2366. Chapter 2366 virtual nucleus

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    In the face of Nelliel Tu, Feng Yu Chen opened the second-order awakening in the world of One Piece, which is similar to the second stage of the Asura life. To put it bluntly, the pattern of Asura's force and the stage division are in accordance with the spiritual state. Degree of division.

    From the realization of [people] realize that there is no separation from [people] into the stage of non-human, and ultimately killing weapons.

    Asura has all forms, not all forms. People, gods, ghosts, demons, etc. are all Forms of Asura but not completely.

    The reason why Feng Yu Chen can be blurred is because of this. If you simply think of him as a virtual one, it is a big mistake. He has a virtual killing but can't be called evil.

    Coupled with the role of the Samsara wheel of life and death, Feng Yu Chen's own killing traits coincided with the reincarnation of the Samsara wheel of life and death, eventually becoming Asura, both virtual and Shinigami, and the door to managing hell.

    Samsara wheel of life and death can easily affect the operation of the Shinigami world, and Hell has now become the actor of Feng Yu Chen's.

    Feng Yu Chen in the eruption easily blasted Nelliel Tu out, and the six-armed look was like the legendary Demon God!

    Nelliel Tu was flying after not so easy to end, in her place, space appeared a crack, Strange opened a Jin Yu of burner, from which flowed with the swastika inscription black mud, towards her feet swallowed, instantly put her clothes burned into ashes, And like the curse of the swastika mark is full of her feet, like the guilt of carrying on a certain yoke, the heart is swallowed at the same time the body becomes heavy.


    Then, as far as the blink of an eye, Feng Yu Chen reached the front of Nelliel Tu in the hand of the cloth, and hit her again.

    "Take out all your strength, Varos Lorde de Menos Grande! Don't underestimate Captain's strength. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's sound is very cold, like the sound of the door of hell, just hearing it feels that the whole person is being swallowed by hell…

    Feng Yu Chen was appointed as the agent of the Wufan team, Captain, natural explanation. He has this strength. Reiatsu and the unfinished Final Release (Bankai) are not able to explain his strength is not enough.

    The key outbreaks can reach levels that are not reached by the general Captain-level Shinigami.

    "Sure enough, the blue-stained adult is right. Your existence is to degrade the soul to the edge of the fall. It is not correct to kill and kill. This is absolutely not allowed."

    You have the door to hell, and then you have to send all the emptiness into your dictatorship. If we evolve into rationality, we don’t have any meaning. I like to fight against rational opponents. If it is true before, Great.

    But now you look like this, from the change of Shinigami glass, I can't agree, this is your fall. ”

    The information Nelliel Tu got from Blue Dye is –

    Feng Yu Chen wants to be the manager of hell, to hold all the souls inside, to be enslaved by him, to decide the future by him. This feudal monarch's general system of **** is simply the greatest destruction of reason. And disregard, and the face he exposed at the moment is the biggest evidence.

    From the moment she took off the mask, she decided to become a rational person. How she hoped that one day Hueco Mundo would be like the ordinary world, no longer a world that swallowed up and killed each other…

    If Feng Yu Chen's real purpose is to turn the world into a enslaved country of hell, then…

    "Oh, it turned out to be this excuse. It seems that blue dyeing is better than I have to understand a Strength that I have mastered. I am just in line with the will of Hell. In this way, my Strength is exposed at the beginning, hell. , reincarnation, it turns out,"

    Feng Yu Chen caressing his chin, this kind of thing, I am afraid that Yamamoto Genryūsai also knows about it. It is a relationship of hell. Samsara wheel of life and death purifies the soul of his killing and gains merit and increases the quality of the soul. It turned out to be this. the reason.

    Although I don't know much about the rules of the world, what do you think of this connection to hell is not an ordinary Strength?

    Although Feng Yu Chen also understood the role of the Samsara wheel of life and death, he increased the quality of the soul when strikes to kill, thinking that it was a merit feedback of the Samsara wheel of life and death, but the result was Samsara wheel of Life and death turned out to be the hell of the world, so Feng Yu Chen was able to improve the soul of the soul so smoothly.

    This also explains why Yamamoto Genryūsai has no reason to detain him. Instead, he is relieved to let him go to the world and even participate in the crusade of Hueco Mundo. This is entirely for him to grow up.

    The reason why Blue Dye recruited him was not just to look at his strength, but to have the ability. If one day he really can hold the hell in his hands, then the reincarnation of the Three Realms will be managed by him, in other words he will become The Lord of the Three Realms.

    This is really an accident.

    Entering Asura's second-order awakening Although Feng Yu Chen is losing the rationality of [human], but more wise, he treats everything as equal, and naturally has a clear mind…

    "It seems that you have not denied the Strength you have mastered, then I will not be polite. This time ending you, this is my rational choice."

    Nelliel Tu's knives in the handles lie across his chest, and then a powerful Strong is released from it, as if the seal was untied –

    "Ode, antelope knight!"

    Like Shinigami's Shikai (Initial Release), Nelliel Tu also completed the liberation of Strength –

    Only after the liberation of strength, she became more like virtual, although the upper body is still the same as human, but a half of the body has long become the Antelope general, at the same time, the original head on the skeleton mask on the double head of the Kakuzu elongation, like a multi-section 犄 Kakuzu-like extension, and in the collarbone, shoulders, elbows, Double-handed These positions are covered with white armor, and the arms are extra black long-sleeved gloves.

    The original sword of Cui became a double-cone knight.

    Like the semi-human Demon Beast described in the magic.

    The great Reiatsu even became thicker in the air, and only the strong explosion of the percussion pushed Feng Yu Chen's body a few meters away.

    "This is the real Strength of Vasto Lorde De, really amazing. I am afraid that no Final Release (Bankai) can't be defeated anyway! ”

    Feng Yu Chen can feel it. This Strength has reached a qualitative change. Either he liberates the more powerful Shura, or completes the Zaanpakutō Final Release (Bankai), otherwise it is impossible to defeat Nelliel Tu.

    "In the case of Shinigami, the core will be sealed, called the nucleus. When liberated, the original Strength will be obtained. Of course, this state will not be so calm…"

    Nelliel Tu held the knight in his hand and accelerated the impact on Feng Yu Chen…

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