2258. Chapter 2258 Roar of the Dragon

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Justice can't fight evil. To fight evil can't rely on justice, but more evil [absolute evil].

    Feng Yu Chen has always believed in the words of Tendou Kisara, so only he can use Tendou Kisara's zero-drawing technique, precisely because he is the darkness of the world, the absolute dark avatar, so he can accommodate the black like Tendou Kisara. Female.

    Absolutely dark, dark does not mean evil or positive, dark is Asura's intention, Asura has no feelings, so it is possible to cast the ruthless knife.

    However, he knew this early, so he laid the groundwork and Fianna was once saved by Kazehaya Kamito. The rescue of Kazehaya Kamito should be Fianna, and the blood of Saint Mark has a strong regenerative power, so it is able to The broken flesh is combined.

    Without the blood of Saint Mark, Kazehaya Kamito will become a piece of minced meat, not just a splash of blood.

    However, Restia understands that it does not mean that a young girl can understand and hurt her brother, so –

    She roared, thus liberating Strength and liberating it without any taboos.

    Next, the real battle will be ignited.

    Angry Little Loli is very powerful.

    "Hey! ~! ”

    The dragon has made a creepy torn air roar, and the roar is actually singing the Spirit spell! With a high intelligence part of Spirit, you can sing the Spirit magic yourself, and Dragon Attribute's Spirit is well known for its expertise in using Spirit magic.

    The Dragon's five dragon's head, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon, Water Dragon, Wind Dragon, Holy Dragon, also sang a spell.

    Earth Spirit Mantra…Inflamuate Spirit Mantra…Water Spirit Mantra…Wind Spirit Mantra…Holy Spirit Mantra!

    Five spells were sung and growled, the earth rocked violently, the roots of the trees were broken, the ground was bulging, countless stone pillars emerged from the bottom of the earth, and the ball of great fierce inflammation was like a hot sun, and the sacred light was constantly shuttling through the battlefield, and the raging wind blades were rolling all over the sky, and the water arrows that could penetrate the

    The entire forest has fallen into a wave of destruction, and Feng Yu Chen's figure can't be found at all!

    Claire and Rinslet were struck by the raging Strength, and Muir's indiscriminate destruction attack caused the teams that Spirit to retreat! !

    "How can that kind of thing be driven?"

    "I have heard of it, a military elemental spirit, a military elemental spirit that was adjusted by the Divine Ritual Institute. It was also used during the period of the Ranbal War, but because there are not a few Spirits that can manipulate it, it was The seal is discarded."

    "I didn't think there was a Spirit that could manipulate it!"

    "It's not just a simple way to manipulate!"


    The retreating Spirit made the girls communicate, showing a fearful expression on the five dragons in front of them.

    "Kill the Virgin! Revenge for your elder brother! Muir is angry! ”

    Muir's right hand exudes evil light, that is the Cursed Armament Seal!

    As her voice fell, then the five dragon's head began to violently, and the huge body exploded ugly, and the body burst, as if it was forcibly elevating Strength, as if it was manipulated by everything, mandatory Let them violent! !

    Then, the five dragon's heads simultaneously opened a huge dragonfly and spewed out a strong dragon's breath. When they passed, they were so devastated that the world was marching toward the end of the world.

    “Yu Chen !!”

    Claire and Rinslet screamed, but the retired Spirits still refused to let them go, seemingly to win in order to win the magic stone in their hands!

    The situation today is simply worse.


    Feng Yu Chen's battle, not everyone's attention, observed the battle in Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor after just hunting a team.

    They stand in the mountains of the high mountains and the military uniforms worn by the body. It is worth mentioning that the five Spirits of Team Knights of the Dragon Emperor make the Spirit of the Royals the rare Spirit of Dragon Attribute!

    "Really good, Lord Saint, just that sword even in nowhere we feel the arrival of the Shinigami, but they have a traitor in the team, that male Spirit makes sure it is a disgusting guy, dead is too good, the purgatory apostle of that guy is really very good, To be able to manipulate that kind of military elemental spirit.

    After waiting for them to lose both, we will attack again! Although I can't wait now. ”

    Leonora * Lancaster's mouth Kakuzu reveals a playful cruel smile, the sigh of relief is released from the whole body, and the pupil is shining like a bright red blood, which is the power of dragon blood in her body. . ,

    "Yes, Leonora is an adult…"

    Deputy Captain Yuli Ai Lucy is not afraid of Feng Yu Chen and Muir, but she is not clear about the strength of her Captain, Feng Yu Chen and Muir, so she is not afraid. However, she understands the strength of Captain.

    Intrepid soul.

    However, it is the power that is known to be strong and fearful.

    Leonora inherited the special ability of the family of the princess maidens who served the dragon – the power of dragon blood.

    The proof of this Strength awakening is a bright red eye, and Julie is the fourth time she has seen this awakening of Captain. Every time the result is –

    However, at this time –

    Another dragon roar came out. Unlike the five dragons, this is a Gold Colossal Dragon. The body of Nano is much bigger than the five dragons. A pair of golden giant wings seems to be Cover the world!

    Gold Colossal Dragon instantly rushed out of the shadow of the forest and soared in the sky. The sound of dragons and rumors spread throughout the playing field. The sound was too shocking, powerful, swallowing, smashing the sun and the moon. A trace of lightning spreads into the sky…

    The five dragons of the Spirit made the girls feel the dragon Spirit in the body and then snarled and shook.


    Julie can't help but stunned at the Gold Colossal Dragon

    "Dragon Spirit, there is nothing wrong with this Dragon Spirit for the first time."

    Leonora's blushing pupils seemed to be more fanatical and seemed to be guided by them.

    "There is a saint above?"

    Yuli used the Dragon Spirit spell to see a figure on the top of the Gold Colossal Dragon. Isn't it a saint?

    "Is it possible to use Dragon Spirit, or do you know for the first time that the saint is actually contracting this kind of Spirit?"

    Leonora had to re-evaluate Feng Yu Chen's strength. "But the Kamui power that is supposed to be consumed will be very large and will not be used for a long time…"

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