2331. Chapter 2331 Zanpakutō manipulating time!

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    "No, Momo!"

    At the time of the crisis, the winter lions of the Japanese Fan Valley could not help but scream, even if Feng Yu Chen at the moment is standing on the side of Veteran Flower Sorceress (Unohana Retsu), but no strong one will allow his back to be sneaked. And it’s still when someone else sings Kid’s sing, not to mention the botched attack in the eyes of the master –

    It is a mockery!

    "Hadou's ninety – black!"

    "The Eighty-one of the Roads – Broken!!"

    After Feng Yu Chen cast a black shackle, he slammed to the rear and a large translucent wall appeared, blocking the attack of Hinamori Momo!

    No! Blue dyed Captain! ”

    After seeing the blue dye wrapped in Feng Yu Chen's black scorpion, Hinamori Momo suddenly screamed in anger.


    It was only after the black sputum was dissolved, and the blue-stained body did not even appear a trace of damage.

    "It’s really good, boy…Do you want to join me? Your Strength also has a lot of room for improvement, and even after reaching the extreme, there is still room for improvement. You are a person with real blood. Would you like to see the world with me? At the end! ~”

    The blue-stained body split second appeared in Feng Yu Chen's behind.


    Very fast, almost even if Feng Yu Chen is difficult to capture, this guy's instant repair is very strong! !


    He has a sense of fighting and has been defended as early as the moment before.


    The crisp sound, then Feng Yu Chen flew out and slammed into a wall, even if he defended against the blue-stained sniper, he could not defend the horrible impact.

    "I really surprised me. I tried to defend my sniper in one step. I should praise your Way of Sword and the white fight is really good. According to my analysis, your ability to Asura, Shouldn't it be triggered casually? If you can't trigger, you are not my opponent! ”

    In the blue-stained eyes, the pupil has a playful expression, slightly lifting his chin, and the dark eyes are converging, as if he is laughing at it.

    Hey? I thought he would become the nemesis of the blue-stained Captain. I didn't think of such decadence. At most, it only has the Captain-class strength. It is not enough to see it…Such a fun thing, I must let me play next time…Yes, blue dyed Captain? ”

    Ichimaru Gin said with a fox-like smile.

    "What do you want to investigate? Killing the central room 46 to control them should be just a decision to let outsiders have a disorder, so here you should have something special. After all, some information is only recorded here? ”

    Veteran Flower Sorceress (Unohana Retsu) did not shoot, but continued to look at the blue dyed right.

    "You have come earlier than I expected, and the flower of Captain?" Because I am sure that there is a teenager who can use illusion, people who will illusion naturally know how to dispel illusion. You are completely hypnotized by me. I have already paid attention to me in that battle.

    It’s really amazing. I have long thought that the only person who can find me is you.

    In the battle of that day, even when fighting with the teenager, you can not only resist the Asura-style attack, but also can follow the more wooden Captain, but also can pay attention to my movements, it seems that I am not careful enough.

    However, at that time, although you doubted it, but did not really expose me, it was really meticulous. Then, after my suspended animation, I had doubts. When the teenager was awake, after you solved the hypnosis, you could know my hiding place. It's worth to admire. ”

    Blue dyed and said with amazement.

    "The place that is completely forbidden to enter, regardless of any reason, is only here, then your plan is destructed in advance. What do you think?"

    Veteran Flower Sorceress (Unohana Retsu) stares at the blue dye, she does not believe that this guy will not be able to handle the current situation.

    "Of course I have considered the emergence of teenagers. However, it is a coincidence that there seem to be many outstanding students born in this session, and even have excellent young people who can control the sense of time. Although we are talking now, the execution desk The execution of Kuchiki Rukia has begun!"

    The blue-stained mouth Kakuzu smiled. "This is destined to be a generation of "awakening". There are too many excellent talents."


    Could it be…

    Veteran Flower Sorceress (Unohana Retsu) frowned. When she got into it, she felt that the Special of the sky was a little different from the outside.

    "Nothing wrong, wrapped the entire Soul Society's barrier, only included here, although you have discovered my plot in advance, however, this is indeed commendable, but the external flow time is accelerating because of this time The acceleration is based on the spirit, because thinking and so on are all accelerating, because everything is accelerating, so I don't know my own anomalies.

    Let me tell you about the changes outside!

    Yamamoto Genryūsai has been fighting with his two lover Kyouraku water, Ukitake Jūshirō, because of the release of Kuchiki Rukia, and Byakuya lost in the hands of Kurosaki. ”

    At this time, a person wearing a dragon mask appeared on the side of the blue dye, and the Zapnakutō in his hand exudes a strange gold light–"Zanpakutō, which I liberated, has the ability to automatically adjust the speed of an area…Thanks to the careful teaching of Blue dye Captain…"



    Control time, this ability is simply –

    How can God have this ability to produce!

    This face has a mask of dragons. It is one of the outstanding students of the Zhenyang Lingshu Academy. Veteran Flower Sorceress (Unohana Retsu) is still very impressive. Recently, it seems that blue dyeing often visits the real spirit school, but I did not expect it. Is looking for 'seeds'!

    "Blue dyed Captain, it's so good, you have nothing…Explain to Captain, you don't do anything…"

    Hinamori Momo suddenly ran to the front of the blue dye, begging to say.

    "Get up from his side! Hsiatsu! ”

    The Japanese squad, Dongshilang, reacted instantly and pulled out Zapnakutō and slammed it toward the blue dye.


    Blue Dye lifted Hinamori Momo and used it as a shield to block the sword of the Japanese singer.

    For a time, the blood is splitting –

    Hinamori Momo's eyes wide open, looking up at the blue dye incredulously.

    "Hey, you really have a very good Item, younger Lieutenant, and finally help me to work harder, your value has been exhausted…"

    The blue dyed face was expressionless and said coldly.

    The day of the valley, the winter lion, touched the warm blood on his face with his hand, and the whole person’s face seemed to be dry.

    "Momo !!!"

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