2509. Kurumi in the second disease in Chapter 2509?

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    Feng Yu Chen borrowed the power of the divine world and the creative world to come to the past through time and space.

    However, it is not Feng Yu Chen itself, but another –

    Feng Yu Chen.

    The ability of the material world is to change the equivalent exchange of all matter into another substance, symbolizing the power of [change].

    The ability to form a boundary is to reverse the equivalent exchange of all elements into another element, symbolizing the ability to [reverse].


    The ability of the creative world is to create another soul with independent will by its own energy equivalent, symbolizing the power of [soul].

    The power of the divine world is to create another [angel] and [demon] by its own Energy equivalent, which symbolizes the power of the form, and the created angel and the devil must be in contact.

    Based on the four kinds of Strength of the tree of life, the material boundary and the formation boundary are equivalent exchanges, and the exchanges are divided into [change] and [reverse]; the creation and divine boundaries are equivalent creation, and the creation is divided into [soul 】 and [form].

    Limited by the rules, Feng Yu Chen himself cannot pass through to the past, because he himself is from another world, and he did not exist in the world five years ago.

    Therefore, only one thing can be created, but strictly speaking, Feng Yu Chen is not creating a soul avatar to the past, but creating a soul avatar in the past.

    The first is to use the power of the divine world to copy Kurumi's angel engraved emperor, and then to create a soul on a certain time axis by showing countless engraved emperors on the timeline.

    Feng Yu Chen selected the engraved emperor on the timeline five years ago to create the soul of the past.

    One of the rules back to the past is that we must have the past. If there is no such phenomenon in the past, there will be no retrospective phenomenon. This is the law of causality. There is a future before the past.


    In the world five years ago, Kurumi five years ago is no different from Kurumi five years later, but there are still some differences. After all, time is a wonderful thing, and you may have various kinds of time on different timelines. Habits like hobbies…

    For the future self, the past self is always a shame!

    What did the Kurumi in the past look like?

    Unlike the mature elegance that Kurumi showed five years later, is Kurumi about five years ago still younger or younger?


    Five years ago, Kurumi's looks were the same as in the future, but there was a big difference in the clothes, and the monochrome shirts and skirts decorated with Lucy and lace. The hair was not tied up. Instead of wearing a hair ring decorated with a rose, the left eye that was covered with a long bangs on the face turned into a medical eye mask on the left eye.

    This kind of appearance is in the second dimension, um, in the words of Honjou, it is probably –

    In the second disease!

    Yes, Kurumi in the past is a girl with a second-in-class illness. In this case, the understanding with Honjou is –


    One of the Attributes owned by Meng’s girl is the second disease.

    And Kurumi, who is in the middle of the disease, is dressing herself in the face of the mirror.

    In a state of 'narcissism', she suddenly showed a strange and nervous look towards the behind, which was the engraved emperor that suddenly appeared automatically.

    "Oh, ah, today you are very naughty, engraved emperor!"

    Kurumi exaggeratedly waved his right hand, while his left hand seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally made a squint.


    At this time, a glowing human figure came out of the engraved emperor. This human form became enriched with the appearance. After the light gradually dissipated, it became the appearance of Feng Yu Chen's, and it was Feng Yu Chen in the form of Demon Lord. .

    This Feng Yu Chen is different from Feng Yu Chen five years later. He is given the only sense of salvation to save the past, which may cause disaster in the future!

    Therefore, his face is full of cold, and Demon's Lord is even more ruthless.

    "Are you engraving the prototype of the emperor?"

    Kurumi of the second illness made a surprised expression, in order to calm down, he could not help but uncover the [seal], that is, the eye mask of the left eye, as if there was a gold-like light, a golden pupil, a golden pupil with a clock dial appeared. ——


    Feng Yu Chen took a look at Kurumi, and did not make the expression, he moved toward the world outside the window.

    Blimey. Engraved emperor! Don't ignore me! ”

    Kurumi of the second disease chased the past with Feng Yu Chen's behind, but she did not realize that the 'engraved emperor' did not follow her, this explanation, this 'engraved emperor' is not engraved emperor, but because of the sudden The reason, she can't think about it,


    [Feng Yu Chen] Going forward to Nanjia Town, at this time, suddenly there is a fire that rushes into the sky. The kind of flame is very different from the fire. It is not like a scene of flame burning, but a burst or shock wave is more suitable. The rows of residential houses collapsed, and then the mourning of the surrounding residents…Call for help…

    In the center of the flame is a park,

    There are already three existences among them. Kotori, a younger girl five years ago, is crying and yelling on Onii-chan Onii-chan…

    There is still one fell to the unconscious teenager on the ground, Itsuka Shidou five years ago.

    Finally, the object that is surrounded by Kotori and wrapped in a layer of blurred image, the state of the human form.

    "Eh? YOU! You (Kurumi) I know…How about you? Teenager, not human? Similar to Spirit? What the hell are you, even I don't know! The crystallization of the spirit in my hands does not give you this ability. 】

    Phantom surprised look at the sudden visit to [Feng Yu Chen] and the second disease Kurumi.

    "Engrave Mr. Emperor, please wait for me, don't abandon me!"

    Kurumi in the second illness was chasing and chasing.


    "Onii-chan ……Onii-chan ……"

    [Feng Yu Chen] I ignored Kurumi and ignored the phantom, but I was called by Kotori and went to Kotori.

    [Can't let you move on, who are you?" 】

    The phantom is in front of Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push) !"

    [Feng Yu Chen] The cold vision is one of the changes. A powerful repulsion exudes from the hands. It is not the ability of Rinnegan. The creation world cannot solve the seal. This is his own ability. Master the pseudo-Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push) that was simulated and fixed in the Magic Index World.

    The phantom was instantly shot and flew out!

    No matter how the phantom escapes, I don't imagine that the attack of [Feng Yu Chen] is indiscriminate.

    The phantom of the gray-faced face wants to fight back but is attacked by another Strong, which is the Tobiichi Origami that comes back from the future, wrapped in a white light, surrounded by a piece of light-winged angel!

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