901. Chapter 901, Endurance Morning

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    The sound of the four people in the look at the confrontation of Feng Yu Chen and Orochimaru, suddenly confused, two people have been confronted until now, nothing has moved, what is going on?

    "No, Orochimaru adults are definitely controlled by illusion!"Many of the four people also suddenly said aloud.

    I see……Zuo Jin, Duo You, and Ji Langfang, you take the Orochimaru adults to retreat first, I hold back the enemies of the pursuit…"Kidoumaru said suddenly.


    For a time, the four purple squadrons were lifted, and Orochimaru was taken away from Feng Yu Chen's by Yuki, and the next Langfang was left behind, and Kidoumaru was responsible for the break.

    When Orochimaru broke away from Feng Yu Chen, the illusion was automatically lifted.

    Feng Yu Chen's own hail illusion is powerful, but there is a fatal weakness. The illusion of illusion is the distance. Once the distance is exceeded, the illusion will be automatically removed. This is also because of hail. The strength of Strength is weaker.

    After leaving the illusion, Orochimaru immediately understood the weakness of Feng Yu Chen's illusion, but if his men saved him, presumably his soul would be broken now, his body was already frozen, and he almost died. The sound of the four people's judgment is timely, otherwise…

    And although I escaped the illusion, the Chakra of Orochimaru's whole body was sealed, and the blood was completely frozen. It must be treated immediately.

    “Quickly retreat, the plan fails!”

    Orochimaru saw Feng Yu Chen say, biting his teeth and hate.

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the escaped Orochimaru, shaking his head, unable to catch up, Chakra has been used almost, Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) can not be used, using Susanoo and sealed Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama The soul, his avatar consumes too much Chakra.

    However, after Sasuke defected and killed Kimimaro, the world's Quest came to an end. The world process of "Hokage Konaha Chapter" was over, then "Naruto Shippuuden" and "Hokage" The stage story is waiting to be opened.

    The Hokage world is divided into trilogy.


    The battle ended with the defeat of Orochimaru and the death of Baki and the death of all the sand. The body of Feng Yu Chen and his twelve Little Loli were covered with blood, and they fell down with a ninja.

    After a killing, Feng Yu Chen's inner bloodthirsty was relieved, the blood on his face was wiped, and Little Loli, who was smiling, said: "Now everyone is starting to treat the ninja in the village…"


    Little Loli saw that Feng Yu Chen's smiles were separated from the blackened state, from assassin to medical ninja.

    The Anbu members were shocked by the look at twelve Little Loli, their Assassination Technique is much more powerful than the Anbu members, and one of them will use Mokuton. Basically everyone is proficient in the three-day dance. Surgery, and the blinking is also very useful.

    This makes the Anbu people very vulnerable. Who are these little girls? Is it just an ordinary medical ninja? It seems that the original Anbu Minister Hyuuga Yu Chen is not really silent. It seems that he already has his own "Anbu" troops, or an elite presence. These Little Loli, killing almost one blow, never come out. Two tricks, sometimes the opponent does not understand how he died…

    After the battle, Feng Yu Chen looked at the system's one-piece Title announcement, and the last title was –

    "Ding, 007, middle forbearance strikes to kill 30,jōnin strikes to kill 10,tokubetsu jounin strikes to kill 2, rival camp player strikes to kill 5,a level Quest 30 times, S-Class Quest 2 times, reward A-class ninjutsu three kinds (wind Style–rasengan, water style–transient, ice retreat–secret Art * water without Moon kill), Sforbidden Jutsu One (Seal operation-Ice retreat–secret Art * Absolute ice), won the title "The Morning of Forbearance", Attribute as follows: Strength +80,physical strength +80,speed +50,energ Y +300. ”

    Yes, Rasengan is a-class Ninjutsu wind Style, this is definitely Hokage's signature skills, instantaneous water is the second generation of Senju Tobirama, the water is not a month to kill, similar to revolving Heaven of an ice retreat Secre T Art, the last of this ice retreat seal, absolutely frozen, presumably is not a simple goods, do not know and "fairy Tail" in the ice shape magician ulu use of absolute zero compared?

    The Attribute obtained by Title is also good, and the next few titles seem to be acquired in the second and third articles of Hokage.

    Jiraiya This guy didn't show up at the end, probably because of the presence of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko. I believe they are enough to solve the situation.

    After solving the battle, three generations of Sarutobi seriously injured the coma, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko temporarily managed Konoha, and two Konoha consultants Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were invited to preside over the situation.

    Gaara, Temari, and Kanjiro were taken care of, and the only three people who survived the sand were them.

    "How is the state of the sundial?"Utatane Koharu asked Feng Yu Chen.

    "To my medical level, although the treatment of good injuries, but after all, three generations of age, as the body of the Ninja to bear the injury is much better than the ordinary physique, but the age is also a problem, even if it is sober over presumably also can not use ninjutsu, simply speaking, Good situation is to wake up but can not use ninjutsu, the bad situation is the deterioration of the disease, spiritual malaise, up to one months of life, according to the current situation, it is very likely that the latter, Orochimaru grass Kurokusanagi sword hurt the three generations of purpose cardiopulmonary system … "

    Feng Yu Chen said quietly.

    One month

    Utatane Koharu suddenly frowned and didn't have Hokage. It was a big problem for Konoha. The first priority is to immediately select the five-generation Hokage.

    "Forget it, this is not your responsibility. You are temporarily responsible for the management of the village. I and Xiaochun have to discuss the issue of the next five generations…"Mitokado Homura said to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Yes, then the subordinates retire…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and left the room.

    Utatane Koharu looks at Feng Yu Chen's figure, suddenly said: "This Hyuuga family boy, there is the second generation of the purpose of the style, with great love, moral noble, impartial, deeply convinced and loved by all, at the same time has the most cold and wise sanity and mind, can see To clarify the reality and formulate a realistic plan, if it is not an age problem, there is no doubt about the choice of five generations of goals. ”

    "Yeah, age is a relationship. I heard that Jiraiya is coming back. I will ask him about his wishes first. Yu Chen has been recognized for his ability and strength, but his age is a problem. Let’s train for a few more years, mainly Danzou. I won't easily agree, age problems are easy to be embarrassed…"Mitokado Homura nodded.

    "Okay, only this way…"

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