2194. Chapter 2194 is finally coming at a moment

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    After Navy's generals fell down, the Navy was no longer an opponent of Feng Yu Chen's, and Esdeath was also 'fished', which was a complete success.

    However, Feng Yu Chen didn't know when he was in a coma, and when he woke up again, he didn't know when it was.

    "Wake up?" Brother-in-law? ”

    Mirabel climbed out from Feng Yu Chen's quilt. The body only wore two pieces of white Lucy **, smooth body curves, like pearly crystal skin, and the Loli-like body of the year, no one is not exciting. local.


    "Do you have any common sense in this guy! Your brother-in-law, I am sick now, and I don’t have time to play games with your little sister-in-law and brother-in-law. ”

    Feng Yu Chen smiled, he knew, Mirabel, this is the desire to know, he knows that he will be angry but is actively giving his arms, waiting for the look of being shackled, a well-behaved gesture, damn, this guy is black True, he has a foresight.

    "Don't say, my brother-in-law is already thinking about it. It doesn't matter. Mirabel likes her brother-in-law most…Even if I am invading again, there will be no complaints from others…"

    Mirabel slender little hand gently caressed on the top of Feng Yu Chen's chest, with a crimson color on his face, stretched out the small **** in his chest gently licked up, like a kitten, but although so, her body is hot, this kind of thing, she is also pure very, Although he has been saying exaggerated words, but she has not been pushed down, after all, every Feng Yu Chen dodged the plague like dodging her.

    "Really, obviously so dry and pure, what kind of glamorous charm?"

    Feng Yu Chen stretched out his arms and held Mirabel in his arms. The guy's trembling body felt it. Although it was a bit black, it was a pure female student, although the behavior was always weird. .

    "Because I am afraid of being blamed by my brother-in-law, people are not deliberate…"

    Mirabel's eye Kakuzu hugged Feng Yu Chen's body with tears.

    "Well, my brother-in-law is very gentle. I forgive you this time, and without your clever layout, it will take some time for the world government to collapse."Feng Yu Chen reached out and wiped the tears of Mirabel's eyes Kakuzu. Maku Kakuzu chuckled. "Don't squeak your tears. Really, I forgive you, the little thief, deliberately showing a pitiful look to impress. I?"

    Tee hee.You got me.

    Mirabel vomited his tongue and lay on Feng Yu Chen's arm. "Well, people also want to use the identity of CP10 to investigate the history of the world. After all, scholars' curiosity will do a lot of things." However, the older brother-in-law wants to punish. But be sure to let Veronica and Silvia together. People are more inclined to see how they would be with me to serve the older brothers…"


    Feng Yu Chen reluctantly reached out and pressed his forehead. "You guy, I have been very special, I don't want to learn. Veronica and Silvia don't have to come together. Isn't that awkward?"

    "If you want to eat people, you have the conditions. You must have such a scene. Otherwise, if you use it, people will not cooperate."

    Mirabel smirked and said, but after thinking about it, I still kissed Feng Yu Chen, which is a compensation for my brother-in-law.


    "You have enough? Really, just waking up will push down the little scorpion, you are really bad, just like when I pushed me down? ”

    Asada Shino They walked into the room.

    "Amount, still come to tease me? Am I like that? ”

    Feng Yu Chen smiled.

    "It’s good to be rehabilitated, and finally it’s all happy, but you’re also saying goodbye to that group of people…”

    Asuna put the washed clothes on the bedside, take care of him to put on clothes, that battle, Feng Yu Chen suffered a heavy injury, all the strength all exhausted, the function of the body also to the level of oil and lights withered, if it is ordinary people, long dead, even if it is cockroach It's going to be swallow, but Feng Yu Chen's Saint Mark is slowly repairing his damaged body a little bit.

    "Or Asuna is gentle, it is more attractive after having a baby…"

    Feng Yu Chen put on clothes under the care of Asuna and felt that Asuna was a model of wife.


    Asuna's face was red, "Suddenly say something!"

    "Well, I am going to say goodbye, Asuna goes with me, then Shino, you and White beard say goodbye, Esdeath, Navy headquarters still exists, Aokiji took care of you, it is a bit of a friendship, in the past, say hello, as for Mirabel You are free…

    As for Perona, you can follow your own ideas and thank you for your company.

    Hancock, is there your family here? You have to follow your own ideas. You are a beautiful woman.

    We will leave here tomorrow morning. ”

    Feng Yu Chen has received a reminder from the system during her sleep, and soon they will be recalled.


    Port of Champaign Islands, Straw Hat Pirates, Sunshine.

    "Mina, I…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at everyone on the boat, there is a feeling of embarrassment.

    "Oh, Welcome back, Sanji is ready to eat, eat together…"

    Luffy's arm rested on the shoulders of Feng Yu Chen's and went straight into the restaurant.

    Then they started the 'return feast', but –

    Eating and eating, Feng Yu Chen feels like there is a feeling of not eating –

    "Mina, sorry…"

    "idiot! Waste of food can't be done! Give me finished! ”

    Sanji lit the cigarette and said loudly.

    "That is, Sanji is the best chef at sea, can you make him angry…"

    Zoro echoed and said.

    "You will talk a little bit about this green algae head…"Sanji patted Zoro's shoulder.

    "Who is the head of green algae, you roll this brow!"

    "Looking for death?! ~”

    The two suddenly got up and fought together.

    Enough is enough.

    Luffy pressed the straw hat and said loudly, "Say it, go so far!" This will only make Yu Chen more painful! ”

    Don't……I don't want this! It’s hard to get here, together…I have experienced so much together and want more…"

    Chopper suddenly cried.

    "It doesn't matter if a guy who sleeps often doesn't exist!"

    Nami said, but the tears did not flow out, why is it now, their dreams have just begun half! It’s a new world right away…

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