2285. Chapter 2285 Inherent World Control

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Team Sacred Spirit Knights and Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor used the magic gear to find the location of Feng Yu Chen's, and a battle for the purpose of 'pushing the saint' is about to start.

    "I originally wanted to stay in use against Demon Lord. Well, it is OK to check the Strength here. Although it is only the initial adjustment rate, it has completed the synchronization with Spirit Kamui, but the effect has not been tested."

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes reflect the spellwork pattern portrayed by Kamui's power, which is quantified by the (pseudo) Elemental Lords prayer style, which is the space of the world, that is, the origin of Spirit.

    To use the system of magic and power of [other circles], the first thing you need to do is to overlap the rules of the world.

    For example.

    It can be that two disjoint rings gradually intersect, and in the process, the forces of the two worlds will be quite neutral, and some of the strengths will be synchronized. In mathematics, this form is called [intersection]. .

    But this is not the union of [curing], but the intersection of gradually getting in touch or strong pressure.

    After the intersection is completed, in another world, you can use the Strength of the original world or other worlds.

    However, the individual's Strength is naturally unable to complete the intersection of the whole world, so the manipulated area is generally placed on the body.

    This kind of magic theory was inspired by Feng Yu Chen from the unique magic of Emiya Kiritsugu in "Holy Grail War".

    First of all, the principle of the inherent time of Emiya Kiritsugu is –

    Separate the inside of a particular space from the 'time flow' of the outside world.

    Feng Yu Chen's principle of this world spell intersection extends it to –

    Separate the inside of a particular space from the 'world rules' of the outside world.

    This is not a magic with difficulty. If it is difficult, it should be regarded as the Reality Marble world.

    [Inherently controlled] and [Reality Marble] are two similar but different time-conceptual spells.

    [Reality Marble World] is to operate the time of a specific space, and achieve "time adjustment" such as "stagnation of the past" and "fast forward of the future".

    [Inherently controlled] is the "time tampering" magic that achieves "past interference."

    Feng Yu Chen's tampering with world rules is different from the realm of Hecate's world rules.

    If Feng Yu Chen's tampering with the rules of the world is inherently controlled, then the realm of Hecate's world rules is the Reality Marble world.

    Hecate is a kind of existence of [The Transcendence of the Realm], and this "Strength" is also shown in "Tokyo Ravens".

    It is because, to a certain extent, Hecate is not a simple creature, but an invisible goddess of the power of faith, but it can exist in a style with a form, because she is in the "Shakugan no Shana" world rule. The body shape was born.

    Therefore, she has the ability to pray to the "realm", the so-called "realm" is on which in the world's origin and the existence of an untouchable existence, based on the "realm" above, Hecate can complete any of the world can accommodate the strength, plus Hecate itself is a bottomless container, So even if the power to carry the "realm", can not let her body by the powerful strength support burst, which is a direct use of the world's rules of interference.

    Once, Feng Yu Chen was in "Tokyo Ravens."One lesson in the world is the interference of the world's rules, winning by, but that is based on the world's rules on the world's influence, which is called "self-transformation into the world" or "self-integration into the world", "oneself into a part of the world", is a "way of food" magic mantra.

    Therefore, all kinds of disclosures on the rule-making Strength make Feng Yu Chen a systematic superposition of the use of Strength.

    Combining the power of Emiya Kiritsugu, Hecate, and his own three on the 'modification rules', he developed the Strength that uses other world spells for different worlds.

    Recalling the rule of all these, Feng Yu Chen's fingertips are made by the force of Kamui's force to build a six-pointed star spell based on the world's six elements of light, darkness, water, fire, wind and earth. In the formation, the moment the formation is completed, he moves forward and passes through the curse –

    "Time -alter–double- accel!(Inherently controlled by double speed)"

    “Accel Turn, double acceleration!”

    The abilities of the two worlds "Holy Grail War" and "Freezing" are simultaneously revealed! ! !

    Singing in her mouth, Feng Yu Chen's body accelerated in an instant, came to Lucina Lisi, and the blade in her hand passed through her body instantly.


    "Captain !"

    The two members of the Team Sacred Spirit Knights were shocked at the scene, and they did not understand how the saints suddenly appeared.

    A single shot knocked Lumina Lisi on the ground.

    Since the public beta, Feng Yu Chen did not show the strength of two or more worlds, because the world rules after the public beta is more complete, except for the Bloodline, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the ability to use both worlds.

    But Feng Yu Chen, who has been conducting analysis of world rules, is now qualified to use this Strength.

    When did you start to have this idea?

    Probably "The Familiar of Zero"?

    He in that world is truly exposed to the existence of rules.

    "Roar! ~! ”

    Leonora of Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor will not miss this gap attack. She sang the Spirit spell, and the dragon Spirit around her instantly became a huge magic sword. It was rejected by her. Do not stop the courage to slam down.

    At the same time, Team Captain of the Dragon Emperor's deputy Captain Yuli also manipulated her own Dragon Spirit jet dragons –

    Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)! !

    Feng Yu Chen's body disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of Leonora in a vibrating manner. The sword of Est in the hand blocked the magic sword of the Dragon Spirit, kicking out Leonora with one foot, and the left hand that extended the space was facing. Julie's Dragon Spirit –

    "The end of a thousand hands, can not touch the dark hands, can not reflect the sky shooter, the road of glory and sprinkling, the wind of the igniting kind, when gathering together, do not need to be confused, I will follow my finger, light bomb *八身*九条*天经*疾宝* big wheel, gray turret, lead bow to the distance, cleanly dissipated away – Hadou's ninety-one, thousand hands smashed the cannon

    Numerous blushing light cones flew out of Feng Yu Chen's hands, exhausting the destruction of the location of Yuli and Yanlong Spirit! ! !

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