2477. Chapter 2477 Spirit's Consciousness Convergence

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    Under the singularity of Shixiang, Feng Yu Chen combined with Shixiang and Yoshino to form a giant angel, which brings together the three people's strengths, and achieves the same skill as mechanical Gundam.

    Angel Spirit holds the Frost Shield, a sword of material, and the stretched purple and blue wings make it look more like a magic in the Spirit, not an angel, or a combination of angel and Spirit.

    Amount of

    The ten incense is full of will in the angel center.


    Then, the Spirit split second came to the front of a DME airship. The huge material sword in the right hand ruthlessly cut it down, and cut it in half easily. The cut surface is like a smooth mirror.

    Be careful

    Yoshino manipulated the Spirit Arch's left-hand shield to block the attacks of human magicians. It was not an ordinary shield defense. Instead, it opened a transparent ice-permeable crystal barrier with a huge shield. It is able to guard against the attack of Kakuzu in all directions of 360 degrees.

    "I will try it too…"

    Some Feng Yu Chen, who couldn’t help but feel the mood, tried his hand and opened a pair of eyes in the head of Angel Spirit. The eyes quickly absorbed the energy in the surrounding air and then bound. And finally released! ! !

    Two ray of light shots instantly, and the magicians they watched were shot down as the head of the Spirit's angel moved!

    It’s like an angel weapon!

    "Charge!" Dashed Dashed so fun……"

    The incense is obviously intoxicated in this state of fit, completely forgetting the original purpose.

    "idiot! Don't stand alone, though powerful, but the Spirit is very fast, don't waste your ability…"

    Feng Yu Chen gave a ten-handed knife.

    Boo hoo…

    Shixiang holds his head and defends.

    "be good……"

    Yoshino leaned over and stroked the incense head.

    "Don't be comforted by Yoshino, Yu Chen idiot idiot idiot !"

    Shixiang is scornful to Feng Yu Chen.

    No problem

    Feng Yu Chen also caressed the head of the incense.


    Shixiang looks at Feng Yu Chen who came over, and in a flash, blushes up –

    "Yu Chen, you idiot!"


    Feng Yu Chen looked at himself, and the current state is not dressed. When the ten incense is in the state, it is natural to see him clearly…


    Yoshino also noticed something unusual. The looks at his soft body, and he was ashamed to hide in the small Kakuzu.

    "Ah, sorry, sorry, I didn't think it would be like this…"

    Feng Yu Chen is really embarrassing, although the incense is greatly embarrassing, but such things will be as cute as the normal girl.

    "I am being…MediumIs it out? ”

    The ten-scented look at Feng Yu Chen.

    "Where do you want to go!" This is nothing, no, and this state should not be our body, it should be more like a soul, or the body changes into some kind of data. In short, we are now equivalent to this The brain center of the fit angel Spirit. ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained, definitely not the kind, because he and Honjou have tried the real fit, that kind of comfortable, super super pleasure…

    "You will want me? Yu Chen ? Have you seen it all? ”

    Shixiang stood up. Since it is already like this, simply accept it, and feel as if it is resonating with Feng Yu Chen's body…

    "Don't be like this, ten incense, we are fighting…"

    Feng Yu Chen seems to be able to understand the idea of ​​the ten incense, because the state of the fit allows him to know all the will of the incense.

    "You…No, I am looking forward to the experience? Thinking about meeting with me…What will it feel like, I know it all! ”

    Accordingly, Shixiang can also understand Feng Yu Chen's thoughts, he is tempted by her, and has been fantasizing about some of her contacts…

    Just that…Just, there is no way to imagine it, after all, the incense is so beautiful…"

    Feng Yu Chen is naturally influenced by the combination with Honjou, that kind of thing, that kind of thing, very comfortable, from the instinct can feel his own…But, but it’s too weird, it’s really weird…

    thought ofThink about it? ”

    The scented eyes are blurred at the look at Feng Yu Chen.

    "cant……Say no want…"

    Feng Yu Chen's voice is also a bit trembling, after all, since contact with Honjou, for girls he has more imagination, ten incense of beauty is completely the ideal of the most perfect opposite sex, the figure is good to explode, even if the Miku is also with 10 incense has a distance, The loveliness of the ten incense is simply in line with her perfect to the extreme figure, is the real spirit …

    That soft and delicate waist like art, smooth as the glaze of ceramics in general, and as frivolous as water, slender jade legs are difficult to imagine her such a lively appearance under the high-like temperament, the most eye can not leave is the chest of the snow, like Venus Art, no, even more perfect than it ……

    These can only be said to be the creator of the creator, giving her the perfection of everything. If it is not her lively and innocent personality, if it is as elegant as the princess of the princess, then it can only be born in fantasy…

    However, this cuteness did not make its beauty eclipsed. For Feng Yu Chen, it is more perfect. He likes this kind of incense. No, it should be said that only such a spice is his…

    I…I also want a thousand summer…"

    The ten incense is natural for Honjou, because Honjou first completed her dream in one step and had the dream of a family.

    ThisI can't decide…"

    Feng Yu Chen is awkward.

    "I can't do it once, how many times…"

    Shi Xiang said purely.

    "But I am not ready for psychology…"

    Feng Yu Chen, though thinking about it, but, still, there is no way to think about his own thoughts. What is Shixiang’s for him?

    I…Also, no, just the body is so strange…"

    The incense is not ready, just in this space, the collision between Feng Yu Chen and her thoughts has made her melt…


    It was at this time that the space was vibrating.


    Yoshino pointed at the outside, they are fighting now, really, and Shixiang and Feng Yu Chen's thought she is also shared, so…

    This pair of idiot, fortunately, her defense…

    Moreover, it was hard hit, after all, the body of the incense was much better than her…QAQ…

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