2434. Chapter 2434 Invitation by Kotori

    [Today's second, the first one is sent, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    After picking up the clothes, Chonggong and Itsoka brothers and sisters came to the family restaurant.

    The name of the family restaurant is different from the general restaurant. In fact, there is no special place, but it also has its special function. Unlike the singular business model of the usual restaurant, the family restaurant adopts a cooking puzzle that can be accepted by both men and women. .

    Chinese, Japanese, Western, Korean, Indian, American and other dishes are included.

    It can provide western-style food for middle-aged people, can provide French fries and juice for children, and can also provide cake fruit ice cream for young women…

    It can be said that any stage level of the crowd can be satisfied.

    The family restaurant is the most comfortable place for a family to gather together for dinner.

    “There is no Yu Chen doing delicious…”

    The same thing as Yatogami Tohka is the omelet.

    “That is, the cooking done by Brother Yu Chen is the best!”

    Takamiya Mana provocative looks at Itsuka Kotori.

    “My home Onii-chan will cook too!”

    Itsuka Kotori can't be compared with people. She probably has forgotten her original face?

    “It’s definitely better for Brother Yu Chen!”

    Takamiya Mana hugged Feng Yu Chen's arm.

    "It must be that the morale is more delicious!"

    Itsuka Kotori is frivolous.


    Once the two people quarreled, they could not stop, and Shixiang was eating all the dishes of the two people at this time!

    "ten spices!"

    "ten spices!"

    Takamiya Mana and Itsuka Kotori spearheaded teleportation at the same time.

    "Well, well, just one more…"

    Itsuka Shidou sighed and it turned out to be like this…These two guys don't eat and talk about the arguments. Naturally, the ten-in-one fishing Neon is profitable, but the incense is too good for this guy!

    "Right, the morale, when you were at school that day, did you really know something? Like Spirit? Although I didn't pay much attention at the time, I saw that you were saved. ”

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly asked.

    Er ah

    Itsuka Shidou hasn't reacted yet and can't help but nod.


    Itsuka Kotori is eating something, suddenly squirting out, Feng Yu Chen knows their existence?

    "I have been feeling that I have been observing me these days, probably you?"

    Feng Yu Chen is able to perceive the existence of monitoring through his special abilities.

    "It turns out that if you do this, you can't be stupid, Sa Sephiroth…No, call your name, Yu Chen, I think you probably like to be called like this. ”

    Itsuka Kotori changed his original sister image and suddenly became strong. He crossed the legs of Erlang and pointed the lollipop in his hand to Feng Yu Chen.

    "It seems that you are much smarter than I thought. I will re-introduction. I am the commander of Ratatoskr. Ratotoskr is a goal that is formed by dialogue with Spirit and peacefully solving the disaster caused by space earthquakes. Mysterious organization.

    And what we are doing now is to talk to you. ”

    “actually, I’m very sincere about what I’m saying. I’m saying why the sects always talk to themselves. It seems to be a wireless call? There is no collapse. In addition to AST, the organization of Ratatoskr is also not involved. The human society is very complicated. ”

    Feng Yu Chen thought about it. During the performance of Itsuka Shidou during this time, it was all in order to get close to him.

    "Human food is good…"

    Shi Xiang said, "Can you order it again?"

    "Go back and eat again, my body can't have much money, and I can do it cheaply…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and pressed the head of the ten incense, and saw Kotori smiled when he noticed the fragrant eyes.

    "I am very interested in your organization. Peaceful settlement is also good. As you can see, Spirit is not a creature that cannot talk. It is simple like Shixiang.

    Like Kurumi…It is nightmare (nightmare) that it is difficult to communicate accurately, the purpose of AST is to eliminate spirit, will naturally borrow my strength, you probably want to talk through me and spirit, but also borrow my strength, but I will not obey either of you, Of course I don't have the idea of going to war with humans, after all, my lovely sister is human. ”

    "I have a good idea, do you want to join us with Ratatoskr? In order to eliminate the space earthquake, can only start from the spirit, and the way to deal with the spirit, there are two is to kill, the other is to seek communication, originally we pull ratatoskr is a trump card, is the way, he has sealed spirit of the strength, through the kiss to Realization, of course, must be able to understand the degree of mutual understanding, if not serious impossible … "

    Kotori pointed to the morale.

    "What setting, I seem to have seen it on GALGAME…"

    Feng Yu Chen was a little surprised.

    "I don't want to be a Protagonist in the world, so it's up to you to save the world, Yu Chen Student!"

    Itsuka Shidou helpless grin.

    "My goal is to marry my sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are full of fanaticism.

“……I didn't say it. ”

    Itsuka Shidou smiles.

    "Oh, interesting, I support you!"

    Itsuka Kotori smiles, isn't this just right?

    "Thank you for your support, I will support you too!"

    Feng Yu Chen feels that Kotori is really too human.


    Takamiya Mana narrows his eyes, are these two guys suitable? A siscon a brother.

    "It seems that we have a lot of fate, then should Yu Chen come to us? Don't you like AST? We have pulled Ratatoskr to tailor a sister development plan for you! ”

    Kotori throws an olive branch.

    "Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. I have seen that DEM is not pleasing to the eye. Our purpose is almost the same. In fact, I am not a world. I can return to my world if I get some kind of Spirit. The only clue in this mind is this thread.

    So I want to bring all the Spirits to my world when I go back. If my world is sure to accommodate them, I think the purpose of coming to this world is probably this. Not everyone can understand Spirit. If the space earthquake continues, it will bring trouble to more people. Then, give Spirit a world that can survive freely?

    It is a world of constant fighting. ”

    Feng Yu Chen agreed very easily.

    "Then it will be even better. According to you, you should have a hometown. If you can adapt to it, you will be able to adapt to Spirit. Is it just that you can seal spirit's Strength? And Spirit can not just one, how to maintain it?

    Why don't you cooperate with the morale? ”

    Kotori proposed.

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