2191. Chapter 2191 I want to be your left hand!

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    Boa Hancock was so dull at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and the red dog was killed together, the body of that condition came to save her, this man is really –

    It’s so touching!

    Of course, Boa Hancock also knows that she is helping at all. The red dog is not wrong. Her fruit ability is already well known. Cracking is not an impossible thing, but she does not want to end this way. She does not want to use that kind of useless. What about women? ,

    "Now is not the time to look around!"

    Esdeath descended from the sky and kicked to Boa Hancock.

    "Oh! Is this just the promotion of Lieutenant General Esdeath? By such a man, I use all the strength to chase you. To be honest, This One is very dissatisfied! ”

    Boa Hancock's legs kicked high-profile and slammed with Esdeath.

    "Navy Queen Esdeath!"

    "The pirate emperor Boa Hancock!"

    "I didn't think they were fighting together, it was really exciting…"

    "Two people are so beautiful…"

    "idiot! A few of you, fight for me, Marshal Sengoku is in the war! Take the courage of Navy! ~”


    Esdeath VSBoa Hancock The battle between two people has become another scene on the battlefield, attracting the attention of many people. The battle of the two queens makes people look dazzled.

    "You are not satisfied, I am not satisfied! If you want to compete for the Queen of my family, you are not qualified enough! ”

    Esdeath sneered, the only family wanting the Queen is her, Busujima Saeko, Kongou plus a CC that doesn't express their opinions and Veronica who doesn't know much. The most competitive opponent is Busujima Saeko. She doesn't want to have another opponent, Feng Yu Chen looks for She doesn't have any opinions about Loli, sickness, soft sister, etc. However, the Queen will not easily agree with it first.

    Want to be the queen of the family, how to pass her level, and Boa Hancock's arrogance makes her extremely disgusted (although she herself feels quite tall)!

    It’s a needle tip to Mai Mang!

    Her Majesty Really? Is the Queen a post-management palace? This One is going to be fixed! ”

    Boa Hancock has already regarded Feng Yu Chen as the king/prince of a certain country or royal family, so the position of the queen still has to fight for it –

    “A beautiful person like This One has the ability to be the queen!”

    "That's embarrassing. The Queen is a must for me, and that guy is a Loli, so even if you seduce him, he won't think you are a queen, so if you want to be a queen, first defeat me and say one. Newcomers, just joined in such a big tone, it seems that you have to adjust your training!"

    Esdeath's mouth Kakuzu shows a ridiculous laugh, Boa Hancock, the pirate emperor, is not enough in her eyes!


    "Ah, the family seems to have to break the bowl and throw the bowl. Elder Sister Fuuko will probably be angry?"

    Asada Shino said nothing to Asuna.

    "Well, boring, there is no queen in the family to say, hey, boring dispute…"

    Asuna can't wave his hand. "Well, Esdeath, they are too persistent."

    "actually he (Feng Yu Chen) will not have something? Shura’s Strength is also running out, it seems to be very difficult for the upper red dog. ”

    Asada Shino looks at the distance Feng Yu Chen.

    "Take him, the cockroach one can't fight, the more the more the war, the more, the people are coming to grab Esdeath…"

    Asuna whispered, "Esdeath is so bad, so Yu Chen is so painstaking to save her, the limelight is robbed…"

    "You are enviable? How long did it take for two people to stay with me? ”

    Asada Shino coldly snorted said, "I want to say dissatisfaction, I am…Forget it, blame me for being slow, I want to get something, I only found out that I already have it, and the fruit of causality is really in line with me…"


    "Which specials can you not drink tea-style chats, but you can fight hard, can you help?"

    After Feng Yu Chen evaded the attack of the red dog, he turned his head at Asada Shino and Asuna silently. It was really watching him acting cute.

    "Whoever says that fighting is not a woman…"

    "Who said women are in trouble…"

    Asuna and Asada Shino simultaneous turned Byakugan.

    "Hmph!"I didn't say it, go back and teach you two…"

    Feng Yu Chen is a bitter smile, and all of them are special!


    "And time to look around, fall down! You must be terminated before the new generation comes! ”

    The red dog saw Feng Yu Chen's weak point. In the left hand, he just took a blow from Boa Hancock. The blow did not destroy his left arm. However, it seems to be a serious injury. One arm can It is very good to be deadlocked with him and now relying on the six styles and the domineering Taijutsu, but I can see that Feng Yu Chen's is strong –

    First, I battled Kuroko, Cloud Sky, Aokiji, and Borsalino in the Champaign Islands, and then I had friction with Hancock, Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, and Skyforge, and now I have used the power of Shura. Even so, you can still have a fight with him!


    This person must die!

    However, at this moment is his weakest time. If he does not defeat him at this time, he will not be defeated, so even if he puts on his life, he will end Feng Yu Chen here!

    Dogs Guren! !

    Against Feng Yu Chen's defense against the weak, the right arm of the red dog was formed into a dog, and the roaring magma dog bites down to Feng Yu Chen!

    Be careful

    However, Boa Hancock noticed this, deliberately being shot by Esdeath's legs, knocking Feng Yu Chen down, and the hot magma just passed through their ears –


    A large amount of seawater is evaporated, and the white vapor blocks everything around it, and the line of sight is obstructed!


    Feng Yu Chen looks at the left arm of his high barbecue. Obviously, it can no longer be used. In this way, his combat power will be reduced again. The red dog is really a fierce dog that attacks people's weaknesses!

    Are you OkayBlame me, but now you have to believe me, listen, Shura, I want to be your left hand! ! ”

    Boa Hancock said seriously.

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