2480. Chapter 2480 The world of the book is about to open ING

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    The plan to rescue Honjou was successful.

    Officially entered the world of three weeks.

    At present, Feng Yu Chen's DATE world has experienced three worlds.

    The first world line –

    Feng Yu Chen appeared in the English Channel by DEM to the underground laboratory with Honjou completed the taboo Spirit experiment, at this moment Honjou has been-pregnant state, after Feng Yu Chen was cleared of memory, under the DEM club arrangement with the real that became brother and sister, into the Temple of Heaven City support AST, then Feng Yu Chen met 10 incense, Kurumi, Miku three spirit, in and Miku sister Gal game back to Chung Palace house was Kurumi ' Tiger Cave ' Avatar told DEM Seal memory, memory unsealed, reverse Angel "The Abyss of the Lucifer" began to destroy the earth …

    The second world line –

    In order to prevent Feng Yu Chen from destroying the earth, Tokisaki Kurumi used the 12th bomb to trace back to Feng Yu Chen before he returned to the Chong Palace from the Miku apartment, but the intelligence of the 'Tiger's Cave' Kurumi avatar made Kurumi's mobile phone to Feng Yu. Chen told the seal memory that Feng Yu Chen ran away again, and Kurumi, who was unable to complete the runaway, made another time backtracking…

    The two backtracking of Kurumi returned to Feng Yu Chen when he first appeared, snatched Feng Yu Chen from the Dem society and placed Feng Yu Chen in the shrine of Japan's Tiangong city, after which Yoshino and Feng Yu Chen Meet, reach the fetters, in the future under the guidance of Kurumi, Feng Yu Chen began to contact the ten incense again, in the Kurumi of the Auxiliary, the use of 10 bullets will be a week of the purpose of memory conveyed to two weeks for the purpose of ten incense, Miku, true, Origami, Kotori, DAO and other week-related Personnel……

    Everything went on in an orderly manner, but one day, the goddess Spirit, named Shen Ji Qian Xia, appeared in the Chong Palace house and called Feng Yu Chen Dad, and Shen Ji Qianxia was preparing to retaliate for her DEM. The DEMJapan division, and because of the strength of the Strength, is about to destroy the entire Tiangong…

    Under Kotori's suggestion, Feng Yu Chen talked with Qian Xia and started the father's DATE…

    The father and the daughter's DATE went smoothly, and the possibility of the Raiders increased. However, at this time, there was a two-week future Kurumi. From the future, she told Feng Yu Chen a secret…

    The third world line –

    Kurumi, who came back in the future, told Feng Yu Chen that he would run away in the future of the second week, because the summer would disappear, Honjou would be killed by the DEM conspiracy, so he would smash and destroy the DEM, but the Stress could not be suppressed. It’s not just the DEM, but the world…

    In order to save Chitose and Honjou, in order to make the world still exist, all future members of Kurumi and DC Society will work hard…

    Feng Yu Chen and the Honjou Spiritual Power avatar have made a second contact. The branch of life will fix the existence of the thousand summers, and the world will begin to move towards three weeks…

    In the end, Ratatskr and DC were defeated by DEM and successfully rescued Honjou.


    Time went into July, and unconsciously, Feng Yu Chen has been in the world for three months. Of course, if you count the time back, it may not just be half a month.

    Honjou started the house after being rescued from the underground facilities of DEM, and turned into a full house girl!

    Even with thousands of summers, I also tend to develop in the direction of the house girl, and her mother must have her daughter!

    Feng Yu Chen has been strongly killed many times, but every time Honjou let Feng Yu Chen give up…

    I don't know why, there is very little contact between Honjou and Feng Yu Chen. It is a certain phenomenon that two people have communicated to each other through Qianxia.

    But on this day, two people ushered in a long conversation, and the initiative to talk is Honjou!

    Well dressed?Well, Honjou of the naked apron climbed out of her dwelling house, her long gray hair, and the crimson glasses made her look very strange. So she climbed into Feng Yu Chen's room…

    At this time, Kurumi was just sucking on Feng Yu Chen's Spirit, and by the way there are some…CONTACT

    "Stealing kittens! Three or three, let go of my Yu Chen! ”

    Honjou looks at Kurumi's hand, holding only the position she could hold, suddenly stunned.

    "Hey, Honjou, don't you just love the second element?" Moreover, you and Yu Chen are just accidental? In fact, you have not admitted his relationship with you in front of everyone, and a daughter can't represent anything…"

    Kurumi didn't stop at all, but it was even more bold, let Feng Yu Chen's hand stroking her body…

    "My Yu Chen is a second element!! I am ready to create a fan about him! ”

    Honjou vowed to pull out the set from the apron, which is Feng Yu Chen's shy painting.


    For a time, Feng Yu Chen's face was a little black, and the same person naturally knew something. After all, as the vice president of DC, this thing is very clear.

    "The object of the same person is Yu Chen, but there is no you inside?" I only saw the true shadow, brother and sister, you really have a special hobby…That is to say, you can give birth to a daughter like Qian Xia. If I am, I must be stronger than you! ”

    Kurumi said contemptuously.

    "you……! Insult me, can insult my thousands of sauces, I want to work hard with you! ”

    Honjou sprinted in an instant, tearing it with Kurumi!

    "You give me a stop…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and pushed the two away. Both of them looked at each other at any time, and Kurumi was also a part of saving Honjou, but the result was still contradictory between the two.

    No, it seems that Honjou and everyone will be quarreled. As a house girl who doesn't communicate with people, she will be quarreled when she stepped on the tail, and a lot of communication with everyone will make the relationship work well.

    "Actually, I am looking forward to your book…"

    Kurumi said that he disappeared into the room.

    "Who wants you to look forward to…"

    Honjou pouted.

    "Well, Kurumi is not intentional. You have too little contact with everyone. Honjou, rice is for you to bring you to the room. Your mother will take care of her daughter…"

    Feng Yu Chen scratched his head and began to sort out the messy room.

    "You don't want to take care of it…Come with me to the comrades conference? ComicMarker, I contacted the organizer and got the booth. This time I want to draw your favorite sister GAL. I use the Egret Jasmine as the Master. I think your women's dress is still very good. I have super love! ”

    Honjou was excited when he talked about such things.

    "Do you have a comrades conference? Yes, just, Honjou, can you change your personality, and why is it a mouth-shoulder! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen looked at the book that would be blushing, showing that Honjou was mad at the second element!

    "Hey, what do you do with your husband?"

    Honjou said with excitement in his head, "I want to paint your mouthman comics!!!"

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