, and the strength of the Hyuuga giants behind Feng Yu Chen can not be ignored, once Feng Yu Chen is interested in Hokage, The entire Konoha will fall into his hands instantly.


    After the Hokage building, Busujima Saeko temporarily went home to clean up, Feng Yu Chen went home and said goodbye to Hyuuga Hinata. If Hokage is not completely finished, it is not allowed to bring out characters.

    Hyuuga Hinata seems to be waiting for Feng Yu Chen's in the room.

    "Hinata, I have to leave for a while…"

    Feng Yu Chen entered the room and said.

    "I know that when Elder Brother comes back again, I will be really strong. My father told me that Elder Brother wants to go out and temporarily avoid the focus of the five-generation Hokage. It is for the sake of the village, I know…"Hyuuga Hinata suddenly fell into the arms of Feng Yu Chen's, obviously disappointing.

    "I will come back often…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, although the world of Hokage is not over without an infinite ring, it can consume Silver Coin to return to the world, as long as he wants, he can.

    "Well, though, I have to be stronger. I have been relying on Elder Brother. There is no way to be really strong. I want to be strong. I want to surprise Elder Brother. Primal Chaos will try my best to cultivate all the success. ……"Hyuuga Hinata firmly said that it has been impossible to rely on Elder Brother.

    "Yes, then, Hinata, next time I come back, you will be my real woman…"Feng Yu Chen leaned over her head and kissed Hyuuga Hinata's lips. The fascinating sister's interest made him extremely intoxicated. I was looking forward to seeing the growing sister, now it is not eating. Old, too small…

    Hyuuga Hinata closed her eyes and let Feng Yu Chen ask for it. The little hand was holding the body of Elder Brother. Maybe after the kiss, it was two or three years before I met again, so she had to remember Elder. The taste of Brother…

    Little Loli's lilac tongue was sent in and entangled with Feng Yu Chen. For different reasons, the two men exceeded 100% of the investment. The taboo brothers and sisters loved, and everything could not stop the love of the brothers and sisters. .


    After a ****, Feng Yu Chen took the intent of Hinata and set off, but the second thing to do before leaving was to meet, Fuji Feng Xue painted this famous actress, the original snow agreement He has not forgotten it.


    Before meeting Kazahana Koyuki, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko came to the theater to watch the movie Princess Fengyun.

    "The first thing to say goodbye to Hinata is that the second thing is to help the princess of the Snow Country inherit the name of the name, and then what?"Asked Busujima Saeko.

    "Well, after this incident, the last thing, and then the return, I wanted to get along with you a lot, but the world is still cold."Feng Yu Chen apologized for the look at Busujima Saeko.

    "Well, this does not blame you, I am also fully committed, and now it has finally become strong. If you want to get something, you must have the awareness of abandoning something. I exchange the time I lost with you. The strength, worthy, and later, a lot of time together, don't become really powerful, there is no way to fight alongside you…"Busujima Saeko said that she is determined to be the queen of the family, so be sure to have the strength to surpass Esdeath and Kongou!

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