2312. Chapter 2312 finds the six teams

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    Feng Yu Chen Just a few days after their battle, new troubles came to the door.

    During the night, when they were eating with Orihime, two people appeared outside the door.


    There is no warning of knocking on the door.

    I couldn’t hear the sound of footsteps, and there were guests standing outside the door. This kind of thing, in the middle of the night, was very strange.

    However, that is an abnormality for ordinary people.

    For Feng Yu Chen, who is able to capture Spiritual Power, it is natural to see the unusual Reiatsu fluctuations approaching.

    So before the door knocked, he had already appeared at the door, and the door knock had just fallen, and he opened the door.

    "Shinigami? It’s even later than I expected it to come! It seems that your goal is me first. ”

    Two people who are out at the door, the body is wearing the same Shihakushō as the Kurosaki body.

    One of the comparisons makes Feng Yu Chen care, even if Reiatsu converges well, in his eyes, it will reveal the real front. It looks like a handsome man with long hair and a cold expression. It’s a slap in the face, like a guy like Hyuuga Neji.

    Body In addition to Shihakushō, there is also a feather weaving, which is probably different from the ordinary Shinigami. The hair accessories on the head are also strange, like a ribbed tube, then the hair is stuffed into the neck. There is a scarf that looks good on the top.

    As for the other person, it is similar to the street mix, the deep red hair, weaving into a scorpion look, a large area of ​​blue thorns on the eyebrows, covering almost the entire forehead, also on the neck, on the forehead Wear goggles.

    Cut, the combination of high-class aristocrats and little gangsters, this is really a strange combination, but the breath of these two people is different from the Shinigami that he encountered in these days, and the atmosphere is too different.

    "Being able to enter the Soul Society world, you will complete the mastery of Reiatsu and the initials of the society. Your talents will be recognized by the Soul Society. Now you are enlisted in the Soul Society and enter the real spirits school for temporary basic education. After that, the 13th team of the guards will be employed. This is your only way out, as the only way for Shinigami."

    First of all, the voice is a cold man dressed in aristocratic style.

    "Oh, unfortunately, I don't want to do that. I can do Shinigami's work here, and for me, the most important thing now is to accompany my sister."

    Feng Yu Chen hugged his arms and sneered. "My future will not be able to get involved."

    "You guy! Don't think that Shikai (Initial Release) is a great look, Captain personally invites you, and refuses to know who he is? Managed the Captain of the six teams of the Soul Society and the guardian Soul Society. ”

    The red-haired man seems to be a very hot person. Hearing the cold talk of Feng Yu Chen, it seems very uncomfortable.

    "Hey, do you think that I am very similar to someone's tone, and then you hate it, but your position does not seem to be high, and then you can only get angry with me?" Sorry, if you want to die, I can actually member you. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a cold smile.

    The two people whose temper clearly disagreed were actually working together. This was originally a problematic place, because some things that could not be opened, and together?

    However, it may be that he guessed the mistake, it may not be the cause of the transaction, or it may be emotional, so this guy has an opinion on his indifference.

    "Good, it seems necessary to let you understand what the gap between you and us is! Remember my name, A Sanjing love! If you are stumped by me, be grateful! ”

    Red-haired man pulls out the sword in his hand to prepare for the fight.

    "Elder Brother, what happened?"

    Just then, Inoue Orihime put down his rice bowl and came to the entrance.

    "Nothing, it will end soon, you can continue to eat…"

    Feng Yu Chen caressed Inoue Orihime's head and said softly.

    "The human beings who can see the spirit seem to be affected and open up the vision…"

    Long-haired man looked at Inoue Orihime, maybe this is a breakthrough point. It is not very good to use violence to solve it, and the feelings of this brother and sister make him think about him and his sister…

    "Let's go, let's catch Rukia back. That's our main purpose. If he is, it's not a problem to stay in this place. Besides, I don't think you are his opponent."

    "I am not his opponent, open the player! How big is this hair boy, but I am…"

    A swelled in love couldn't help but frown. Since entering the Liufan team, he has never been praised by Captain once. If Captain is the target, if he retreats in front of a little devil, he will not be in the Soul Society. joke?

    "Your boss is right. You are not my opponent. Some of the Shinigamis that have come before are spiked by me. Their memories have been eliminated by me. Maybe you want to say that your strength and theirs are not in a grade. Above, but, if you are an impulsive opponent, I want to abuse it!"

    Feng Yu Chen's body came to behind of A Sani's love, and a sword did not know when it had been placed on his shoulder.

    "Instant step!"

    A suijing loves his eyes wide open, how is it possible, he did not notice the fluctuation of Reiatsu, in other words this guy's instantaneous use is already above him!

    "Shinigami's four combat skills, Way of Sword, Instant Step, White, Kidō, I still know some basics, I know where you are going, Kuchiki Rukia, I have been in contact, I am sorry. I can't let you find her so easily, at least for now we are in the league.

    Let me test, where is the gap between you and me, Way of Sword, white play, instant step, I don’t ask for a place that is not as good as it is, there is a slight gap in Kidō, I want to recruit me, Take out the strength you are enough to admire.

    Well, boring everyday, it’s up to you to solve it. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's body disappeared instantly. When it appeared again, it was attacked by a long-haired man. However, what he found was only afterimage, and the other's quick step was faster than him!

    "It seems that we don't have to pursue it. If you want to stop it, then even if it interferes with affairs, let you know the real Shinigami world…"

    When the long-haired man appeared again, it was on the top of a pole, and below it, Kuchiki Rukia ran over.


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