2360. Chapter 2360 Chapter of the Ice Spirit (on)

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    Hinamori Momo was shocked by the notice of the Soul Society community and went straight into the room of Inoue Orihime, but ignored the brother and sister career that Feng Yu Chen and Inoue Orihime are now doing…

    Then the impactful scene made Hinamori Momo feel a strange reaction to a certain position in his body…

    No way, after all, I witnessed that…

    Although there is some attention, Feng Yu Chen is now playing with Inoue Orihime, and it is easy to lead Orihime's brother-in-law consciousness. If you don't have a good intimacy, is there no chance in the future?


    Hinamori Momo wants to vomit blood, this is not stopping, anyway, more, more…

    The world seems to have become strange.

    I don't know how long it took, the movement inside the house calmed down, and Hinamori Momo's legs were soft and could not move.

    "Jinsen Student…"

    Inoue Orihime realized that someone broke into the world of her brother and sister. There was no way. I just kept investing in that matter and didn't notice it.

    "I said you, wouldn't it be really unclear?" I don't understand the atmosphere too much? Is it blue dye because you are like this…"

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, originally wanted to be pleasant to the dawn, and the result is…

    "Don't confuse that, I will kill you!"

    Hinamori Momo looked at Feng Yu Chen coldly, then threw the phone over. "The order of the Soul Society world, see for yourself…"

    “Quincy Group?”

    Feng Yu Chen took the phone and looked at it. He remembered that in the camp selection, Quincy and Shinigami were hostile forces. Some of the infinite players became human Quincy. The enemy of Hueco Mundo did not say that the enemy of Quincy was exposed. .

    Quite Cycent also evolved through the weakness of strikes to kill?

    However, Quincy's strikes to kill is not the same as Shinigami's strikes to kill. Shinigami's strikes to kill is super-life, and it is not completely erased, but purified, but Quincy is different, but they are completely imaginary. Eliminate it.

    Interfere with the operation of the world.

    Speaking of Soul, the main quest of the Society is not strikes to kill, but to maintain the stability of the world, after the death of mankind, the smooth will ascend to heaven, that is, the Soul Society, but not smooth will become evil spirits, this is because they are nostalgic for the present world or other obstacles, can not ascend to heaven and linger in the place to attract them, virtual will devour the soul or maim human beings, so Shinigami's job is to clean them up.

    After being killed by Shinigami, the virtual is not really dead, but sent to the Soul Society, but if it is a sinful person, it will be swallowed by the gates of hell and bound in hell.

    In general, Shinigami does not actively strike to kill virtual, imaginary space to avoid chaos in the Soul Society world –

    Hueco Mundo.

    Shinigami will only work if it is murdered by human beings.

    Quincy is also a profession that exists to protect human beings, but they are actually breaking the soul, and the dead Void method becomes the soul into the Soul Society.

    Soul Society's souls are mostly from the human world, and in the Soul Society world, just like humans, life expectancy is longer than humans, good souls will become Shinigami, and inferior souls will grow old and die, death. The soul will return to the world to start a new life.

    This cycle makes the world balanced, and Quincy is in the balance of the world of destruction. If the soul is largely missing, it may not be complete with the world of Soul Society.

    Although there are many souls, the more they kill, the less…

    One day, as long as Quincy exists, the whole world will be buried!

    Shinigami's world is a soul-based world. The world of the world (human), Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo is all supported by the soul, which is why Feng Yu Chen can purify the soul and increase the strength. This is the realm of the soul. .

    Originally Feng Yu Chen was preparing to unite with human Quincy to fight Hueco Mundo, but Quincy's growth seemed to be too rapid, and even the Soul Society community noticed that there could be no fight between Shinigami and Quincy.

    However, the reason why the Soul Society world did not spur the annihilation is probably to take into account the existence of blue dye. After all, the real purpose of blue dye is still unclear, but his purpose must be harmful to the Soul Society, so Soul The Society community will certainly not be easily dispatched, so this investigation order was made.

    Quincy also has an opposite relationship with Hueco Mundo.

    In other words Quincy, Shinigami, and imaginary mutuals are all enemies. Under such a relationship, the world will be chaotic.

    And Quincy's current Strength should look like there is no Strong in the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, but is that really true? Since the system simply sets this profession into an independent career on the expplanation, Quincy's Strength is able to threaten the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo…

    "If we don't help, we used to be a wolf. If I could actually ignore the order of the Soul Society, but it is already an agent of the Soul Society's thirteen team Captain, there seems to be no excuse to give up Quest.

    Hsiao Sen, what do you think, continue to hone in Hueco Mundo or go to Quincy. ”

    Feng Yu Chen threw the phone back.

    "Put on panties also clothes and talk to me again!!"

    Hinamori Momo pulled the door out of the room with shame.

    "Hmph!"Forgot! ”

    Feng Yu Chen was bitterly laughed and confused by the appointment of the Soul Society community, for a moment to forget his current state.

    “Brother Yu Chen is too bad!”

    Inoue Orihime handed the clothes to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Well, let you down, but how about the dishes with green onions and cream?"

    Feng Yu Chen smirked.

    "Hey, is Brother Yu Chen wanting to eat too?" So what will I do for you tomorrow? ”

    Inoue Orihime asked with his head.

    "You sleep, I have something to do with Jonson…"

    Ok, Feng Yu Chen gave up the tone.The play, maybe Orihime's ability to understand is too strange, probably not as reactive as before.

    But finally it was with my sister…

    Put on the clothes, Feng Yu Chen left the room and prepared to go to the site of Quincy with Hinamori Momo.

    "come back earlier."

    Inoue Orihime said with concern, well, after all, it is already…

    So can you say this in this way?

    Like the wife's husband, but they are brothers and sisters?

    "I'm going out……"

    Feng Yu Chen is warm, this scene is really great, combined with her sister, and then greet each other when she goes out.

    Split second seems to be the winner of life.

    However, the sister's things are fixed, but also seriously invested in the main process of the world, the players in the dominant world have basically completed an update, the new enemy is stronger…

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