2374. Chapter 2374 羁绊 and continuation

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    In the world of deep feelings, Feng Yu Chen met with Nelliel Tu, which is an area that is not controlled by the nine yin, so they can openly talk about how to get rid of the yin of Jiuyin.

    It’s just that the Nelliel Tu’s virtual hole disappears…

    "The sense of time here is not in sync with the outside. Sometimes the seemingly long time is actually just a form of our consciousness.

    You are called Nelliel Tu. If you think I will apologize to you for that kind of thing, I advise you to be a bit more realistic.

    It is you who caused this situation. If it wasn’t for your attack, Jiuyin would not be led out. I just pushed you down in order to reach the world. Therefore, it is better to think about it than to think about it. Think about how to get rid of Jiuyin with me. ”

    Feng Yu Chen first defined his identity and position.

    "Shinigami doesn't have any form of apology even if it kills the imaginary. This kind of thing can't be compared with the killing, but will Shinigami apologize to the virtual? If you think that I am such a person, it is a big mistake. I have a rational judgment. I want to know why my virtual hole will disappear. ”

    Nelliel Tu is still so clear, giving people a feeling more like a human being than a virtual one.

    "The disappearance of your virtual hole involves some secret of mine. I don't know what blue dye has instilled in you and thoughts, but I have just mastered the door to hell, and some people just know it. Some people know better than me. My Strength.

    Then say that your virtual hole disappears. How do you feel that virtual is formed?

    In general, imaginary is the evil soul. After death, it does not immediately become imaginary. It is after a period of time that there is some attachment to the world but it is not easy, so it eventually leads to their becoming virtual.

    The virtual hole represents the inner heart of the empty.

    But my ability is to complete the soul [reincarnation], the real power of hell is [reincarnation], human world, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, how do these three worlds achieve circulation?

    In the Soul Society world, the soul will reincarnation after death. Who is manipulating this level?

    Therefore, my current ability should be an aid to these three world leaders, and I can understand that I came into being.

    Just when I was doing that kind of thing with you, Strength naturally flowed into your body and realized the reincarnation of you, so you understand that your soul has actually been reshaped in split second, then it is not There will be such a thing as a virtual hole. ”

    Feng Yu Chen knows very well that this is the Strength of the Samsara wheel of life and death.

    "Reincarnation?" How do I believe in you? ”

    Nelliel Tu frowned.

    "Can you still be clear here? This space can only be completed by interacting with each other. You can tell if I am lie in split second. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said, waving his hand.

    "So what am I now? Is it virtual or Shinigami? ”

    Nelliel Tu also noticed this, but there was doubt.

    "Do you keep the imaginary Strength? But is already "the whole spirit", can become a shinigami, but also can reincarnation become a human, you now have all the possibilities, so the potential of Ascension is also infinite, well, I do not want to say that this is your luck, after all, I did that kind of thing to you, although you are virtual, But in my eyes, shinigami and falsehood are the existence of the spirit.

    Isn't humanity a virtual life? ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained.

    "So should I believe in you?"

    Nilu’s expression calmed down, and in this space she could understand that what Shinigami is telling is true.

    "Yes, we might as well take advantage of each other, or further support each other, you feel that the virtual should have a more rational future, this is not in conflict with my goal, my goal, is now probably to become the King of Hell, this goal is also the desire for strength, I have to defeat the opponent, I also have to be in a high enough position.

    This space is a realm that only five people can communicate with each other. In other words, not only my wishes, but also a craving for you? You are only skeptical about me, not a complete rejection. ”

    Feng Yu Chen wants Nelliel Tu to be his assistant. Now he has a lot of opponents. If you don't gather some Strong, it will be quite hard in the future.

    "Tell me what is your purpose for Hueco Mundo?"

    Nelliel Tu Last question.

    "In order to purify the virtual and thus obtain" merit "to increase the Reiatsu, although my starting point is to enhance the strength, but Shinigami kill the virtual only will be virtual purification, and not completely killed, and Quincy is not the same, purify the virtual at the same time the world will feed back to me Reiatsu, this is probably" hell "Power, because I am the equivalent of doing a good deed, with merit, merit accumulation of more than Reiatsu will be more." ”

    Feng Yu Chen didn't hide. He wanted Nelliel Tu to help him. Only by mutual recognition, he can feel it. Nelliel Tu's existence is equivalent to a very special clear flower. She is pure and kind. She doesn't like killing. Become a companion.

    SI am allied with you. ”

    Nelliel Tu nodded.

    "Not an alliance, but a companion, I would prefer to be this relationship, can not hesitate to become the other side of the strength, Nelliel Tu, your clear so that I can not use you to achieve any your own sake, I believe you are the best virtual, compared to blue dyeing, you are more suitable to manage the virtual world, If it were you, there must be a different world.

    My goal is not in conflict with you, so I will become your Strength while you become my Strength. ”

    Feng Yu Chen reached out.

    So,Is it a companion? ”

    Nelliel Tu smiled, and although he was somewhat overbearing, he was a gentle person and possessed both qualities. He was a charming man.

    "So, now let's deal with Jiuyin. My realm is gradually mastering the strength of Jiuyin, but it is impossible to defeat her in her world, so I need your help."

    Feng Yu Chen is awkward because –

    "You are bound by her now, but your five senses are connected with her five senses, so –

    This, how to say it, let her show the flaws only one way…

    Jiuyin has a crush on my past life…

    If she can connect with your five senses, if you can cooperate with me more, that is, if you are happy, she will be happy, so you understand, that is, we must always do such things until the nine yin souls Lost, then my Strength is introduced into your body, taking the opportunity to seal her! ”

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