2273. Chapter 2273 Witch's successor: Chaotic Mask

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    The St. Light River crashes down, and the magical barrier squares in front of Claire, Rinslet, Ellis, and Fianna are as ruined as Crush!

    How should this kind of Strength be described?

    It is no longer the realm that sword dance can reach.

    That is already the power of punishment and punishment that can be called 'God'.

    Hundreds of Demon Spirits had no qualifications for roaring and sorrow, and they were smashed into pieces by the Saint Sword.

    "Alright, Est and my Kamui power have been able to synchronize."

    Starlight gradually gathered, Feng Yu Chen's figure appeared, the light of Saint Sword in the hands of the sorcerer was even more powerful, Est's Strength is very powerful, after all, as a smashing Demon Lord Solomon's Saint Sword, in a long time Among them, it was sealed.

    No, is it actively sealing itself?

    Because the curse of killing Spirit will be countered to the Master who uses her, such as the Areishia Virgin.

    But now, Feng Yu Chen can fully withstand the curse of this Strength feedback, the strongest sword and the best person, now meet together.

    "Although the barrier and the magic square are destroyed, Est is very consuming Kamui's power, so it won't work!"

    Fianna frowned and said, "It’s not so easy to consume Kamui again. It’s not so easy to recover."

    "Well, in this Spirit world, I am different from you, and it is equivalent to one of the Spirit world. Therefore, the power of Kamui consumed will return quickly, and as Est and My Strength gradually fit together, The energy consumed will be greatly reduced, and the tacit understanding is also a kind of Strength."

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and stepped into the ruins.


    Everyone noticed a figure that made Fianna shake them up –

    "–oh, the weakest and the strongest, respond to my orders, form this!"

    The person who calls the Spirit curse is a girl with eye-catching green hair. The headgear is decorated with luxurious decorations such as gold and silver everywhere, holding a fan with a gorgeous pattern.

    "Shella Kahn!"

    Claire was surprised.

    "Then the Inferno Apostle of the Alphas Church attacked the Team Rupture Division of the Rosary Principality! The first princess of the Alphas, known as the successor of Witch in the dusk, is here. It’s amazing, who is your Captain of the fake lotus*Ren Ashbell! ”

    Fianna asked and said.

    "Princess, stop, now is not the time to fight with the saint!"

    A tall girl with an emerald-colored hair hangs from the jungle.

    This person is the goblin girl who was dispatched together with Muir and the Black Knight on the first day. The unique ear of the goblin family came out from the gap between her smocks, because the goblin is good at secret operations in the forest. The contact person is the best fit.

    This can also be expplanation. Several members of the purgatory apostle are not fighting in groups, but are fighting each other. Are they too confident about their own strength?

    But at this moment, Syrah Kahn’s Spirit spell has been sung to the end, and the pure white mask has appeared in her hands—

    "Spirit Magic Costume – The Mask of Chaos!!"

    In an instant, Snow's red lips were twisted, as if they were smirking, the figure was like a mirage, and then the body became another person –

    Keep a gorgeous black hair. The beautiful girl with mysterious dark eyes, the body is wearing a skirt with a long skirt, like a ceremonial costume, and her left hand is a dark sword that exudes a scourge.

    The shape of this person, Feng Yu Chen, was seen on the murals that had been in the city hall before. It was the winner of the Spirit Blade Dance three years ago, known as the strongest sword dance, Lotus*Ren Ashbell.

    How come?

    Fianna looks at the snow in front of me, the brow wrinkled, what the contracted spirit is, can actually become the look of others.

    "The weakest and strongest Spirit, Demon Spirit 'BLADANDERS', one of the seventy-two pillars that Solomon's Demon Lord contracted, Spirit's magical costume [chaos of chaos], the character that can imitate The Strength itself is copied, whether it is Contracted spirit or the fighting skills of the physical memory. Is this your confidence? Alphas Witch! ”

    Feng Yu Chen scornfully said that he saw the existence of this Demon Spirit in the dream of the virgin Areishi, and was able to manipulate Demon Spirit, which is probably why Sheila is known as the successor of Witch because Feng Yu Chen For the observation of Witch Greyworth at dusk, it is the Demon Spirit that is in the body of the contract!

    However, Feng Yu Chen knows that BLADANDERS is not its real name, its real name is –

    BANDERSNATCH, whoever seizes everything is also a devourer.

    The memory of the saint is gradually rising in the mind of Feng Yu Chen's. No, it is actually the memory of Est, the memory of everything she and the saints have experienced.

    Fortunately, I didn’t sing the real name, or I’m really troublesome, but it’s just a little trouble. Feng Yu Chen is confident that he is much stronger than the previous generation of the Virgin!

    "The saint is still very clear. It’s good. It’s one of the seventy-two pillars of the Solomon Demon Lord. It’s one of the seventy-two pillars of the Witch in the evening of your Areishia Spirit Academy. Now Just understand the strongest sword dance of the previous generation, Strength!!"

    The figure of Xuela disappeared instantly when she spoke, the breath could not be captured, and only the sound could be heard. This is the basis of the assassination technique that Kazehaya Kamito learned in the teaching center, just like the shadow of the shadow. Its name is –

    Wear a shadow!

    High-dimensional stereoscopic mobile technology.


    Shadow step !

    Feng Yu Chen's figure disappears at the same time~!

    What kind of battle is this?

    Fianna is already sluggish, if Sera really can use all the power of Lotus*Ren Ashbell, then.


    Without waiting for everyone to think, the snowy Lotus*Ren Ashbell has been attacked by Feng Yu Chen, and the body hits the wall in the ruins, and the mouth Kakuzu overflows with blood!

    "I have already said it, now is not the time to start…"

    Lily couldn't help but shake her head. She used to attack the shadow copied by Kazehaya Kamito in the city hall. Now she is wrapped in the body of the snow, and she has all the strengths of the previous generation of sword dance. However, for the saint, it is only the object of bullying. However, after all, Kazehaya Kamito had challenged the saint before…

    Unfortunately, it failed!

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