2397. Chapter 2397 Hougyoku Evolution vs. Hell Power

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    Yamamoto Genryūsai Heavy Country Before Feng Yu Chen went to Hueco Mundo, when he accepted his Way of Sword challenge, he suddenly thought of a surprisingly successful idea, if he had any accidents in the battle with Blue Dye…

    Although in normal circumstances, he is extremely confident in his own strength, but there is always no extra for holding one hand…

    Feng Yu Chen has the ability to liberate all of Zancakutō, Shikai (Initial Release) and even Final Release (Bankai), but needs a familiar time.

    If he transferred his Reiatsu to Feng Yu Chen, would Feng Yu Chen be able to liberate his Zapnakutō instantly?



    Having Reiatsu only increases the affinity for zanpakutō, but it does not achieve instant liberation.

    So in order to achieve the degree of instant liberation, he let Feng Yu Chen familiar with his strength, originally Feng Yu Chen is to ask him to be full of oppression, such words just two birds …

    When Feng Yu Chen comprehended the new abilities, he also grasped the understanding of his existence of 'Shanmoto Genryūsai's important country…


    Yamamoto Genryūsai, the country and Feng Yu Chen's preparation, finally showed its miraculous effect at this moment. ,

    The prince of the fire-fighting prince seals Zanpakutō's Yamamoto Genryūsai. Although he can't use Zapnakut, he can transition to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Blue dyed Captain…So far, my battle with you is for this moment. Use Zanpakutō to cut into your body, take the initiative to expose yourself to you, let you catch and bear the black slam, all in order to hide my use of Shura mode. s reason.

    It’s not that you are defended by your attack or you are irritated to increase your strength. Instead, you are preparing to absorb Reiatsu from Captain. When you see the split second of the fire-fighting prince, it’s already…”

    Feng Yu Chen held a raging flame, and a hot Reiatsu tide rose around the whole body. After absorbing Reiatsu from Yamamoto Genryūsai, his Reiatsu has increased to a state of transcendence…

“……This is indeed an accident. I didn't think that the combination of an Old Man and a teenager was so tricky. It was just that the Strength was on my attack, plus the power of hell. I am afraid that you are now Soul Society. The strongest Shinigami, it's terrible Reiatsu, the level of inability to breathe.

    However, just use your growth to test my ability…

    I am looking forward to your next performance…"

    The blue-dyed 惣 right-faced frowns, but the brows are stretched in an instant, so that Hougyoku, who is strongly stimulated, will bring him a stronger growth experience!

    "After you have experienced this Strength, you will show your calm attitude…"

    Feng Yu Chen points the flame to the blue dye –

    "Senro is all gray,"

    Hell* is ablaze! ! ”

    The first is Shikai (Initial Release), which is slightly different from the state held by Yamamoto Genryūsai. Feng Yu Chen is attached to the power of hell. With the release of Shikai (Initial Release), the entire space is turned into a hell of hell. The scene, the appearance of a knife-and-fire sea, countless Guren fires erupted from the earth.

    "Fire burning the city!"

    Gently slammed, the blushing flame was released from the blade of the blade, forming a huge wall of Guren wrapped in blue dye!

    The blue dye trapped in the wall formed by the flames, like the trapped beast can not escape, just close to the flame of the wall so that the body's clothes into ashes, the fusion of the flames of the power of hell than the mountain Genryūsai heavy country when the use of more powerful, the ordinary soul does not say is close to the flame, Even thousands of miles away can feel its hot temperature!

    "Jun Lin! The fleshy mask, the Vientiane, the fluttering wings, and the name of the human being! Focus on heat and chaos, go south across the sea and move forward! Thirty-one of Hadou –

    Red fire cannon! ”

    Feng Yu Chen then double-handed the knife and fired Kid 朝着 towards the blue dye. Although it was Hadou on the 31st, it was the power to apply the hell * blazing fire. Therefore, the power is naturally not the same.

    The flames of fire that gathered together passed through the wall of the flame and were prepared to hit the blue-stained body!


    Then, with a terrifying loud noise, the bomb of the flame instantly expanded, and the ability to explode turned into a fire column and went straight into the sky!


    Ukitake Jūshirō looks at the flame city in front, Feng Yu Chen's Reiatsu has been so powerful that it can't feel it. This kind of powerful strength, he doesn't believe what else can stop…

    "No, it's still early…"

    Urahara did not know where to go out, said to Feng Yu Chen, "Wind Captain, the new Hougyoku has the ability to protect the host, the ability to break the [wall], able to 'bath in the battle again and again Fire rebirth '…"

    "Urahara Captain analysis is not wrong…However, it is really a powerful Strength that directly puts me in this state. I thought that I should have an excessive state. As a result, Hougyoku directly evolved into such a way that if the degree of development does not reach this level, it will be 'dead'…"

    A group of white things came out of the flame wall. From the sound point of view, although it changed a little, it was indeed blue dye, but at this moment, his whole body was wrapped up by the scorpion formed by Reiatsu, and Shinigami could not be seen at all. The state of time…

    "Let me explain the strength of Hougyoku –

    Hougyoku has a self-awareness that absorbs and reconciles the heart that exists around itself, and protects the host's body from immortality. When the host's ability reaches its limit or life is threatened, Hougyoku can make the host endlessly The next meta-element evolution! ”

    "It's a good Strength, but let me talk about the power of hell. One of its most powerful places is —

    Strength, which is immortal, is strictly the ability to infinitely resurrect. The sin of Hell, Reiatsu, is imprisoned and possesses the characteristics of immortality. After death, he will be resurrected…

    I naturally have this ability.

    Then there is its insignificant Strength –

    According to my current power, the right to hell can use a total of five levels, which can be regarded as a five-time improvement.

    So I hope that Hougyoku of Blue dye Captain can also improve five levels. Forgot to say, I have not used the real Strength of Hell. After using the Strength of Hell, the obvious change is that Reiatsu will become golden…

    According to yours, you should be the second Hougyoku stage now? Then try to see if you can use the first form of hell…"

    Feng Yu Chen is innocent, even if the strength of blue dyeing is improved, there is a problem in defeating him now. He combines Reiatsu from Yamamoto Genryūsai, and his strength is hard to estimate…

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