2287. Chapter 2287 Second Generation Virgin: The Flame of God

聽聽聽聽[Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

聽聽聽聽After experiencing an intrinsic world, Feng Yu Chen came to the ceremony.

聽聽聽聽In the middle of the wide hall of the lost sacred hall (Lost*Cathedral), a fire pit is lit. Because it was originally the castle of the Darkness Elemental Lord, it looks a bit psychedelic and dark. The flames look unusual and the atmosphere is somewhat different. Condensed like a deep cave.

聽聽聽聽Rinslet has prepared everything needed for the ceremony. In the ceremonial costume, she is waiting for Feng Yu Chen in the magic square on the floor. The strange light is glittering, and the flame is dancing like an important moment. Holding the orb symbolizing Frost, the entire space is covered by Frost.

聽聽聽聽Probably to increase the atmosphere, let Fenlier arrange everything here into the domain of ice.

聽聽聽聽"It seems that the two teams outside have been dealt with by you…"

聽聽聽聽Restia laughs at Feng Yu Chen, and at the moment she seems to have entered her own field. Indeed, this place belongs to her, originally.

聽聽聽聽"As a Darkness Elemental Lord avatar, you are also likely to be infected, is it clear? If the other party performs the Dark Spirit Elemental ritual, you are originally belonging to the Darkness Elemental Lord, so once the snake has finished guiding and liberated the Strength, you are also loaded…

聽聽聽聽When will I ask you to make a choice for you? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen didn't start the ceremony immediately, but looked at Restia. At the beginning, he understood that this dark Spirit was holding a mortal purpose.

聽聽聽聽"In the original plan I planned, I was letting the gods kill me. For me, that is the perfect ending.

聽聽聽聽You have to be thankful, the saint, if I am not here, when the other party completes the ceremony, my will is overwhelmed by the Darkness Elemental Lord, he will become the most terrible Demon Lord, even then, with this saint The Strength of Strength is not enough to accomplish what the previous generation of the Virgin did, this time the Demon Lord will be more powerful than Solomon. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Restia said with a cold smile.

聽聽聽聽"You should be thankful that you are also lucky, do you understand? Do you think that, after I became Elemental Lords, will Kazehaya Kamito survive? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu is also sneer, "Dark Spirit, you should not underestimate my Strength, I will be confessed, I am not a saint, although in your consciousness, but I will not admit I didn't admit it in front of Witch in the beginning.

聽聽聽聽The saint exists only for a belief. The pure and holy girl is the saint, then there will be many saints.

聽聽聽聽I started looking for the source of Spirit, and becoming Elemental Lords might be the goal I needed.

聽聽聽聽If you think about it, Kazehaya Kamito in your eyes may have surpassed Demon Lord. Do you think he will be my opponent?

聽聽聽聽If you don't believe that he will die in my hands, I won't stand here. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"Too smart people can be annoying…Well, I do think that your strength is even if the Elemental Lords can't be defeated. Of course, it is after you become the Ice Spirit king, and I am standing here, you need to exchange the conditions with you, you understand at the beginning, you It is a snake, not a god, to kill, so when the ceremony begins, I will voluntarily be swallowed up by the consciousness of the Darkness Elemental Lord.

聽聽聽聽Then you kill me at that time and purify me. Similarly, the Darkness Elemental Lord will be purified, just a little, the future Ice Spirit, the darkness is the darkness that even the Elemental Lords can pollute, so you It is also a gamble. Since you are not afraid of death, I will not be afraid of death. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Restia caressed her mouth Kakuzu, her tongue rubbed her hand, and she was charming and charming.

聽聽聽聽"I will kill you only to cleanse you. You have seen the incarnation of King Water Spirit before. You assassinated King Water Spirit three years ago. She did not die. In other words, Elemental Lords can't die, killing. After you, you will be separated from the 'darkness'.

聽聽聽聽I have a card to deal with the darkness. If you want to say darkness, the world is no better able to master it than I am, because the other side of me is the incarnation of the darkness of the world. Well, let us do our best. Negotiation is established. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen said that he entered the square of the curse –

聽聽聽聽"Get started, Rinslet, my Spirit Ji…Give me all the blasphemy…"

聽聽聽聽Rinslet couldn't understand what Feng Yu Chen and Restia were talking about, but it didn't matter to her. She just wants to be Ice Spirit and think about it wholeheartedly.


聽聽聽聽At this moment, the entire spiral tower swayed –

聽聽聽聽The power of strong flames fills the world!

聽聽聽聽"I have cleared up the miscellaneous soldiers, pseudo-gods!" No! Ice Spirit King! Please die at this moment! Adding another Elemental Lords that is swallowed by the dark will lead to the real extinction of the world, because you are the only Elemental Lords who own the human body, which will spread the true darkness to the world! 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽The unusually loud voice was conveyed to Feng Yu Chen in their ears.

聽聽聽聽A girl with a flame of fire stands under the spiral tower and gradually climbs up! The heat of the vortex turns into a flaming tornado, and the whole world seems to have become a blushing color. Even the beautifully arranged Frost of Rinslet and 钀?is instantly evaporated.

聽聽聽聽"Let you see it now – the strongest [flame of the gods], let me devour you when you are still in the state of [瑗佽], you will not welcome the day of turning into a butterfly."

聽聽聽聽The flame tornado gradually changed into a 'something', a huge humanoid Demon God wrapped in Guren's flames.

聽聽聽聽This kind of situation makes Feng Yu Chen think of someone –


聽聽聽聽Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter.

聽聽聽聽The person who came is not someone else. It is the predecessor of the Fire of the Spirit Jilu Rubia *Elstein.

聽聽聽聽The body is wearing a cool college dress, the black hair is gradually becoming a blush, behind is Guren's Demon God! ! !

聽聽聽聽Perhaps this scene made Feng Yu Chen sluggish.

聽聽聽聽It made Rubia come to him.

聽聽聽聽"It seems that Team Sacred Spirit Knights's Lumina Lisa and Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor's Leonora are all knocked down by you. Well, they are also trying their best. After all, as a genius of Spirit, it is pure Kamui. The degree of plentifulness is far beyond all princess maidens, not to mention that they have just been abused.

聽聽聽聽So, can you please wait and see, stop my ritual, and fight for time there? Or do you think you can decide everything? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"I don't know what I should do now, but I have to do some struggle because I am a saint! The Virgin is the antibody against the awakening and resurrection of the Darkness Elemental Lord as the five Elemental Lords, and I am the successor, but what I have to do is different from my predecessor! 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Rubia tells the truth about the Virgin.

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