2216. Chapter 2216 I have a sister, do you have it?!

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    "What milk feels!! Really, I can't wash it…"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly pushed Rinslet's delicate body, then stood up, not eating jelly, your sister's addiction! ~

    "Really, with what!"

    Rinslet pulled Feng Yu Chen over –


    "Ahhhh……So slippery look…"

    Rinslet, who was about to stand up, stepped on a soap and pulled Feng Yu Chen into the bathtub.

    Tee hee.

    "Laughing at your sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled bitterly, so it was really hard to burn, now it is a very embarrassing moment, although Rinslet they don't care, after all, Feng Yu Chen is a woman in their eyes, what is the shame of girls taking a shower together? What?


    However, this is not the reason why Feng Yu Chen is bright and beautiful.

    "Well, you are on the other side, we better not bother each other, really, after eating, we still have to eat."

    Feng Yu Chen picked up his body on one side of the bathtub. Of course, his body only had some sweat. The bath was meant to keep refreshing and spiritual.

    "I will help you back…"

    Rinslet looks at Feng Yu Chen Like silky soft skin, I can't help but want to touch it, and the taste can't be forgotten. Inexplicably want to get close to Feng Yu Chen, maybe it's the reason for Spirit, maybe Frost's The power of Kamui.

    Hello? Don't rely too close! ChestThe chest is coming up! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's back trembled, the soft, elastic area, constantly rubbing on his back.

    "Don't move, people are also very…embarrassed. ”

    Rinslet’s face showed a faint blush, thinking about the lily, so stunned…

    "you guys! I have to bubble together too! The abominable Rinslet, who dared to do it, Yu Chen is a family! ”

    At this time, Claire also wrapped a towel and pushed the door open and walked in.

    "Oh haha……You are already late, Yu Chen is already my own! ”

    Rinslet heard the familiar voice and suddenly stood up proudly. After showing his fullness and plumpness, he reached out and touched the beautiful blonde. He said, "We already have skin kisses, let alone Ice Spirit. And I can drive the Spirit princess maidens of Ice Spirit, but you can't help with us!"

    "Hey, it is because of ice and fire that you can rub out love!" Marry me, Yu Chen, then take a break from Rinslet! ”

    Claire also has a place that he thinks is proud of.

    "It's not right for you to think like this. Our princess maidens are all continued through a more pure blood. Natural ice is going to be with ice. Yu Chen won't like flames!"

    Rinslet snorted.

    "Rinslet *Laurenfrost, you steal the dog, I fell in love with Yu Chen at first sight!"

    Claire reached out and started to wear a magical costume –

    "The guardian of redness and the guard of the sleepless furnace!" At the moment, follow the contract of blood, from my order! ”

    The flame whip is now in the hands of Claire.

    "Who is stealing a dog, you wild cat!"

    Rinslet suddenly showed an icy gaze.

    "Is it wrong? Isn't there a puppy on your family's family logo? ”

    Claire raised his eyebrows.

    "Deceive too much! I, Laurenfrost's family emblem, is the solitary white Wolf is also! ”

    Rinslet absolutely does not allow his family emblem to be insulted.

    "White Wolf? I changed it to a Chihuahua. I don’t think it’s worth it? ! ”

    Claire still doesn't know what to say.

    "The beast of the deep ice, the guard of the cold and clear! At the moment, follow the contract of blood, from my order! ”

    Rinslet reached out and a Frost bow came out. "Claire * Lucy, I have to admit, you have really irritated me, now I want you to know the awesomeness of the Laurenfrost family!"


    Claire looked at the eyes of Rinslet in a tit-for-tat manner, without any concessions.

    "You give me the right thing to stop!"

    Feng Yu Chen clenched the palm of his hand and then pushed Claire and Rinslet simultaneous into the bathroom and closed the door.

    "Ah, is the saint is shy?"

    Carol smirked and said.


    Feng Yu Chen retorted.

    "Two Misses are jealous for you, do you think anyone is going to play lily this evening?"

    Carol asked seriously.

    "Lily your sister!!"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but want to vomit, and it was considered a cute girl, and she still thought he would play lily! Is there a mistake, is this the school that Spirit makes, or the lily garden?

    "Well, in terms of my sister, Ojou-sama (Rinslet) still has a sister. If you need it, I can send you a love letter and send it to Second Young Lady Mirelle *Laurenfrost. It seems that your The taste is actually the level of the young girl!"

    Carol said with a smile.

    "It's better, see Claire, I have a sister, do you have it?" As long as the saint is with me, it is okay for my sister to play together…"

    Rinslet proudly said that the value of a sister is reflected at the moment.

“……Pledged of

    Feng Yu Chen listened to the sound outside the bathroom door and couldn't help but open the door. Seriously and earnestly said, "I am not a young girl, just lolicon!"

    "Ah, it turned out to be lolicon. It seems that Ojou-sama and Claire Miss are very consistent. It should be said that all the girls in the college are in line. You really know the Spirit of princess maidens, generally, 姫Shrine Maiden The growth of Strength can reach its peak during the age of ten to twenty-five, and will only gradually decay.

    When you are in your teens, it is the most exciting moment of Strength. Your mouth looks very good…"

    Carol stunned the chin to confirm someone's lolicon.

    "I saw it, people like me, my little Loli, you are a big breasted woman, already out of Loli's age!"

    Claire suddenly felt that a small chest might be a good thing. Finally, someone who likes a small chest appeared. Hey, it’s so moving~

    "Oh haha, I don't want to hear it, Loli also has a class like a child's face. Oh, people are…"

    Rinslet also said with confidence, "The natural feel of the chest will be good, even if you play lily, there is something to touch, you, flat-breasted wild cat?"

    "You will only sell the Chihuahua dog! One day my chest is a big President. ”

    Claire’s face suddenly became red…

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