2443. Chapter 2443, please step on me, Deputy President SAMA!

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    It’s so hard to try on the three sets of GAL characters’ COS clothes under Kotori’s coercion. According to the agreement, as long as the clothes that pass through, he can wear them.

    Well, to a certain extent should be 'admiration'?

    Siscon to the point where humans can't imagine!

    "The first is the Kakuzu color of the Egret Moss. I think this must be very suitable for Yu Chen COS. After all, it has a slight neutral feeling, but it is probably because of the clothing, so it should be a dignified and distinguished Deputy SAMA. ……"

    Kotori took out a set of clothing and prepared to personally replace Feng Yu Chen.

    In order to supervise Kotori and enter the locker room, Kurumi feels interesting and comes in. The incense is also a bit of interest.

    "Or I change it myself!"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed, really, really, too excited. He didn’t have any defense when he heard that it was the clothes that passed through. Now it’s a bit unacceptable or shameful.

    "Come on, all the clothes are off, only the panties are left…"

    Kotori reached out and snapped his finger, and the next step was to verify if Feng Yu Chen was really a Male Spirit.

    "This is too crowded, leaving a person to help is enough, really let it go!"

    Feng Yu Chen feels the beauty of the girl in the air, and the smell of the girl in the shade makes the taste of the air more attractive…

    "Don't be ashamed, you three, don't stand and watch, help!"

    Kotori was afraid of Feng Yu Chen's remorse, and he smashed his coat.

    "Well, um, spiced, come together…"

    Kurumi put on the incense stick together.


    After some hard work, Feng Yu Chen finally got rid of all the clothes of the body, leaving only panties.

    "The skin is really amazing…"

    “The smell of body fragrance is even stronger…”

    "The hair that looks at the hair is really beautiful…"


    Kotori and others can't help but talk about it, and that's really fun! !

    "hurry up……"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed.

    "Well, first of all, black knee-length stockings, short skirts and then white blouses, then uniforms…The red bow tie and chest pad are probably not needed. After all, the uniform is relaxed, and the white heron is not a majestic person…Natural beauty long black hair does not need hair accessories…The star-like pupils have been well seen, no need to be better…"

    Kotori four people one by one, Feng Yu Chen was replaced with the COS clothing of the Egret Jasmine…

    "The ultimate image…How is your impression? ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Really, they stood up, although the skirt was a bit cool, but no problem.

    It’s perfect! Perfect can't be perfect again! ”

    Kotori blinked and determined that Feng Yu Chen was the Male Spirit. Although it was only a slight glance, the fan of the fascination…

    “It’s very attractive. I’m a little self-defeating. Come, Yu Chen Student, boldly accept the sight of pure boys!”

    Kurumi introduced Feng Yu Chen to the locker room.


    Then split second, Itsuka Shidou is sluggish…

    This is the perfect girl who came out!

    It looks quiet and elegant, and the star-like eyes can attract people. The tall figure can be easily found even among a group of beautiful girls. The slightest cold temperament makes the soul shudder. And that unusual smell…

    Absolutely the body is right!

    Well, the body fragrance, this body fragrance is only owned by Feng Yu Chen.

    As if the dream was broken instantly, Itsuka Shidou went to a Kakuzu degree, squatted down, and deflated, then split second, he was actually attracted to it. If it wasn’t later smelled, he really fell!

    It should be said that Kotori’s vision is correct?

    "Look, the morale has fallen, and the strength of explain Yu Chen is still very strong…"

    Kotori said biting a lollipop.

    "What's so hot outside?"

    Kurumi frowned and looked out the window, is it…

    lively Is it fun stuff! ”

    Ten incense is excited.

    "No, it's Spirit!"

    Feng Yu Chen frowned, actually appeared Spirit in this place, should it be lucky?

    "It turned out to be…Diva (songwriter), the fun thing seems to be coming, Yu Chen, just go out, now you can make her side! ”

    Kotori saw a figure of lively and loyal.

    Like the Kurumi, Spirit is integrated into the human society, and its behavior is no different from human beings.

    "Women's clothes? I still change it…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the body of the body, this way…

    "No problem, women's clothing is just right, it is better to say that only women's clothing is appropriate, and your temperament can be split second to attract people's popularity…"

    Kotori reached over the back of Feng Yu Chen's and pushed him.

    "Well, so you can hide your identity and discover the secret of this Spirit. You can get more information when you meet again next time…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and reached out to lift the earlashes to the back and then walked out.

    The split second, Feng Yu Chen became a group of people, and the crowd who had been chasing Diva stagnated. The overly dazzling temperament made Feng Yu Chen noticed even if he didn't speak.

    Moreover, don't forget, here is Akihabara, the gathering place of the house. Compared with the singer, the things of the second element are more attractive, especially the soul COS of Feng Yu Chen's! !

    Cheatin' eh?!Is this the Egret Deputy President coming to Akihabara? ! ! ”

    "FH series of egrets, lily, I am not dreaming?"

    "Deputy Adult!!"

    "No, no, more temperament than myself!!"

    "That cold eyes are really exciting, Deputy President SAMA, please step me!"

    "The smell of good fragrance…"

    “Looks like Suyan COS!”

    "Let's get out, bastard, let me go, I want to be stepped on by the Deputy!"

    "The skin is so beautiful…Like a white snow like a pearl, I can't describe it without words…"

“……Just by approaching, the air will be different…"

    "Are we really three yuan?"


    A large number of dead houses are in close proximity. It is better to say that the whole Akihabara has rioted, and split second has washed away Diva's fans!

    The center of the world seems to be fixed in Feng Yu Chen's body, and some houses can't help but worship.

    Feng Yu Chen is a little sluggish, playing with your sister, isn't it a COS GAL game female Protagonist?

    Forget it, look at this level, want to contact with the singer is impossible, or go home, and now have not changed clothes.

    "Give way……"

    Kotori first came out and said to Feng Yu Chen, "Well, deputy president, we have to go back…"

    The term "Deputy Director" of Kotori adds to the similarity of characters. Feng Yu Chen is the deputy director of the association, and only one word difference from the Deputy President.

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