2309. Chapter 2309, Anihime's Awakening

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    Again and again, Feng Yu Chen felt that his arm was a little numb, and the virtuality of this player in front of him could be said to be the first strong enemy he faced after entering the world.

    Since entering the world, it was transmitted by a single person, so no one knows how many players outside of the world will participate in the world.

    The players who are turned into souls are at the stage of struggle at the beginning. No one knows what kind of opportunity they will encounter, or become Shinigami, or become virtual, or die!

    Once the three-day free time is over, those who don’t know the truth will definitely choose to become virtual!

    Even if the truth is clear, players such as Feng Yu Chen may be trapped in eternal desires and unable to get out.

    Feng Yu Chen can't leave Inoue Orihime right now, although he can pull farther and farther as the total number of Reiatsu grows, but his body is always tied with a 'rope' that binds him and Inoue Orihime Together, can't break free!

    To become a virtual player, you must experience a period of killing, from ordinary virtual growth to a virtual mind with sufficient consciousness, but players with Bloodline can get enough protection to survive this period of crisis and devour other virtual growth. .

    The player in front of you is already in the most risky period. As long as there is no accident, he will continue to swallow it, and he will surely get the world's top combat power!

    Virtual is also a profession. As a player, Feng Yu Chen will not evaluate Shinigami's noble or imaginary evil.

    Any way has a future.

    But the main reason why he doesn't want to become virtual is –

    Fear of their own horrible Asura power, lost self, the rule of the soul is equal to in vain, indulging in the soul of Strength, definitely not what he wants.

    What's the matter Hey, you haven't become Shinigami yet. It seems to be one of the lucky players. I have swallowed two people like you. Your strength is very good. What Bloodline? There is still a lot of energy left. It seems that you should have mastered Reiatsu at first, but it is a pity that the soul of the untransferred success will not increase the possibility of Reiatsu~!

    After waiting for your Spiritual Power to run out, I will take what you eat and turn it into a part of me!

    The two players are also swallowed up by me! ”

    The human voice is like a sharp bat sound that pierces into Feng Yu Chen's eardrum and cannot be rejected.

    Feng Yu Chen's heart is quickly analyzing, and as such, his Spiritual Power will be exhausted as soon as possible, but he is also storing the Spiritual Power, which is enough to support his battle, but the Spiritual Power stored in the spirit of the cloth is enough to support his battle, but If this is the case, there is no way to defeat this player.

    It can only make him feel flawed, but Menos Grande and ordinary virtual defenses are also very different, even if they are traps, they can't be killed.

    "That girl is your 'desire body'?"

    Invisible to Inoue Orihime, the mouth Kakuzu showed a sneer. "In order to increase the time and carry the wishes, this rule I didn't know at first, the abominable system, had to eat those virtual, very disgusting. The taste! do you know? I tried my best to kill a imaginary, ate it, and ate it a little bit! ~

    Now I am caught in an infinite **, ** want to eat more imaginary, but the only thing that can improve this situation is to eat you to upgrade your level!

    If the girl dies, your wish can't be realized. When you are eclipsed by your wishes, you are my food! ~”

    Between the human form and the virtual voice, the imaginary group under the command began to attack the Inoue Orihime.

    Bad Ass

    Feng Yu Chen roared, not afraid of the resent of desire, but he has already treated Orihime as his sister. As an Elder Brother, how can he look at his sister?

    "Virtual flash!!!"

    At this moment, a highly condensed Spiritual Power ball formed in the human form of the mouth, roaring against Feng Yu Chen, he wanted to destruction Feng Yu Chen's mood, but looking for a loophole attack, in his eyes, Feng Yu Chen's combat skills are too powerful and there is no loophole at all.

    But being virtual, but in order to achieve the goal, it is all-powerful! Temptation, incitement, fraud, waiting for intrigues can be used! ~

    Even those who are hard-hearted, can't ignore the close relatives around them.

    So he used Feng Yu Chen's contract to find an attack on Inoue Orihime's guardian mood. He just discovered one thing. Feng Yu Chen kept looking back at Inoue Orihime while fighting, so he guessed that this player There is feeling for that girl, so this is his chance!

    Damn it…

    Feng Yu Chen naturally understands what mistakes he made, but how can he not worry about his sister?

    In a hurry, set up the sword of the Soul of the Soul to carry out Defense! !



    Feng Yu Chen is still being bombarded!

    And the most serious is that the entire left arm break is Crush off!


    Inoue Orihime looks at Feng Yu Chen, who was flying over, suddenly screamed, "No!"

    This voice made Kuchiki Rukia all they heard.

    "It’s actually a flash, it’s alive, it’s lucky…”

    Kuchiki Rukia looks at Feng Yu Chen The state of serious injury, so the real demise is only time to ask.

    "Hey, your Elder Brother is going to die soon! It’s an enviable brother and sister, but…Your embarrassment is really wonderful! I won't destruction this kind of jealousy, so I will eat it with your brothers and sisters! ”

    The human form slowly walked toward Inoue Orihime.


    Inoue Orihime holds Feng Yu Chen's broken body in her arms, and a powerful Spiritual Power storm surges out of her body…


    "Fire without chrysanthemum, Mei Yan, Lily…Three days to seal! I decline

    A glowing three-solution shield formed, blocking the humanoid attack.

    “Orihime was influenced by her Elder Brother's Spiritual Power, so she was able to see the existence of the spirit and then mastered some kind of Strength…”

    Kuchiki Rukia said in amazement.


    At this moment, Kurosaki found that the glowing shield broke after the humanoid attack, and the crisis was not lifted!

    "Elder Brother…I won't let you go again…"

    "Shun'ou, Lily…Two days return to the shield! I decline

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