2218. Chapter 2218 Loli of black silk silver hair is not a dream!

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    Soft touch, one side is small, um, one elastic tight, one soft and silky, is this?

    Feng Yu Chen, who woke up in confusion, double-handed seemed to be grasping something. As the light gradually entered the retina, Feng Yu Chen noticed what he suddenly pressed!

    Claire and Rinslet lay in his arms one by one, and then his double-handed placed on their softness, not –

    Touched for one night? ! !

    She was flabbergasted!

    It seems that Claire and Rinslet have no discomfort, as if it is a natural sleep state, the amount is really the kind of situation ——

    He was treated as a saint, so he was not taken care of by the girls. Although he was inexplicably excited, he also had a sense of guilt!

    "Mm."Hey…? ”

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen felt a little change under the quilt, he can be sure that it is definitely not his movement, but something –


    In the midst of it, an impossible thing appeared.

    Beautiful girl with silver hair, and is naked! ! Is this another beautiful girl who proposes to marry him?

    It’s just like the ****, but the silver hair Loli in front of it is actually wearing black stockings.

    Naked black silk silver hair beautiful girl, how many cells to kill him! .

    That…you are? ”

    Of course, Meng is sprouting, but it is more important to confirm the real **** of this guy in front of you?


    The girl replied blankly, and the cute pronunciation that seemed to be somewhat confusing in the confusion was even more cute.

    "Est…Which class are you in? ”

    Feng Yu Chen knows that Raven Class doesn't have this guy. It's very simple, because he knows the face of everyone, so it's clear that this guy is not in Raven Class, then other classes?

    "No, I am Master your stuff,"

    The little girl's hand rubbed her eyes and said.

    "Yes, Master, don't you remember to contract with me?"

    Est's little face came together, and the delicate body was completely immersed in Feng Yu Chen's body.

    Contract Est, are you? ”

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but feel the contractual spelling [Spirit engraving] on the chest. The feeling from there seemed to tell him that the beautiful girl in front of him was his Contracted spirit.

    "Yes, I am the sword. The Master body tastes so good. Can you hug it?"

    Est's transparent blue-purple eyes are very eager to look at at Feng Yu Chen.

    The amount, the contract of Spirit is a beautiful girl with a black silk hair, this is really too exciting –

    And still the beautiful girl of ****, such a lovable girl is asking, how can he refuse?

    "Okay, then…Hug…"

    Feng Yu Chen's cheeky face will be put out of Claire and Rinslet ****'s hand, and then Hold Est in his arms –

    "That, can you change the title, Master what is too…Are you rusty? ”

    "That is called Onii-chan?"

    Est squinted and said in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's.


    Feng Yu Chen was surprised.

    "I don't like it?"

    "No."Just why do you know this vocabulary? ”

    “Because Contracted spirit and Spirit make it possible to share part of the dream, your dreams are imagining that the lovely Loli is called Onii-chan and then pushing them down…”

    Est said it sincerely.


    Feng Yu Chen smiled bitterly. It seems that even Est is not clear that he is a male, but he only saw his dreams. It is only special, why should he say so honestly!

    "Do you want to push me down? If it is Onii-chan, it is acceptable to push it down. ”

    Est's entire body affixed to the slightly soft, swelled soft touch of Feng Yu Chen's chest.

    Then, when he was at a loss, Est closed his eyes and kissed Feng Yu Chen's lips Kakuzu, then tried to suck his breath…

    "Well, Onii-chan's mouth is sweet…"


    Feng Yu Chen's hand Slowly holding Est, the delicate body of the hand, sucking up with her, Est's taste is also fragrant, but this sudden happiness is not a dream?

    The little black silk silver hair of Little Loli is awesome, but if it is not a dream, it would be fine.

    Est felt the incomparable peace of mind when she sucked Feng Yu Chen's breath, as if she was traveling in the free spirit world, which made her very obsessed. In short, she felt that Feng Yu Chen was higher than the high-spirit Spirit. Existence, perhaps Elemental Lords may also be, Elemental Lords of Ice Attribute.

    Just, just missing a point, he is human.

    Therefore, in order to exert all the high-level Spirit, it is necessary to lend this Strength to his talents.

    Feng Yu Chen certainly doesn't know the idea of ​​Est, just like a dream.

    Don't……Can't take off your socks…"

    When Feng Yu Chen's hand and Kakuzu arrived at Est's black stockings, Est suddenly snorted. "Only…Only there can't be pushed down…"

    "Amount, you are really weird, **** don't care, but care about a stocking…Rest assured, I am not a foot fetish…"

    Feng Yu Chen said in the fog.

    "You…What kind of guy are you! ! I dare to go to the bed of our Raven Class! ”

    Rinslet first woke up, because Feng Yu Chen felt very comfortable, but when she let go, she suddenly felt uncomfortable, so she woke up, but what was this sudden silver girl? Want to snatch the lovely Virgin's Highness? It’s still a **** look, you can’t fix it, and you can’t make this guy’s plan a success.

    "I am the Spirit of Onii-chan, much closer than your identity!"

    Est and Rinslet are not afraid to look at it, she is very embarrassing.

    "Onii-chan? He is a woman, it should be Onee-sama sauce, well, I understand, the original lord likes this tone, then I will call Yu Chen Onii-chan today! ”

    Rinslet suddenly embraced Feng Yu Chen's arm and won't lose to anyone!

    “Onii-chan is exclusive to Est and does not allow you to call!”

    The originally confused Est was suddenly clinging to it, and he was not willing to give up in one step, holding Feng Yu Chen's other arm.

    "You guys, don't ignore my existence!!!"

    Claire's dissatisfied look at Rinslet and Est in the dispute also joined.

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