2298. Chapter 2298 abduction to a dry Loli

    [Thanks to Beichen? メ天狼,哈飞路口2, Markzheng, Loli plundering watcher, book friend 140308140229502, moe moe loli control, 冼 言言, North American black tea, 叆芸 children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket】

    Feng Yu Chen wants to leave dark inflammation on the body of Elemental Lords. The purpose is not to prevent the return of dark matter from the outside world, but to absorb the origin of Elemental Lords. Very weak extraction will not be discovered.

    With the completion of each extraction, Feng Yu Chen completed the system requirements –

    "Hey, collecting Spirit is a successful source…To get access to the world, please choose the coordinates of the two boundaries…"

    "Before the banquet started, there was a secret that I hope everyone can keep it for me and guard it…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Six Elemental Lords, and their own four Spirit Ji, said –

    "As you fantasize, I am not the elemental of this world Lords, I come from other worlds, of course, I was given the mission to save the world, and now that this mission is done, I will return to my kingdom, I will open a door of time and space, the door of time and space between my kingdom and this world, You can visit my home at any time. ”

    "The king of the opposite world fights against the dark matter of the outer world. You are really mysterious…"

    Darkness Elemental Lord even *Ashdoll smiled and said, "I have been harassing since then…"

    "Ice Spirit King means letting us guard this door, forbidding the average person to enter, right?" Then I don’t think that the reward for winning the Blade Dance in the future is that I can enter the outer world where Ice Spirit is located…"

    Water Spirit King Isalia nodded.

    "So let's get started, I can't wait to see the existence of the outside world."

    "Well, based on the world outside our world, it is worth exploring…"

    "The guardian gate is also supposed to be…"

    "In the future, if there is any world, you can go to the other side of the door and ask for help."


    The rest of the Elemental Lords also agreed.

    "So we…"

    Rinslet noticed important things…What should they do?

    "I will not limit your freedom. Rubia and Claire. You will save you and your parents in the prison, Rinslet. You have to save your sister who is trapped in the curse, Ellis. You also have your own Knights. To continue to manage, you are all Spiritians who have a close relationship with the world, so –

    There is no need to go back with me. Of course, when you are free, you can go to my kingdom at any time. You can enter this door at will. After all, you are my Spirit Ji…"

    Feng Yu Chen said quite calmly, Veronica and Silvia did just that. They wanted to come back and go back. They want to go back and go back. This is free. The door connects the two worlds and can be shuttled to the other side at any time.

    "Well, indeed, we naturally can't give up the things here. Besides me, Claire, Rinslet and Ellis also have to continue their studies. My king naturally wants to return to her own kingdom, but as long as there is a door, we will Can communicate with each other."

    Rubia at least felt that Feng Yu Chen gave them the freedom to choose. After all, in general, Spirit Ji must serve on the side of Elemental Lords.

    Ellis, Claire, and Rinslet nodded, but anyway, they can go to the other side of the door anyway, they choose.

    "Well, I don't have much to say. I want to open the door. First come to me to be a guest…"

    Feng Yu Chen walked over to the throne of King Ice Spirit and held out his palm against the throne.

    “Hey, choose the world of Seireitsukai no Blade Dance and the world to coincide…”

    "Seireitsukai no Blade Dance" – Elemental Lords Grand Temple Ice Spirit Throne; present-world – Antarctica Academy City Dimensions Tower 5th floor…"

    “Building spatial overlap…”

    As prompted by the system, Feng Yu Chen floated a black world door in front of their eyes, the space of the entire hall was distorted, and the muddy of the world door gradually became clear, and the opposite world began to appear. In front of their eyes.

    "Hey, build space overlap…Collecting Spirit's source success, rewarding the base Attribute Strength +50…"

    "Okay, come with me…Experience the journey of different dimensions…"

    Feng Yu Chen took the first step into the door of the world, and the rest of the people excitedly and curiously entered the door to the world.

    When it reappears, it is in the hall of a tower.

    "This is a five-storey space, the following four layers of space, but also I connected the different dimensional World, respectively, four layers of" K ", three layers of" Strike the Blood ", the second floor of the" Dragonar Academy "and a layer of" Tokyo Ghoul "four The world is an independent world, and there is an interest that you can travel to those worlds, and of course someone has to guide you, or you will be attacked. ”

    Feng Yu Chen introduced the introduction.

    "really?! That's quite amazing, in a world other than Elemental Spirit, it's worth a visit…"

    "I didn't think there would be such a powerful place…"|

    “It seems that this place is like a transit in time and space. Will every connected world coordinate enter this tower?”

    "There is a lot of strength outside this tower, and the Spirit of King Spirit here is like an instant enhancement, and our Strength is weakened. It should be caused by the interference of rules from different worlds…"

    “Really, entering a different world of rules, Strength will be affected and limited…”


    The Elemental Lords exchanged excitement.

    "Dad, Welcome back…"

    Yui came out of the obsidian elevator and flew into the arms of Feng Yu Chen's…


    What a ghost is Dad!

    Rubia, Claire, Rinslet, and Ellis have turned over Byakugan. Is such a cute young girl really the daughter of this guy?

    At the same time, walk inside the elevator…No, it should be climbing…The baby, the emperor, Michael, and the princess also climbed up quickly, and Feng Yu Chen's legs came up. Several little guys seemed to expect someone to return, and they dropped their pacifiers and ran over.

    "Don't climb up…Ok, okay, Dad can't do it for you today…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled bitterly, and these children were too sticky.

    "Welcome back, is there a bubble to the little maid?"

    Asuna, they also came up. "There is no need to recruit a few maids at home. I really have to go on…"

    "Yes, really, I am really abducted to a capable one this time…Rinslet, washing dishes, cooking, washing clothes, getting people to get up, etc…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a cheeky face, pointing to Rinslet.

    “There seems to be an unpredictable forebo…”

    Rinslet body shakes.

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