2351. Chapter 2351 brother and sister Romance set sail

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    On the weekend, Hinamori Momo followed Feng Yu Chen and came to the cemetery.

    As for the case of this agent Captain, she has already learned some, obviously a person who kills the decisive, but at this moment shows the emotion of this person.

    "You are waiting outside, give me and Orihime a little time…"

    Feng Yu Chen turned and said to Hinamori Momo, then took Inoue Orihime into the cemetery.


    Hinamori Momo has no words, but he stops, and the blue-stained adult is not something that can be seen for a while…


    In front of Sora Inoue's tomb, Orihime put the flowers in front of the monument, then smiled and said: "Elder Brother, Orihime never forgot you during this time, put the album away just don't want you to worry about me, Orihime also wants to be independent Life is over.

    But the love of Elder Brother has never stopped, until the emergence of Brother Yu Chen, it stopped for a moment…

    I know that what you do in the Soul Society is not what you really want to do…

    Orihime has no resentment, and I am grateful that you can let Brother Yu Chen appear in my world. Today, here is the reincarnation that you can rest assured. I and Brother Yu Chen will live happily. You are too tired these years. Orihime has always thought about having a time to enjoy your time, but I haven't grown up yet…"

    Here the tears flowed from Orihime's eyes Kakuzu. She usually became mature when she was joking and free and natural. After this scene, she seemed to have found the answer.

    "Inoue brother, I know, even if you still have regrets, so today, at your grave, I want to propose to Orihime. As Elder Brother, the greatest happiness is to see my sister enter the hall of happiness.

    I admit that I had my own selfishness at the beginning, but who made me born is a siscon, I always wanted to have a sister…

    Today, I will not only treat Orihime as my sister, but will treat her as a lover and give her double happiness. Please help us to prove and bless us…"

    Feng Yu Chen took out a Crystal box from her arms, with two rings carved in the crystal of Saint Mark, opened the box, Feng Yu Chen kneel on one knee on the ground, micro-carrying the Crystal box look at Orihime ——

    "Although I want to buy a diamond ring or the like, I still quietly engrave the pair of rings, because I am afraid that you will not accept the current proposal, maybe the proposal is not something that should be done immediately. After all, Orihime is still a student, and is also beautiful. In the student era, high school is also under the university…

    However, I can't wait, forgive my urgent wish, the lovely sister will never leave a little bit of opportunity for others, I want you all from now!

    Marry me, Orihime…"

    Feng Yu Chen didn't want to wait any longer. He had to do this and let Orihime know his determination.


    Inoue Orihime was a bit ashamed for a moment, she just thought that Feng Yu Chen wanted to take care of her in front of Elder Brother and determine the relationship between the two…As a result, he took a step further and was directly proposing marriage. She also thought that it would start with boyfriends and friends.

    "I haven't grown up yet, Brother Yu Chen…"

    “Without adulthood, Orihime’s girlhood is guarded by me.”

    Feng Yu Chen will not back off.

    "It is legally not allowed…"

    "The world can't stop my determination to ask my sister for love."

    "But I am not ready to have a baby, marriage is not to…need

    "Marriage doesn't have to be a child right away. I don't want Orihime's wonderful time to waste this thing. When Orihime has a willingness, we can think about it again. It's just the romance of both of us…"

    "But I don't deserve Brother Yu Chen…"

    "Isn't Orihime decided to be with me, and my sister is a treasure in the heart of Elder Brother."


    No matter how Irihime hesitated, Feng Yu Chen responded satisfactorily, and he had already thought about everything last night.

    "Orihime, marry me, in the future, don't you want to build a family with me? Now Inoue brother is at the sight at us, he only has the sight at you are happy to be free, you can rest assured, I propose to you, just to prove your determination, you accepted my proposal does not mean that the current life must Break, we are all as usual.

    That dayThat day, at night, with the split second you came into contact with, I have already realized that I admit my siscon Attribute…Just holding Orihime's little hand, huging Orihime's delicate body, smelling the taste of Orihime body, I can't stop the happiness, in this world, Orihime is the first in my heart.

    I won't let your eyes move from my body again, promise me…"

    Feng Yu Chen took Orihime's little hand and kissed it on the back of the hand. He had to do this. Orihime was sure to think about making him a family in the future, but how long is this future? He must let Orihime break through this psychological barrier. Also, in normal human society, the marriage of brothers and sisters is ethical, even if it is the adopted sister…

    This kind of thing, from Kirito and Suguha body can see out, although Feng Yu Chen and Asuna Two people try to set up two people, both of them also like each other, but still difficult to break through that Kan, but he and asuna efforts have let Kirit O and Suguha began to change, said not two people have snapped, so that the two children will really be able to order dolls kissed …

    Feng Yu Chen and Asuna have secretly cursed Kirito and Suguha and can only have daughters. Anyway, their sons are not alone in the future…

    "Brother Yu Chen…I also think, but you don't regret it? I wasted on the body of someone like me, and I want to be with Mr. Yu Yu forever, but…"

    Inoue Orihime thinks that she is too selfish.

    "If I don't do this, I will regret it, die. Orihime, marry me…"

    Feng Yu Chen is ecstatic, Orihime has been shaken, well, he played a careful thought, Orihime definitely wants Sora Inoue to be assured, and now he hopes to be happy, then Feng Yu Chen will work hard to make a proposal with a little effort. of……

    I…I promised, but I will not stop the happiness of Brother Yu Chen. If you have a favorite person before we receive the certificate, I will only be a younger sister…"

    Inoue Orihime bit his lip and nodded slightly.

    "Yes, MyHoneys…Today, Orihime is my Feng Yu Chen's sister and wife. ”

    Feng Yu Chen took a Saint Mark ring and put it on the ring finger of Orihime's left hand…

    "Brother Yu Chen…Today is my Elder Brother and husband. ”

    Inoue Orihime took another Saint Mark ring and put it on the ring finger of Feng Yu Chen's left hand.

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