300. Chapter 300 Essentials strikes to kill training

    [Thanks for the reward of the vegetable radish children's shoes, the second is sent today, seeking referral subscription, monthly ticket]

    "Now start training, are you ready?"

    Altina puts on her clothes and says to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Well, I am ready."Feng Yu Chen also put on clothes, and now Altina is allowed to wear clothes. Maybe she also thinks that two people have been 'candidly meet each other'. Is it too **?

    "Ten chances of mistakes, the first day of attack is 10 meters away, the attack is wrong or the time is more than one second, I will hit you a punch!"Altina reiterated the rules.

    Feng Yu Chen holds a stone in his hand and hits the stone with a stone!

    "First position: eyes!"



    With the order of Altina, Feng Yu Chen reacted instantly, and the stone in his hand flew out instantly, hitting the eyes of the wooden man ten meters away from his body.

    "Hit the edge of the eyeball, 0.5mm from the center of the eyeball, 0.8 seconds, barely pass, next position: left temple!"


    "Next position: posterior carotid artery!!"

    After hearing this command prompt, Feng Yu Chen suddenly became amazed. He stood in front of the wooden man, going to the back or side of it to be able to attack…

    That is Feng Yu Chen's, Altina's Queen's Boxing has been shocked for a moment! !



    Feng Yu Chen's body was suddenly shot and flew out, hitting a tree heavily, and a large mouth of blood spit out. All the organs in the chest and abdomen seemed to be twisted together.


    "Next position: left and next hole!!"

    Altina did not give Feng Yu Chen any time to recover from the injury and immediately began the release of the order.

    Feng Yu Chen stood up with his lips and instantly launched an attack. He didn't have any time to think and hesitate. Time is life!

    "Hit the position offset 1cm to the left, the attack is wrong!!"

    Altina's body instantly disappeared in the same place, and the right hand continued to blow against Feng Yu Chen's body!


    Feng Yu Chen squatted on the ground with her chest and spit out a lot of blood, but he didn't give himself time to cushion the pain. He stood up in an instant and was ready to listen to Altina's command to attack!

    "Next position: the middle of the throat!"


    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen as a machine-like attack, and two turnovers, after being hit by Altina, he tenaciously stood up to launch the attack, before the lessons learned, Altina has made it very clear that the fight will not give the killer any reaction and rest time, injury is not a reason, Even on the verge of death, you have to make a fatal blow to the enemy!!!

    Killer, what is a killer?

    Now Feng Yu Chen probably realizes that the killer is more than anyone knows the meaning of life. The killer pays more attention to life than anyone else, fights against time, and squats on the edge of life and death. The killer is real. Comprehend the existence of death and the meaning of life.

    Under the persecution of Altina's death, Feng Yu Chen's key attack became more and more skilled!


    The next day, Feng Yu Chen stood at the key to attacking the wooden man 30 meters away…挨 Altina five punches hurt…

    On the third day, Feng Yu Chen stood at the key to attacking the wooden man 50 meters away…挨 Altina three punches hurt…

    As the distance increases, the number of times Feng Yu Chen is beaten is reduced, because his critical attack proficiency has reached an extremely powerful place.

    Day four.

    "Today, there is no need to increase the distance. One hundred meters has exceeded the scope of the killer's accurate grasp. Then the number of wooden people has increased to one. If you stand more than 50 meters, I will designate you to attack a wooden person. The next day is five wooden people, the third day is ten, be prepared!"

    Altina made two wooden people, each with a distance of more than ten meters between them. At the same time, there are one or two trees between them. This adds to the difficulty. Three wooden people can do the exact attack. And still fifty meters away, it is whimsical for ordinary people, but this training for killers is a must!


    Three days later, Feng Yu Chen's breath has reached a state of extreme restraint. Although he does not have Unlimited Skill now, he feels that he may not be weaker than before, although there are a lot of gaps on Strength, but killing He can feel it all.

    The current killer training is 21 days, and the remaining 9 days of the month.

    "Before the training of the wooden man, now officially started training the living target, take it…"Ten portraits of dangerous species appeared in Altina's hands and were thrown to Feng Yu Chen.

    Feng Yu Chen took over the portrait in his hand and looked up at the doubts at Altina. The variety and number of dangerous species in the forest are very many. Is it necessary to strike a kill of a species of dangerous species?

    "Like people, with different faces, dangerous species is the same, the same kind of dangerous species, has a variety of different gestures, from the hair color, body contour, eyes, habits and other aspects can distinguish their different, These 10 dangerous species, I marked their physical characteristics, and marked how strikes to kill, you start strikes to kill bar, the rules are:

    [1] The time limit is completed in one day, otherwise I will kill you;

    [2] You can't make a shot for other non-targets. If you make a mistake, I will record one point. After accumulating three points, you will have your life.

    [3] strikes to kill target, can only strikes to kill, strikes to kill target according to the predetermined attack position, but does not follow the requirements of strikes to kill target, then three times, to your life;

    If you understand, start the strikes to kill target. ”

    Altina explained.

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, is it the Queen's rule? Altina always likes to give rule restrictions, which has almost become her habit, and none of these rules are favorable rules for Feng Yu Chen, all of which are restrictive rules.

    Well, forget it, he is used to it.

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and began to walk into the forest. Now he has grown a lot. Strikes to kill live? This is almost the same as the killer's work. Find the target and then complete the strikes to kill in a specific way. In this case, the Quest is completed. The killer Quest does not need any accidents.

    Altina looks at Feng Yu Chen's gradually into the forest, mouth Kakuzu reveals a smile, Chen this guy's potential is not bad, these days her requirements for him are very demanding, has exceeded the system's scheduled training style, It is her difficulty in improving the training, but he can afford it, it is not easy.

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