2262. Chapter 2262, the courtship of dragon blood

    [Thank you for the swearing of the world, Markzheng, empty city _ solo, _◆ ◇丶潇潇, youth sorrow, cyvg, Sakura (cherry) death wind, Hafei intersection 2 children's shoes reward, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket】

    "You…you……You, you guy…What

    Claire loo loo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo Cl loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo loo Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl


    "I am very angry! Kiss mouth Kakuzu This kind of move has not been done before! ! ”

    Rinslet's scented shoulders trembled with excitement, his face covered with a shy expression.


    Feng Yu Chen wants to reach out and push away Leonora, but the palm of his hand is pressed against the softness of the amazing elasticity. How can the petite body have such a rich part, the pink is soft and spread like a flower? Swelling, unusually slippery, like jelly, bombs, soft and soft…

    "Hey…If you are a saint, you won’t have any opinions…So let me suck your bright red, I want you! Integrate into my body…"

    Leonora Sakura (cherry) The small mouth of the sandalwood gently spreads slightly, spreading out the scent of the girl, and the feeling of squirting on the face is as soft as the rain of drizzle.

    Then she sucked the blood of Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu, her eyes showed a flame-like color, and the dragon blood in her body rioted, making her body tremble constantly, wanting more and more dragons. The blood of the **…

    "Suck your sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen resisted the soft touch in her hand and pushed Leonora away. She was not kissing him, but kissing the blood of his mouth Kakuzu! !

    And there seems to be something special about Strength.

    He had a feeling of Leonora to be pushed down, which was a struggle from the dragon soul in his body, and soon he understood that it was "the Courtship of Dragons", Leonora had dragon blood in his body, and that there was dragon blood in his body, and that their nature was different , one is a male, the other is a woman, this licking blood feeling is like triggering the Dragon's courtship in general.

    This is a physiological phenomenon!

    "Give me another, I want you! ~”

    Leonora eyes Blur looks at Feng Yu Chen, the body as if the flame burning in general, the body of the dragon blood has a desire to evolve, but can not vent out of the feeling, only close to Feng Yu Chen suck His body taste will let That kind of dragon blood shock intensified, in short, now her aim is not only Feng Yu Chen's Dragon blood, but with the Dragon soul in his body communication, that kind of communication is what she can not say, in short, as long as lean together to be clear!

    "Onii-chan's first kiss is Est's ~!"

    At this moment, Est was not willing to make a human figure, then hugged Feng Yu Chen and kissed him, not like Kakuzu, but a complete kiss, the first kiss belongs to Est. This is the contract, the contract between her and Feng Yu Chen, saying that she has not done that since she was pulled out.

    "The first kiss was taken away by Est, and it was better than the dragon girl!"

    Claire breathed a sigh of relief, but then the red twintails trembled. "Est is not trustworthy, obviously waiting for her to take the initiative!"

    "Yes, yes, but the second kiss is mine!"

    Rinslet swayed the beautiful light golden hair on his hips, and there was a blush on his face. Imagine that there was some unusual emotion with Feng Yu Chen's kiss. It is obvious that everyone is a cute girl. Kissing is not worthy of this emotion. She always has a strange feeling, it is not unusual to feel kissing with the saint…

    "Leonora adults, we should go, when the saints are still tired, we have to leave quickly…"

    Yuli looks at the scene, suddenly put a cloak on the body of Leonora, now is the best evacuation time.

    At the moment, the saint's strength must have been left, Claire and Rinslet Two people also after a succession of fighting, entered the state of exhaustion, therefore, absolutely can not be dragged down, this is their best time to retreat, Leonora has lost the strategy, The rest of them two people can not resist the stronger enemy, continue to be sure someone will notice here, must teleportation out, and not sure how much also saint in the end of the hole.

    "It's worth it."

    Leonora was shocked back to reality by Yuli's voice, and the flame-like eyes flashed a bit of calmness. Look at Feng Yu Chen said, "The saint, see you again next time, thank you for your dragon blood. Next time, we have to go deeper. Exchange…"

    Go deep into your sister!

    Feng Yu Chen turned over Byakugan. These Spirit made the princess maidens a young girl who didn't have a good life. Without a normal experience, he didn't want to communicate in depth!

    (Saint Tsundere, congratulations)


    "In short, I have to take a break today."

    Rinslet looks at the beginning of the team Knights of the Dragon Emperor, relieved, continue, she and Claire is not necessarily the opponent of the Dragon Spirit, so also count on Feng Yu Chen , but not sure if there will be ' Yellow finch ', ' fish neon gain ' situation, and instead of spelling out a result, it would be better to take an immediate break and restore the fighting power, anyway, there are four places, and now they are basically sure.

    "Well, indeed, Fianna, as the princess maidens of the original Spirit Ji, should have built a stronghold, although other teams are probably building a stronghold, but if you talk about Power, I am afraid no one can do it right, as an assistant, that The guy is still a good teammate, just…"

    Claire thought of the betrayal of Kazehaya Kamito, and didn't fight for it! !

    “Kazehaya Kamito, the guy who even joined other teams to Yu Chen, is a super big traitor, and it’s best to die!”

    "I know that this Male Spirit has something wrong with it. I knew that it would be best to make him an ice sculpture!"

    Rinslet is also mad at madness. After all, he has just entered the field of [Rogue Dance], and he has experienced such a battle. No one wants to.

    Of course, the two people are just angry, and there is no real need to kill Kazehaya Kamito. After all, good girls always feel that Kazehaya Kamito has any difficulties, such as being threatened by the dark Spirit.

    "The result of this preliminaries, it will be to exclude him from the team…"

    Feng Yu Chen's said calmly, "I have long thought that he will be against the water. After all, he is the successor of Solomon's Demon Lord. I am a saint and must have a battle!"

    "Solomon Demon Lord? That should be more banned. ”

    Claire said in amazement. "Although he was Lotus*Ren Ashbell three years ago, it was deceiving everyone's Demon Lord trick."

    "Things are not that simple. Does the purgatory apostle's coach not claim to be Lotus*Ren Ashbell?"

    Rinslet knows that Feng Yu Chen must have concealed their more mysterious events.

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