2364. Chapter 2364 of Asura and Hell's Gate

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    Feng Yu Chen just rejected the Soul Society's search for the Quincy Group search, and Hueco Mundo began to attack the world. This time, there is no instruction from the Soul Society community.

    If the existence of the soul Society is a process for Feng Yu Chen, then the present is his beginning, after all, Orihime here, in the beginning of this mood can never change, he wants to guard here, as he and Orihime met the place, in any case Can not calmly tolerate the trampling of any force on this mood.

    At this moment, the people who can fight together are only the human beings of the world, Kurosaki, Sado Yasutora, Ishida Uryuu, etc. Those in the Urahara store don’t know if they will help, probably with Urahara and Yoruichi’s intelligent, should be Will it be shot at the end?

    Quincy Group's words, not only will not help, can not be combined with Hueco Mundo, after all, what it is like to be destroyed, it is indifferent to them, and the threat of Soul Society makes them possible to unite with Hueco Mundo A little bigger.

    Feng Yu Chen is thinking about what to do with blue dye. If he doesn't know his purpose, he will only run around.

    And he is thinking about whether or not he needs to summon his beggars.

    Through the swearing spirit of Vampire's Strength, the guardian spirit symbolized by the Gold Zodiac is one of his cards.

    If the showdown is now, it is difficult to have a miraculous effect. He wants to use this Strength at a critical time to bring a huge impact to any of the world's Strong.

    So in the end, this Strength can't be used.

    "Hueco Mundo about three enemies, so now we are divided into three operations, Orihime and I to the West, Ichigo and Rukia to the east, to the south to the Rain Dragon and the tiger, the young Sen, you are responsible for receiving the soul Society troops, At the same time to mobilize the surrounding in the current monitoring of the shinigami, to observe a variety of war, in the event of an accident to report to me, I can always support. ”

    Feng Yu Chen thought about the decision to believe that Kurosaki's Strength, who survived the previous Kuchiki Rukia rescue strategy, has proven their Strength.

    "Well, one guard, let's go."

    Kuchiki Rukia agreed with Feng Yu Chen's idea, but now I don't know if I can withstand the attack from Hueco Mundo, but the most important thing is to delay the time and avoid the destruction of the empty seat.

    "Those Quincy don't know if it will help us. Let me ask about it…Tea crossing, trouble you first go. ”

    Ishida Uryuu decided to check out the idea of ​​the Quincy Group.

“……I went to contact Shinigami who was patrolling around the city, asking them to monitor and contact the Soul Society…"

    Hinamori Momo looks at the fluctuating sky, without the blue-stained Reiatsu.


    It is not someone else who appears in the west. It is the Vasto Lorde de Menos Grande Nilu Ailu.

    "Catch up here, your spiritual is really persevering."

    Feng Yu Chen smiled.

    "My Quest is not finished, so I must continue to search for you. If you assist me in my investigation, then it would be great. I prefer sane opponents. I have proved that I have started from the virtual mask. Already have reason, and this reason is really good if it can change the virtual world.

    And you will undoubtedly make the world more devastated, you have a suffocating in your heart, and you are more greedy than imaginary. You should not hinder the progress of this world. ”

    Nilu Ai Lu feels that Feng Yu Chen is a dangerous existence, because the fierce and terrible he hides, even if it is imaginary, can't compete with it, just like hell.

    "It seems that the blue dye has instilled something into you. The guy who manipulates the people's heart is really showing up without any room. Is this a talent? If this is the case, then you can use that Strength, and you must be prepared for the battle, compared to your last fight.Hope is a bit deeper. ”

    Feng Yu Chen is ready to start Asura Road.

    Second-order awakening!

    The blood on his hand dripped into the pupil, turning into a bloody eye mask, and the scarlet pupil exuded the coldness of incomparable killing.

    Because of the opponent of Nilu Ai Lu, Feng Yu Chen directly used the second-order awakening, the second-order awakening of Shura's blood.

    Shura blood gas is currently skilled in two awakening modes. The first type, a simple blood gas burst, guides the bleeding gas violent through blood, and mixes murderous aura to transform, which is defined as [primary awakening].

    Then the deeper is to annihilate the awakening of human nature, to regard itself as a non-human existence, to diffuse his eyes with bloodthirsty's Shura, completely forgetting his identity as a human being. This awakening is defined as [secondary awakening] .

    Since fighting with the virtual work, then –

    At this moment, suddenly Feng Yu Chen's face appeared a virtual mask! ! !

    The blood of Shura in different worlds will be affected by the rules of the world, and this world…

    Feng Yu Chen completed the blur! It is also a second-order awakening!

    For a time, the blush accompanied the dark energy into the sky, a mask that was irritated or happy or sad or happy appeared on Feng Yu Chen's face, and four pieces quickly extended from his shoulder. The arm and the body began to swell and became huge. In the forehead, a flashing golden flame slowly opened, and a golden fire was found in the palm of the six hands.


    A huge door to hell emerged from Feng Yu Chen's behind, and the doors of this Hell's Gate have a sly pattern! !

    But this door to hell was not swallowed up by Feng Yu Chen, but was summoned by his killing will.

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen became more and more cold due to the influence of blurring. In the hand, there was a sword of the spirit of the cloth, and the golden curse of the skull was wrapped around the soul sword, and then attacked by Feng Yu Chen. Wherever he went, he instantly burned a bloody fire wave and knocked Nelliel Tu back a hundred meters in one stroke!

    At this moment is communicating with Soul Society Hinamori Momo saw Feng Yu Chen behind the gates of hell, completely shocked up, this is definitely the gates of hell, used to hold the most heinous people of the place, in the Soul Society is a very mysterious existence, this Door appearance will certainly devour the most heinous people into hell, but only in Feng Yu Chen's behind appeared, and did not restrain anyone!

    This can only be explained for one reason. This door was summoned by Feng Yu Chen's subjective consciousness.

    Also Feng Yu Chen What is the mask of the virtual face on the face, what is this, Feng Yu Chen is virtual? Joke

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