2445. Chapter 2445 Estimate and abandon once! Miku?

    [Today's second, the second is sent, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Although Izayoi Miku speculated that Feng Yu Chen might be the identity of Spirit, he still did not give up.

    If Feng Yu Chen is close to her to get her attention, or Izayoi Miku feels that this Spirit is really deliberate, there is no need to contact each other.

    However, the scene is different now. She didn't know that Feng Yu Chen was Spirit. She was shocked by her (he) temperament, so the perfect COS is simply the reality! No, it can't be described by COS. After all, Feng Yu Chen is natural and has no makeup, and this fragrance…

    The magician group that attacks Spirit can be ruled out. After all, if the magician group that attacks her will definitely attack her?

    However, in fact, this is not the case. This is only one possibility for Spirit. Why is it so certain that human beings absolutely impossible to resist her voice.

    She's never been involved in any video (TV, magazine), concerts, almost no, just released a new song, but only rely on the sound shop can captivate sentient beings, no loss of the phenomenon, just out of the show is known as a poisoned general singing and overwhelming singing strength.

    And today in Akihabara, although she was surrounded, but no one knows that she is Izayoi Miku this information, and follow her only female fans, as for the reason to surround her is naturally because of her appearance, although see men will feel nausea, super nausea, But before she could hate men by using her voice to disperse more than a cockroach, Feng Yu Chen came out to grab the limelight, only to pay attention to Feng Yu Chen in addition to the women fans of her voice control.

    Although the male attention will be disgusted to the extreme, but scramble to the wind of Feng Yu Chen is obviously more temperament than her, so get so many people's attention, and even if she uses the sound to control a group of people, or there will be more homes to focus on Feng Yu Chen, after all, this is Akihabara, the traffic is huge, Update speed fast, want to fully grasp the fundamental is impossible!

    Like Feng Yu Chen's elegant female student, she really found it for the first time. It is elegant and dignified. The cold eyes can make the whole body and mind sleep, no matter where it reveals perfection, and it is plain…

    Such a perfect woman, Izayoi Miku wants to be a Raider, even if it is Spirit!

    That…You are Spirit, right? me too. ”

    Izayoi Miku stood in front of Feng Yu Chen's and even spoke of his identity as a Spirit to seek dialogue.


    Feng Yu Chen is still indifferent and still continues to be indifferent.

    "Are you also in the city of Tiangong? This route should be Tiangong City. I saw your companion's uniform in Tobiichi Origami. Are you also in that middle school? ”

    Izayoi Miku leans forward and can show her beauty, but also can get closer to Feng Yu Chen's fascinating body fragrance, it seems to reach heaven!

    "Are you observing me? Sorry, please don't block my sight! ”

    Feng Yu Chen strops the hair, and the clear eyes stare at the sunset in the sky.

    "Well, sorry…"

    Izayoi Miku is about to blow up, so indifferent, this guy is too difficult to attack, just start to abuse, but she does not give up, too perfect, as can be Raiders this Kakuzu color, it is as if to reach Lily Heaven! ! !


    Kakuzu fell in the game and the ten-handed double-handed, great, cheering for Feng Yu Chen, ignoring the temptation of Izayoi Miku!

    Kotori was not happy, and it was hard to 'coincidentally' meet the Diva Spirit. Diva, who had only appeared once and had no news, appeared in this place, just to experiment with Feng Yu Chen's women's clothing, probably the sequela of the previous women's clothing. Right? Well, the main purpose is naturally to Raider Diva.

    [Onee-sama sauce, don't always be indifferent, how much to respond to others, so GAL games are impossible to make progress! Remember that the S of the Queen’s gas field is very important, but it’s too cold, but there will be no love.

    [It doesn't matter, I don't have any interest in seeing this. I prefer the Raiders and don't like to post them.]


    Ok, Kotori lost to this guy!


    "Can you ask your last name? They are all students in Tiangong City, we can help each other, such as academics…"

    Izayoi Miku is working hard to find a topic.

    "boring, this kind of tasteless conversation, please stay away from me?" Sure enough, you are no different from those human beings. The world is really helpless! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen is contemptuous.



    Izayoi Miku seems to be able to hear his own heartbreaking sound. If this is the case, this guy is so difficult to capture. Well, she has tolerated it. After all, such a perfect existence, it will not be boring if it can be quickly Raised.

    Try hard to find a topic that will make the other party interested. Very people, use very means.

    Soon, she noticed Feng Yu Chen's handbag, which was written on it.OutThe text of the sister's words, is this the same, is it a siscon type?

    "Well, are you interested in the gal game of your sister class?"

    "Oh, I can't see it, you guys are quite serious about watching…"

    When I talked to my sister, Feng Yu Chen was not cold, although she still didn't like to chat, but the tone was much smoother.

    "I also like this kind of thing…"

    Izayoi Miku said with a hard scalp, although she is only excited about women, the sister's words are too narrow, and the general sister GAL is a brother and sister, too few sisters!

    "Really?" I can't see it. I haven't played this kind of game yet. It's only after I got to the Akihabara today, I also made up my mind…I have overcome a lot of difficulties to get these…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks forward to the look, wants to play, and overcomes the difficulty of the truth. After all, it is not easy to ask for the advice of the real one. Thanks to Kotori in this regard.

    "Oh ?"So, I actually have a collection, do you want to come and play with me? I can get the latest out-of-print release game…"

    Izayoi Miku Although I don't know these GAL games, as long as she thinks, what can't be achieved with the strength of the Strength?

    "What? Yes, you are also a fan of GAL, it seems to be a predecessor in this area, be sure to guide me! ”

    Feng Yu Chen has clearly left the image of the Queen of Cold.

    Haven'tOf course, no problem…I am an expert, then come together…"

    Izayoi Miku agreed with a scalp, and she abandoned the treatment for this guy! ! !

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