2283. Chapter 2283, the young girl, the King of Water Spirit

    "Thank you for the anti-blind titanium alloy, Markzheng, Hafei Junction 2, Moe Moe, that Flower is called forget-me, forgotten that, sad, Moe Moe, Bai, _ ◇, Xiaoxiao, Shin, sister are all my, dream into the deep sea, eternal chaotic truth children's shoes to reward, Today's first more sent, please subscribe, monthly ticket, recommended ticket "

    After being transferred to the ruins, Feng Yu Chen began to search for the best ceremonial place. As Greyworth said, the ruins are all made by Spirit Crystal, but the purity is not too high.

    Where did the Spirit war occur?

    Whispering, Feng Yu Chen began to move forward gradually.

    "Looking for the best venue for the ceremony is very likely to hit the purgatory apostle. I think it's okay to find a similar place. With your purity, you should be able to gather some of the power of Spirit to make up."

    Restia said from the form of the morphological adult of the sword, walking around Feng Yu Chen's.

    "No, are you still not clear? I became Elemental Lords just to deal with the five Elemental Lords. Even if Kazehaya Kamito is occupied by a snake, I want Crush. He is also a breeze, of course, provided that he does not have the assistance of the dark Spirit.

    So in this way of thinking in the opposite direction, the purgatory apostle will certainly not be at this moment with us, and should, the best venue for the ceremony, they will not use it. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a chuckle, "It's not just us who struggle, but they!"

    "Well, it doesn't make sense to think like this."

    Restia nodded, it seems that her heart is impetuous –

    "The establishment of the ice Spirit Kyi ceremony, to carry out such a large-scale ceremony, will naturally choose to have veins strength strong place, this waste veins because of the past Spirit war and become fragmented, but also because of this, to find veins still robust place is not difficult, In the case of land with multiple veins, there will be many candidate places where rituals can be performed, making it difficult to go to specific places. However, in this abandoned place, the place where it can be a candidate is very rare. In other words, it is only necessary to find a place where the veins gather. ”

    “There are many places where the veins gather, but the best place should be there…”

    Feng Yu Chen's soul rules sense the strongest breath, and the application of soul rules is very much.

    After seeing the position, Feng Yu Chen moved forward at a high speed, but this waste is as difficult as a labyrinth. Also, some free waste Spirits have increased the difficulty…

    However, in addition to his own perception, Feng Yu Chen also has the information of Greyworth. This place with the most concentrated wasteland should be the Lost*Cathedral (the lost sacred hall), which is the oldest altar in the wasteland. The base camp of the hostile forces of Elemental Lords in the Spirit Wars –

    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen came to the center of the waste city. Because of its own breath, even the waste Spirit would not attack Feng Yu Chen and would tell him where he wanted to go.

    In the center of this abandoned capital, there is an underground relic. The waste Spirits say this. Before entering the underground relics, Feng Yu Chen put out an ice rabbit, and those ice rabbits only found Claire and they Will bring them to find him.

    "Your ability is really good, and the waste Spirit is also heard. This is interesting. Maybe you really will become Elemental Lords."

    Restia looks at Feng Yu Chen. The look of the serene between the gestures can not help but move. If the gods were prevented from attacking him, everything would be calm.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded, without any reply, directly into the ruins, presenting a narrow staircase leading to the ground. There is a passage under the ladder, and the ancient stone is engraved on the left and right walls.

    "Inscribed on the stone wall is the name of the ancient Spirits…My name is also above…"

    Est also has a human form, probably looks at Restia is not pleasing to the eye, for sure.


    Feng Yu Chen stroking Est's small head and moving on, and soon he found a familiar figure –

    "Rinslet, how are you here? What is on your side? ”

    A young girl, um, is indeed a young girl. It is similar to Mirelle in terms of her age. The body is dressed in mysterious princess maidens, a girl with a water-mirror-colored hair. Her front hair is flush, like a lake's eyelids. After eating the soft bacon, after the arrival of Feng Yu Chen, my eyes suddenly faded out…

    Amount, I often see the young girl haunted recently.

    "Yu Chen! Great, it seems that I should be the first one, maybe it is destined to be…Ah, this is the Spirit girl I just met, it seems that the memory is sealed…"

    Rinslet said excitedly.

    "Not a player, it seems to be a high-spirited Spirit, but there is a high-spirited Spirit in this abandonment. It is also intriguing. I feel a call, you seem to be the source I am looking for."

    Feng Yu Chen sees through the rules of the soul the true identity of this young girl in front of her, I am afraid –

    Elemental Lords! !

    But why is Elemental Lords in this place, and it's not quite clear, but it seems that he is about to step into the vortex center of the world's Spirit.

    “Elemental Lords, why are you here?”

    Feng Yu Chen's words have just been revealed, which shocked both Rinslet and Restia, and the young girls with water-colored hair also shook.

    ‘How?’ Elemental Lords ……Could it be…I understand, it turns out that you are the liberated Water Spirit king Iseria-Seaweed! ! ! ”

    Restia remembered the scene three years ago and smiled. "It seems that you should be the avatar of King Water Spirit. The real name is not liberated, so there is no state of memory…"

    "Iseria-Seaweed, this name is really only in my mind, the only one has memories, it seems that you know very well about my past."

    When the young girl talks, she doesn't forget to eat the bacon cake, even staring at the Rinslet. That means to make a few more cakes and eat it.

    Another girl who eats food.

    “First of all, the ceremony of Ice Spirit Ji is going on. As for the King of Water Spirit, let’s put it aside, we have to speed up, and some people are coming here…”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at an ice rabbit that bounced back and reported to him, "It seems that Team Sacred Spirit Knights and Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor have a look for our magic item, and there will be some Fighting, but still find the location of the sacred hall as soon as possible, then you enter the ritual writing, I will stop the enemy."

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