2495. Chapter 2495, the Spirit of the Twins

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    "died……died……I killed Spirit…HahaKilled…Killed…"

    'Yu Chen's death' almost caused Tobiichi Origami to collapse, so the kind guy actually killed her. Although she was asked to kill, Tobiichi Origami didn't want to kill Spirit, but Feng Yu Chen…

    Even if he knew she was going to kill him, she would go close and would like to be friends with her alone, even if she said how many times she had killed Spirit, she still wanted to be friends with her, even though she gave her an impression. Very bad, but, but –

    Only him, let her understand, Spirit is also kind, and Spirit is also a good and evil…

    Want to save this sad world, want to take Spirit's disaster away from the world, a hopeless Spirit…

    It is dead now!

    It was killed by her!

    Split second, Tobiichi Origami's eyes are dull, and a sense of guilt has attacked her. Compared to the fact that she is killing Spirit, she is more willing to believe that she has killed her friend, and her heart is almost withered, and it will be broken… …

    Trying to endure the idea of ​​not killing Spirit, I believe he can open up such a world and end this scourge, but he is no longer!

    "Dead, dead, and sure, Spirit is damn, Spirit, this existence is only correct if it is dead!!!"

    The broken Tobiichi Origami is already mired in extinction. The only thing she has left is killing. Yes, he has been killed by her. What kind of Spirit can the world allow?

    "Tobiichi Origami, you killed my dear Elder Brother, I want you to pay for it, kill it, kill it, and humans really can't understand it!"

    Itsuka Kotori's pupils also gradually lost their brilliance, and the flames formed a force field around her body.

    "Angel – Camael, Megiddo!"

    The light of Spiritual Power, which is converging, flows wildly into her modernized costume.

    Once More

    WhiteLycoris, critical drive! ”

    Tobiichi Origami's CR-UNIT random field is also maximally converged, and Strength is filled onto the huge cannon-shaped device on the right arm…

    Inexplicable's battle, if two use strength words will certainly lose both, to Tobiichi origami degree, must be Kotori killed, after all Kotori and Feng Yu Chen spiritual Power Exchange Time is strong , not to mention the original spirit of the strength for the human is extraordinary, and the use of taboo equipment Tobiichi origami, this full blow will certainly be able to let Kotori injury …

    "Really, two troublesome guys, your battle will only exacerbate his death!"

    Kurumi and Miku suddenly appeared, Kurumi was on Origami, and Miku was on Kotori.

    "Hey, Kurumi, Kotori, you have to deal with it, I am a little scared…"

    Miku looks at Kotori's Strength, and his face is a little pale, so it's too unplanned, so she pulls her out to stop.

    "Oh, are you saying that you are not as good as me? Oh, oh, so I think Yu Chen doesn't like weak women, even Yu Chen likes to face the difficult Kakuzu color. ”

    Kurumi chuckled at Miku and Origami didn't deal with it.

    "I just said it casually, oh huh…I am such a powerful and attractive girl, Yu Ji Elder Sister will love it! ”

    Izayoi Miku smiled and then condensed –

    "Come out–

    Breaking the singer Gabriel! ”

    From her feet, there is an outwardly diffusing radial ripple. A huge and strange object appears in her behind. The sturdy body is connected by a number of golden elongated cylinders, arranged in different sizes, like the huge setting in the church. Pipe organ.

    Then on her contempt, a piano-like button pad emerged from her body.

    "Get out, or you will die, Izayoi Miku!"

    Kotori ignored the existence of Izayoi Miku and continued to gather firepower.

    "It seems that you need [Requiem], Itsuka Kotori, don't forget the reason you found me, and also Yu Chen is not dead, or am I still so calm?"

    Izayoi Miku said as she manipulated the angel, and a shining tube of music came out from the ground around Kotori and began to interfere with her.

    "You don't lie to me. You don't care if you hate men. If you die, you won't feel bad. You will never like men…"

    Kotori would not believe it.

    "Although I like Yuji adults more, but, I hate Yu Chen but I don't know. I know that Yu Ji's prototype is Yu Chen, so I like it, and even if it is a male, he has no taste, nothing. Change, so if you like Yu Ji, then Yu Chen should be acceptable, and Yu Chen is dead, then Yu Ji does not exist, how can I calm down!

    Kotori, is it better to confirm that Yu Chen is not heavier than killing Origami? ”

    Miku's voice calmed at Kotori.

    Restore…Dad’s body is recovering…"

    Qian Xia was crying, but saw the injury of Feng Yu Chen's chest began to recover quickly.


    Kotori also noticed it…


    Kurumi looks at Origami, the first time there is an angel engraved emperor, launched the Zayin, and then surrounded by avatar, shooting towards her crazy, her approach is more direct than Miku rough!

    But Tobiichi Origami's CR-UNIT is obviously much better, and it has not been broken by such a strong attack, but this buffer made her see Kurumi ——

    "Let it go, or I will kill you first!"

    "Oh, it is not so easy to kill me, and you guys are not trying to get rid of the disaster, but simply killing, killing him must be very happy for you, right?" To be honest, I also want to try to kill him. It must be wonderful!

    Tobiichi Origami, are you the same as me? Bewildered by him, bound by him, killing him, we can liberate, you can continue to slaughter Spirit into a human genius ace magician, and I can continue to pick up the previous industry, ah, too much trouble, this Double-handed hasn't killed cute humans for a long time! ”

    Kurumi walks towards Feng Yu Chen –

    "I will finish you, no, our wishes, kill him completely when he is also breathless!" Destroy him, this hinders me from waiting for the advancement! Sure enough, it’s better to die, my lovely Demon Lord, let’s die! ”

    "Give me a stop! What do you want?

    Tobiichi Origami frowned and locked the attack from Kotori body teleportation to Kurumi –

    "Don't go any further, shoot you! Kurumi! ”

    "Europe…You actually protect Spirit, it really surprised me…"

    The purpose of Kurumi is done!

    The simplest facts are done, the next thing is difficult, stopping Kotori and Origami is a simple matter, and let Feng Yu Chen resurrect…

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