2276. Baths after the 2276 preliminaries

    [Today's ninth, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    After recovering the maid *Bassett special maid, Feng Yu Chen did not move forward because Claire, Rinslet and Est were seriously warned and threatened, and if they continued to inquire about intelligence (promoting Loli), they would push him down and then XX.

    The Blade Dance's pre-match [such as the hustle and bustle] continued for a full seven days. During these days, the Virgin team won the right to enter the finals [Flame of the Flame] in the first place.

    Through teleportation magic, Feng Yu Chen and his entourage appeared in the Diance Ritual Institute's Grand Sacrifice Hall. Fianna's descendants, the current Spirit Ji, served as princess maidens. Ricci Alminas read the Divine Ritual Institute to Feng Yu Chen. Commendation.

    "The total number of magic stones won by the Virgin is 27, congratulations to the ladies and the Virgo, and advance to the finals in the second place!"

    The result of Rachel's reading is that there is a place that is quite important, congratulations to the Saints and the women's team, this sentence, should have been said to congratulate the women's team, but the separate list of saints, is to express the recognition of elemental Lords and Divine ritual Institute to Feng Yu Chen's a kind of respect, after all, he as the future ice Spirit King's things have been sure, more intense ice will, the creation of the soul of the ice spirit rabbit This kind of thing is enough to explanation everything.

    "Oh, this is a matter of course…"

    Claire shook herself like a flaming twintails, excitedly said, although the tsundere of the state is still there, but the eye Kakuzu is shed tears, after all, into the final, which explanation have to become the strongest blade Dance Spiri T make the team qualified, and then as long as you win the final, she can achieve the goal she has been holding on to, must find Lou Rubia Elder Sister, and ask her all things, at the same time let those who laugh at their own guys shut up!

    "With the support of my Laurenfrost ice Rinslet, I will have such a result. I am Yu Chen's most effective helper."

    Rinslet proudly said that Kakuzu also had tears of tears.


    Fianna and Ellis two were silent, but they were equally excited, and Fianna proved himself in the "sword Dance of the LAN," and Ellis proved himself, only that she was a member of the latter, and that she had an unspeakable shame, But she has to fight harder and make sure she grows to the point where she deserves the strength of this Saints team.

    "I have let Carol pack the empire in the famous cafe [La Barufi] on the bustling street of the floating island. You can open a banquet to celebrate the victory tonight."

    Rinslet caressed her light blond hair. Although she had such a plan at the beginning, she was always worried about whether she would win or not, but she was still desperate, and she believed that they would win.

    Only then, the other three teams were also commended.

    The other three teams participating in the finals were long ago –

    The fourth Leonora * Lancaster led the Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor. When it came out, Leonora used his hot sights at Feng Yu Chen and wanted to drink his blood.

    The third Team Sacred Spirit Knights led by Luminas St. Reichet is probably the only team in the raging dance that didn't have a battle with Feng Yu Chen.

    The first one is the apostle of purgatory led by Rubia, who is the name of the fake Lotus*Ren Ashbell. It eventually defeated nine teams and got more than fifty magic stones, which is powerful.

    Therefore, in the final finals, the team that is more promising to win is the Virgo and the Purgatory Apostles.

    After the preliminaries, five Spirit Ji invited Feng Yu Chen to bathe in the exclusive baths of the Divine Ritual Institute. For princess maidens, maintaining their own cleanliness is also a necessary practice.

    "The virgins…and everyone's excellent Spirit, as a finalist, Divine Ritual Institute decided to open the baths that only Spirit can use, wash away the dirt and dust of the body…"

    The Spirit of Fire, Ji Leixia, finally said, "Spirit ambassadors who want to separate them. In fact, this thing is not an artifact in the necessary ranks. This is five Spirits in Divine Ritual Institute and Elemental." What was announced by the Lords.

    They need to confirm the true nature of the saints, whether they can become or assume the future ice Spirit of the king, after all, an extra elemental Lords this kind of thing is unprecedented, the day after the elemental Lords has not heard, but Feng Yu Chen ' s qualification is too high, has reached the threshold of elemental Lords, not to mention itself as a second-generation saint, is also worth making such a choice.

    Therefore, people other than Feng Yu Chen are only attached. Of course, this kind of words can not be said!

    “What about the private baths of Spirit Ji? A total bath may be a good thing…"

    Feng Yu Chen next to Leonora looks at Kakuzu, who wants to suck his body's soul, so that the dragon's blood in her body will wake up more powerfully and become the strongest dragon blood princess maidens ever. Nor is it an impossible thing.

    "I have no opinion…"

    Fianna looks at Masked Rubia, want to know who this guy is.

    Only Feng Yu Chen and the members of the purgatory apostle are clearly identified as Rubia.

    "Bathing the sacred glory of the saint is also a matter of glory, and Team Sacred Spirit Knights has no opinion."

    Luminali, one-sided, said team Sacred Spirit Knights was also a well-trained team, but the reason for her was that she wanted to pry out the whereabouts of the dark spirit, and had previously been appointed by the Imperial Pure and holy authorities to seize the dark spirit The Dark Sword of the Restia, the whereabouts of the sword, the situation of their empire was in the hands of the leader of the Purgatory apostles …

    (However, Restia has been held by Kazehaya Kamito)

    The only thing that didn't say a word was Rubia. Of course, she also refused to invite the Divine Ritual Institute, and she was betting that the Divine Ritual Institute was not specifically targeting her, but to investigate the Virgin. , Feng Yu Chen.

    So she has no opinion.

    In this way, the four teams agreed, and finally Feng Yu Chen, led by five Spirit Ji, entered the private bath of Spirit Ji in the Divine Ritual Institute.

    The baths here exude a more pure atmosphere than the lakeside before, and some of the Spirit falls on it, so clear that the water at the bottom of the lake is so refreshing, and the princess maidens are served around.

    First change the bathrobe.

    As a result, Feng Yu Chen and the girls gathered together. At this moment, he had to smile, and bathing with the girls was a dream of the otaku, but what kind of ghosts were staring at him with a pair of eyes?

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