2415. Chapter 2415 of Itsuka Shidou – feminine?

    [Today's second, the first one is sent, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen entered the high school in Tiangong City according to the AST arrangement and was a classmate with Tobiichi Origami.

    This school, called Zen High School, has advanced space earthquake prevention facilities, once the prediction of space earthquake after the warning can be in a very short period of time to allow all teachers and students to complete asylum, although the creation of school time is not long (after all, Tiangong city originally encountered the cause of space shock), but has a very high standard, admission rate is very low Being able to enter such a school is also an affirmation of your studies.

    Although it was really a lot of attention, Feng Yu Chen still felt that it was difficult to get along with humans. The key is that the human being named Tobiichi Origami is too difficult to get along with, as long as he reveals a lack of calm expression, he will be cold-eyed by the other side. In the opposite direction, he has almost no good mood.


    However, Feng Yu Chen still gets along with the human beings in accordance with the truth, so solve some contradictions?


    Tobiichi Origami did not answer.


    Feng Yu Chen didn't give up, wouldn't it be unhappy if Quest couldn't get along with humans? So in order to be true, how can he hate each other and try to communicate.


    Tobiichi Origami continued to ignore Feng Yu Chen and took him to the front.

    That…Tobiichi Origami, why are you so disgusted with Spirit? Although other AST members, Spirit, don't have a good impression, but I feel more like an inscribed hatred. ”

    Feng Yu Chen didn't wait any longer, but asked directly.

    "Because Spirit kills my parents, the same Spirit as you…"

    Tobiichi Origami finally made a sound.

    "This way, because of the space shock?" Captain said in the lower part of the day, no matter whether Spirit intentionally or unintentionally, when it appears, it will hurt humans because of space shock, threatening the survival of human beings…

    In fact, I am thinking, why does Spirit appear in this world, and why it will take life away, and Spirit is regarded as a natural enemy by human beings without knowing what is wrong, and does not know the mission of Spirit and Carrying on the never-ending battle of human beings who must kill Spirit.

    Isn't there any Strength that can make this improve? Spirit does not intentionally or unintentionally harm humans, human beings can live in peace with Spirit…"

    Feng Yu Chen prayed heartily on his chest.


    Tobiichi Origami shook his head.

    "Also, after all, you have suffered from the loss of your family. After you have a sister, I understand what happiness is. If you really want to continue, Tobiichi Origami, please, one thing, probably my existence sooner or later. It is going to disappear, I can satisfy your desire to retaliate with Spirit.

    I decided to kill me before, but it was so cruel to her, I can feel that she really treats me as a brother, so if I have to end, I hope you kill me, hope After you kill me, you can make up for your inner pain. I know that your pain can't be compensated anyway…

    However, I still hope that I can affect even more than one person. If I am gone, I really want you to take care of them. She does not have family members. You can support each other and live.

    In fact, I understand that with the opening of intelligent, I can guess that there is no blood relationship with me, but I really want to have the feelings of this family, so that even if it disappears, the warmth of the family can last forever. Exist in my soul. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's voice suddenly and low-pitched and high-spirited, looking for luck in misfortune…

    "You will kill you without reminding me…"

    Tobiichi Origami had previously confirmed that, starting with the identification of Sephiroth (Feng Yu Chen's Spirit code), no one had died so far, and in the other words this Spirit had not killed a human being, and at the moment his Words, let her cold heart shake a bit, but the heart of the pain still failed to eliminate, but she wanted to know the DEM society sent him over the intention, whether he was artificially created spirit or?


    “Mina Sang, before I named it today, I would like to introduce a transfer student to you, remember to get along well…”

    After the Academic Affairs Office reported, Feng Yu Chen followed the class teacher named Okamine Tamae to the door of the second and fourth classes she taught.

    "Hello everyone, I am starting to transfer to Chonggong of this high school from today, Chonggong Yu Chen…"

    Feng Yu Chen picked up the chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard.

    "Good handsome…"

    "The eyes are beautiful…"


    The female students were actually cheering.

    Of course, in addition to female students, boys are also –

    "It's you!!"

    Itsuka Shidou couldn't help but stand up excitedly and pointed to Feng Yu Chen as if he remembered the non-human presence that he had encountered the day before. Although the color of the hair and pupil changed, the dress of the body was changed into a school uniform, but absolutely I can see that he is the one who was chased by Tobiichi Origami…

    It's me.

    Feng Yu Chen did not deny, then went straight to the position next to Tobiichi Origami, next to Tobiichi Origami is Itsuka Shidou.

    He vaguely remembered that when he looked at the boy, he suddenly showed the expression, the expression that should have belonged to him.

    “Itsoka Student, you know the Chonggong Student, then it’s even better. You can guide him to the next campus during the class…”

    Okamine Tamae said with a wink, "So now everyone is ready to go to class…"


    During the class, Feng Yu Chen's desk was suddenly surrounded by the class female student, asking about his various preferences, sometimes asked about skin care, and whether it was a mixed-race.

    to disturbExcuse me, let me let, I want to bring Chonggong Student to visit the campus…"

    Itsuka Shidou rushed in and pulled up Feng Yu Chen and ran out.


    Tobiichi Origami also ran out after seeing Feng Yu Chen leave.


    It was not until the rooftop that Itsuka Shidou stopped.

    "Is there any doubt? Itsoka Student ? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked.


    Itsuka Shidou just wanted to talk, and the voice of his sister came from his ear –

    [Shidao, about he came home! 】

    [Does the first Raiders target Male Spirit? 】

    [Special circumstances, you have planned your female image, this Spirit must be a Raiders, his words should be the best strategy now]

    [Amount, my sister, you will not let me become a foundation? 】

    ['Sephiroth' now has no ethics…In short, DATE! 】


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