2464. Chapter 2464 Weekly Retrospective Rules

    [Last week statistics, the recommended ticket plus more conditions to meet, the monthly ticket plus more conditions to meet the second, the lamb plan to add more, the reward plus more accumulated to meet five times, so it is probably added nine more times, this week, all add more seven days More than two more, extended until next week's settlement]

    [Today's second, the first one is sent, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    The appearance of Shen Ji Qian Xia made Kotori and Feng Yu Chen have to carry out the second incident investigation of DC Society.

    The reasons, purposes, etc. of the appearance of Shen Ji Qian Xia need to be investigated.

    What is certain at the moment is that Shen Ji Chen Xia is the daughter of Feng Yu Chen's. This is not determined by Feng Yu Chen, but by her own. In Kurumi's analysis, she is distorted and unable to appear. Spirit is alive in this world.

    "What is the basis for Kanzaki's thousands of summers to appear here?"

    Pulling Ratatskr's Analytical Village Rainy tone, while analyzing the coffee with a lot of sugar, said, "In fact, in the past, under the setting of DEM, Yu Chen and the second Spirit, who were ignorant teenagers at the time, also It is to recognize the most important right of Honjou Nia, who is called Sister, who is driving her husband…"

    "Can you add a husband? The tone of Miss, it seems that Brother Yu Chen already has a spouse! ”

    Really interrupted and said.

    "So what about the right to drive a boyfriend?"

    The village rain makes the sound of the head skeptical.

    "Can't you say something normal?"

    Really said by the table, "My Brother Yu Chen is still single!"

    "Then is the right to drive strong X!"

    The village rain tone suddenly widened his eyes, "I want to hit 110!"

    "Okay, don't die for a word! I know that I made something wrong, but now is not the time to talk about it, we are talking about thousands of summer! Thousands of summers! ”

    Feng Yu Chen feels like he has committed a big crime.

    "Well, in the improper guidance of DEM, Spirit's breeding experiment was carried out…"

    The village rains the tone and drinks too much sugar coffee if nothing happens.

    "The consequence is that Yu Chen has made a smooth start. Although I don't know how long Spir's incubation period is, I have never had any experience in writing, but I should have the size of Qianxia…

    Moreover, although Qian Xia himself has consciousness, it should not be clear to this extent and take the initiative to come to Dad.

    Moreover, the world today is already –

    Let us use the definition of the game [two weeks], in the world of two weeks, there is a existence that only a week can appear, then there must be a reason.

    Before the reversal of Kurumi, the thousand summers were unborn, so it should be the same now, but its not only birth, and possessing such a high level of intelligence, is obviously not an ordinary change.

    I think, in the final analysis, her appearance has an absolute relationship with the second Spirit. Yu Chen has no arbitrarily connected here. DEM also knows it, because if they were born in the summer, they probably know and control for the first time. After all, Two Spirit is in the imprisonment of DEM.

    From this point of view, the second Spirit was not born in the normal style, but the second Spirit touched the [organ] birth.

    According to my conjecture, the second spirit is likely to know the connection between the week and the two-week world, and after that, I think she also has feelings for the child of the thousands of summers, after all, experienced motherhood, in that lonely state of captivity must be able to gush a sense of happiness in the heart, No mother in the world would hate her children.

    And with the arrival of the two-week purpose, the thousand summers have disappeared, but the second Spirit does not want her to die, so…"

    “Music Miss is very good. I just guessed that the god Ji Qianxia may be a special Spirit born from the Spiritual Power residue left by Yu Chen in the week and the Spiritual Power of the second Spirit.

    But the analysis of the tone Miss reminds me of one thing. The second Spirit seems to have the ability of omniscience. At the same time, once the state of memory recovery is triggered, all the injuries suffered in the past world line are returned. . ,

    To give an example, in the world of the week, you are stabbed by someone, then after you remember this thing in the world of two weeks, you will suddenly get stabbed…

    This is also a flaw in my ability, but this ability has little side effect on ordinary people, and the more powerful the person is, the more it can be reflected.

    So drawing on this principle, even in the world of two weeks, the second Spirit has not been exposed to Yu Chen and can accept the past.The pregnancy is in the present world, but she herself is not able to do anything in surveillance during the prison of DEM.

    Therefore, how to realize the birth and birth of Shen Ji Qian Xia under his surveillance is my doubt. ”

    Kurumi was not able to fully analyze it. He only knew that the second Spirit had a Strength that would reproduce what happened in the past in this two-week world.

    “There was an intelligence. Some time ago, DEM had an accident when it was transporting something important in a Nordic branch. At that time, Eren, the world’s strongest wizard, was dispatched. At that time, I was still in DEM, teleportation. Japan is when I was given the memory of the past by Kurumi."

    I really remembered it.

    "Yes, then what happened in this accident…"

    Kotori took out the lollipop from his mouth and said to the tone. "Now that the source can be judged, then we will split the road, try to touch the second Spirit all the way, and look for the summer."

    Our advantage is that DEM does not know what is going on in the world. They are just tracking Yu Chen, the first male spirit. The source of Qianxia does not understand, so naturally, the second Spirit will not pay much attention to it. ,

    Looking for the second Spirit and handing it to Kurumi, you really have to work together. After all, now you are still the magician of DEM.

    Then here, Yu Chen, Shixiang, Yoshino, you three are looking for a thousand summers, I will also ask Miku for investigation. After all, her voice is obedient. Through the network mode, it is very possible for all fans to look for thousands of summers. It’s much more convenient…

    During this time, DEM is also preparing for preparations. It is difficult to guarantee that she will not do anything serious, and the degree of danger is SSS. Yu Chen is not her opponent if she does not reverse it…"

    "Before Qian Xia seems to have the trouble of going to the DEMJapan branch, we should go there. I am afraid that the main force of DEM will reach there. At that time, Kurumi will take the opportunity to contact the second Spirit. If you can, I hope that Qianxia can Live under the jeopardy of this world, after all…"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly has a kind of love for this daughter.


    Saturday, May 13.

    DC Society Diary.

    Recorder: Takamiya Mana

    This sudden emergence of thousands of summer, so that everyone is caught off guard, called Brother Yu Chen Dad's words, does it mean that she is an aunt? I can't agree, Brother Yu Chen is going to marry her sister!

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